Liquid diet for weight loss: the principle of action, the pros and cons. Weekly Liquid Diet Menu


Every woman at least once in her life was on a diet.

In the pursuit of a slim body, many even go for radical measures - completely refuse to eat.

Not every organism can withstand such stress, and therefore more sparing ways to get rid of extra pounds have come into fashion, including a liquid diet for weight loss.

Liquid diet for weight loss: features and types

Lose weight quickly and without harm to health is almost impossible. A liquid diet is one of the gentle ways to lose weight deliciously and effectively. In addition to eliminating extra pounds, during the diet, toxins are eliminated from the body. Such a cleaning will positively affect the appearance of the skin, hair, nails.

The main difference between a liquid diet and the rest is the involvement of organs. In the case of a drinking diet, only the intestines, liver and urinary system work. This allows you to achieve narrowing of the stomach. While the rest of the food involved the gastrointestinal tract.

If you correctly follow all the recommendations of a drinking diet, then in 14 days you can lose from 5 to 15 kg.

What gives a liquid diet:

● earlier saturation of the body;

● normalization of appetite;

● providing the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins;

● reduction of the stomach, and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed.

What is the peculiarity of the diet?

A large amount of water. No wonder the diet is called liquid. Eating plenty of liquid foods can quickly quench your hunger, while consuming a minimal amount of calories. That is why liquid food allows you to lose weight effectively.

Soft consistency. Water-based food allows the body to quickly absorb all the necessary substances and remove the processed product. At the same time, nothing is stored in fat reserves.

Biochemical processes in the body. The success and effectiveness of a liquid diet lies in the structure of the human body. Everyone knows that it is 90% water. With its lack, it is simply impossible to burn body fat in cells. That is why the main weight loss occurs in the first 4 days of the diet. The body is saturated with a sufficient amount of fluid, the active synthesis of proteins begins, which are responsible for the expenditure of body fat, a sharp weight loss begins. When the body gets used to the fact that it receives a sufficient amount of fluid, the weight starts to lose steadily, about 600-700 g per day.

Water balance. Liquid diet allows you to stabilize and maintain it. Most diets are based on severe restrictions on eating. The smaller it is, the less fluid enters the body. Therefore, almost all losing weight experience a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness and have a bad mood. This indicates dehydration. The lack of water in the body affects not only health, but also weight loss - it can even stop.

To summarize, we can briefly outline 4 rules for proper weight loss without harm to health:

1. Acceleration of the fat burning process.

2. Quick quenching of hunger.

3. Acceleration of metabolic processes.

4. Maintaining water balance in the body, and therefore its tone.

All these components are in a liquid diet.

Liquid diet for weight loss: three days of preparation

The duration of the diet should not exceed 14 days. Depending on how many extra pounds you need to lose, you can choose a weekly diet, or a two-week diet.

In its diet, liquid is similar to drinking. What is allowed during the diet:

● milk and kefir;

● broths;

● herbal teas and decoctions;

● juices.

It is important to note that you do not need to focus on one component, for example, drink only juices. The more varied your diet, the more beneficial the nutrition and the faster and easier the diet will go.

It is worth noting that you can not abruptly start a diet. In general, any should begin with the preparatory phase. For a liquid diet, it consists of three days.

First day:

breakfast: milk porridge (you can cook on the water, cereals, too, any one to choose from - semolina, oatmeal, millet or buckwheat);

second breakfast: a glass of kefir (nonfat);

lunch: soup on vegetable broth + a small piece of boiled beef + bread;

afternoon snack: apple or orange

dinner (no later than 19:00): steamed vegetables.

Second day:

breakfast: steamed or steamed vegetables that can be slightly salted;

lunch: a glass of milk of the lowest fat content;

lunch: buckwheat porridge (without adding oil!) + a small piece of boiled beef, seasoned with dill;

afternoon snack: a handful of cashews;

dinner: boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes in milk.

The third day:

breakfast: liquid mashed potatoes on the water, without salt;

lunch: herbal tea without sugar;

lunch: a salad of fresh grated carrots seasoned with honey;

afternoon snack: a glass of fat-free kefir;

dinner: the same as breakfast.

During the preparation of the body for a liquid diet, you can drink a glass of kefir (1%) all three days at night.

The preparatory stage is very important, as it allows you to adapt the body to the upcoming restrictive diet and "take" it without stress and disruption.

Liquid diet for weight loss: diet

You should be prepared that for the next 7-14 days your diet will be the same. It is also important to remember that meals should not be skipped, so the nutrition plan is drawn up strictly by the hour.

Liquid diet menu:

8:00: oatmeal broth;

9:00: vegetable broth;

10:00: compote of fresh or dried apples;

11:00: vegetable or fruit freshly squeezed juice;

12:00: low-fat milk;

13:00: a glass of boiling water;

14:00: fruit or berry broth (you can also unsweetened dried fruit compote);

15:00: meat broth;

16:00: a glass of boiled water;

17:00: a glass of water or vegetable juice;

18:00: freshly squeezed juice from any fruit (except grapes), diluted with water (in 1: 1 proportions);

19:00: vegetable broth;

20:00: a glass of boiling water;

21:00: low fat kefir.

Diet questions

What fresh juices are possible during a diet?

The diet may include vegetable and fruit juices. It is advisable to alternate them every day in order to add variety to food. From fruits you can: apples, oranges, pears. From vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, celery.

Why drink boiling water?

It is necessary for the body to maintain strength and energy.

What servings should be in a diet?

Liquids need to drink at least 200 ml. Optimal: 200-250 ml.

Do I need to drink water?

Yes. In addition to an hourly diet, you must drink water between meals. It should be ordinary gas-free drinking water.

Liquid diet for weight loss: a way out

The process of getting out of the diet is no less important, as is the preparatory stage. It is necessary so that the body also does not experience stress from an abundance of food, after a long restriction. That is why the exit should be gradual.

The diet for getting out of a liquid diet is similar to the diet for the preparatory phase. Only it should go in the reverse order and the days should be repeated twice.

Liquid diet for weight loss has positive and negative sides.

Positive aspects of a liquid diet for weight loss

The diet ration allows you to not only get rid of extra pounds (already the first week of the diet helps to get rid of 5 extra pounds). Such nutrition has other positive aspects:

● there is no need to count calories;

● does not require large financial costs;

● cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins;

● gives the body youth.

Cons of diet and contraindications

Do not get involved in the diet of a liquid diet and sit on it for more than 14 days. In the future, this can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you consume only liquid food for a long time, the digestive system will get used to the fact that it is practically not involved and after returning to normal nutrition will not cope with ordinary food.

Liquid diet is contraindicated for people with the following health disorders:

● problems with the digestive system;

● diseases of the urinary system (this is an especially important point, since this system is involved during the liquid diet);

● diabetes in any form.

Also, the diet is prohibited for pregnant and lactating mothers. The ban is due to the fact that during these periods a woman feeds not only her body, but also the child’s body. He needs more than ever valuable vitamins and minerals. He will receive them only if his mother eats properly and fully.

A liquid diet is an excellent option for those who want to quickly and tasty lose weight, but are not ready to severely restrict themselves in food. This type of nutrition will not leave the body without nutrients and vitamins, but will bring the form to the desired size.

Despite the fact that the diet is quite simple, you should consult a doctor before starting. Even if you do not have visible health deviations. It may happen that you do not suspect the presence of chronic diseases. In this case, uncontrolled weight loss on a liquid diet can aggravate the situation and cause harm to health.

If the doctor does not see any contraindications, you can safely lose weight with the help of a liquid diet for weight loss!


Watch the video: The Ketogenic Diet Explained in Under 5 Minutes. Low Carb = Best Weight Loss Diet? (July 2024).