July 12: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 12th.


Holidays July 12

Photographer's Day (St. Veronica's Day)

Photographer's Day July 12 is an Orthodox holiday (Catholic is celebrated on February 4). Where did this date come from? The answer to this question can be found in the Bible. It is Holy Scripture that describes the history of the emergence of a certain likeness of photography, as well as the history of its patroness Veronica. According to legend, the girl handed Jesus a handkerchief when he carried his cross to Calvary Mountain so that the Savior could wipe perspiration that appeared on his face. Veronica preserved the fabric, and soon discovered the face of Christ miraculously appearing on it. Two thousand years later, when mankind invented photography, the Pope announced the establishment of a new Christian holiday. And even though today it does not have a state status, it was still celebrated and will be celebrated by amateur and professional photographers.

During the Middle Ages, almost every monastery had in its arsenal an icon depicting St. Veronica, who holds in her hands a canvas with the face of Christ. For the first time in the Bible about this girl was mentioned in the apocryphal acts of Pilate. It is important to note that Photographer’s Day on July 12 and World Photography Day on August 19 are completely different memorable dates related to different historical events. Nevertheless, photographers were very lucky: they were awarded the rare honor of celebrating a professional holiday twice a year.

World Aviation Stewardess Day

On this day, a professional celebration is celebrated by flight attendants of civil aviation, better known to society as stewardesses and stewards. It turns out that this profession appeared more than eighty years ago in Germany. It was here that for the first time, a person began to take on board an aircraft, who during the flight provided services for passengers, and previously the co-pilot was engaged in similar duties. Over time, this was considered unsafe and a new steward position was introduced.

Initially, these functions were exclusively carried out by men, but in the 1930s, the United States proposed the idea of ​​involving representatives of the weaker sex in this matter, moreover, very attractive for expanding passenger flights. In addition, another fat plus testified in favor of the girls: they weighed less than men, this fact was of great importance for the aircraft of the past. It is interesting to note that the first stewardess in world history was Helen Church, who went on a flight in 1930.

July 12 on the folk calendar

Petrov day

On July 12, the Orthodox Church commemorates the glorious supreme apostles Peter and Paul. In Russia, on this day, the church traditionally collected the "Peter tribute." In all large settlements Peter the Great was held. Residents of cities and villages gathered together the day before, made bonfires and, while waiting for the sunrise, whiled away the night. In the old days, this holiday was also called Peter the Great, because with the onset of dawn, the completion of the Petrov Lent came. In honor of this event, people laid rich tables, invited guests and solemnly feasted. At least one or two poor people should be invited to a feast in order to receive a blessing from the apostles for the future.

During the day, peasants tried to wash themselves with water from three different sources. And since St. Peter is considered the patron saint of fishing, the fishermen earnestly prayed to him for luck and asked the apostle to send them a sign: is it worth throwing the nets, will the catch succeed, etc.

Vernacular signs of today:

If the dew drops in the morning, then the weather will be clear, the absence of dew will lead to rain;
If the clouds rise against the wind - it will rain, if they go in the wind - to the bucket;
If the clouds are yellow - do not pass the rain;
If the cuckoo is not cuckooing today, winter will be early, and if the cuckoo is late.

Historical events of July 12

July 12, 1754 - M. Lomonosov demonstrated the current model of an aircraft - a prototype of a helicopter

The demonstration of the aircraft took place at a meeting of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The minutes of the meeting recorded the words that the adviser Lomonosov demonstrated his invention, which he called an aerodynamic machine, the main purpose of which was to rise with the help of wings into the upper layers of the air. The design also included screws, they were driven by a conventional spring. It is only a pity that until the end Lomonosov failed to implement his project.

July 12, 1917 - For the first time during the First World War, chemical weapons were used, which is a deadly mustard gas

Germany used the poison gas for the first time in the city of Ypres to thwart the advance of the French and British troops. This chemical weapon was a liquid gas, which had a very negative effect on the skin, as well as the respiratory tract of people, causing various burns of the bronchopulmonary system and massive inflammatory boil skin diseases. As a result of the poisoning, nearly 2,500 people were injured, of whom about 100 died almost immediately from the development of sepsis. In general, during the First World War, chemical poisonous substances were used very often. According to some estimates, at least 400 thousand people suffered from them. Today, any chemical weapons are prohibited. This prohibition is supported by the relevant document.

July 12, 1988 - Launch date of the Phobos-2 Automatic Interplanetary Station in the USSR

The Phobos-2 project was developed at the Babakin Center in conjunction with the Phobos-1 AMC project (it was launched five days earlier). The most high-class specialists from different countries took part in the creation of on-board research equipment. Five days after the start of the first station, on July 12, the second station was launched into orbit, which carried out a scientific program for the study of interplanetary space, solar activity, and other cosmic phenomena for two hundred days on the Earth-Mars highway. With the help of Phobos 2, the surface and atmosphere of Mars and its two small satellites were also partially studied.

Born on July 12

Guy Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC) - Roman emperor. According to other sources, was born on July 13. Caesar came from a noble ancient family Julius, he received a good education, consisting mainly in the study of the Greek language, history, literature and philosophy, had the great gift of eloquence. According to sources, the emperor possessed outstanding abilities, so he achieved considerable success in life. Thanks to oratorical abilities, exceptional neatness, politeness and courtesy, he won love from the common people.

Valentina Tolkunova(1946 - 2010) - Outstanding singer of the USSR, People's Artist of Russia. From an early age, Valentina became interested in music, being a high school student, she began performing in the Moscow Children's Choir. After graduating from school, she entered the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography at the conductor and choral department. In 1971 she graduated from music. College of them. Gnesins, and soon began to voice songs in films that quickly became popular.

Name day July 12

Celebrate: Peter, Paul, Tikhoslava, German, Polina, Nina.


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