Inflammation of the lining of the eye: causes, symptoms. Treatment of inflammation of the iris


Inflammation of the eyes is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the effect of a negative effect on the eye of any type. It can occur in both adults and children. Let us consider in more detail the causes of inflammation of the eye membrane and the best ways to treat this disease.

Inflammation of the lining of the eye: causes

All the main reasons that can cause inflammation in the eye are divided into four main groups:

1. Infectious factors.

2. The reasons connected with an injury of an eye or its separate parts.

3. The effect on the eye of various irritants and aggressive factors.

4. Allergic effect.

Most often, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye provokes such diseases:

1. Blepharitis. It is accompanied by severe inflammation of the eyelids. It provokes pathogenic bacteria, fungi, some allergens and even ticks. With blepharitis, a person suffers from rapid fatigue of the eyes, their pain, impaired eyelash growth and severe itching.

Studies show that blepharitis is observed at least once in a lifetime in almost 20% of all people.

2. Conjunctivitis It is one of the most common causes of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Bacteria, viruses or allergens can cause its appearance.

Conjunctivitis is characterized by severe redness of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and redness. These symptoms usually intensify after eye strain (reading).

It’s important to know that almost all conjunctivitis (except for allergic species) is contagious, therefore they require isolation of the patient and his immediate treatment.

Also, this disease can take two forms: acute and chronic. The acute form develops with bacterial or viral effects. Chronic - with a decrease in immunity and weakening of the body.

3. Keratitis is a disease in which a person develops inflammation in the cornea. It appears due to the ingestion of viruses or bacteria inside the eye.

In addition to the usual symptoms of inflammation, keratitis can cause visual impairment, increased sensitivity of the cornea and its clouding.

There are three types of keratitis:

• fungal keratitis develops when pathogenic bacteria enter the eye if the rules of storage and wearing lenses are not followed;

• viral keratitis usually occurs due to the manifestations of herpes;

• ochnocercic keratitis develops as a reaction to an allergen.

4. Irit. It causes inflammation in the choroid of the eyes.

5. Corneal ulcer It is a rather serious pathology that causes severe inflammation in the eyeball. An ulcer can be either infectious or not. Her symptoms are visual impairment, eye pain and swelling of the eyelids.

6. Barley quite often become a source of eye inflammation. It manifests itself in the form of a red boil that can fester.

7. Maybomit - This is a rare disease in which the patient develops internal barley, located in the cavity of the cartilaginous plates of the inner eyelid.

8. Erysipelas - This is a disease that can affect different parts of the human body, including the mucous membrane of the eyes. It develops due to the effects of streptococcus subgroup A.

9. Abscess of the eyelids characterized by their inflammation, which occurs due to bacteria entering the eye tissue. At the same time, the person will have a fever, accumulate pus in the eye and swell eyelids.

10. Phlegmon. It is accompanied by suppuration of the eye cavity. Also, phlegmon is characterized by a rapid course with acute symptoms (fever, migraine, eye pain, etc.).

11. Boil - This is a small purulent node, which is located in the inner part of the eyelid. It causes inflammation of the eye, which is usually accompanied by aching cramps and pain in the head, as well as increased blood pressure.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a disease as a creeping corneal ulcer. This pathology proceeds quite a long time and is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms (photophobia, lacrimation, pain in the eyes). Its chronic diseases of the cornea, which have developed due to the influence of streptococci, cause it.

Treatment of this disease should be carried out in a hospital under careful medical supervision.

Methods of treating inflammation of the iris

Treatment for eye inflammation should be selected for each person individually, depending on which particular disease caused the disease.

There are such basic principles and objectives of treating eye inflammation:

1. Drug therapy, which is aimed at eliminating inflammation.

2. Eye wash.

3. Treatment with alternative methods.

Drug therapy provides the possibility of using such drugs and eye drops:

1. With pathologies such as barley, boils or an abscess, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to the patient, which suppress the activity of bacteria. Best of all, Apmicillin and Oxacillin will help with this.

Biseptol may also be prescribed as a solution for topical administration.

In addition, antibiotics can be applied superficially - as ointments. For this, the patient is prescribed Furacilinovaya or Gentatsiminovaya ointment.

2. If the disease was caused by fungi, then antifungal drugs are prescribed. If the disease provoked a virus - then antiviral.

3. For severe pain, the patient is prescribed painkillers (No-shpa, Paracetamol).

4. In case of eye redness, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

5. At high temperature, the patient is prescribed antipyretic drugs. Hormonal drugs (Prednisolone) are also sometimes prescribed.

Important role in treatment eye drops play eye drops. They favorably affect the mucous membrane of the eye. Such drops can be different in therapeutic effect and effect, so they can be used only after the appointment of a doctor.

Most often, these types of eye drops are used:

1. Chloramphenicol is actively used to suppress infection, pain and inflammation.

2. With severe redness of the eye, adults are prescribed Dexamethasone.

3. Children with bacteria in the eyes are prescribed Florax, Chloramphenicol or Torbex. For the treatment of infants, a drug such as Hycrome can be used.

4. Oftolik drops are used to moisturize the mucosa.

Eye wash has the following features:

1. For washing the eyes, you can use various solutions and herbsthat have an antibacterial effect. One of the most effective drugs in this group is a solution of furatsilina. You can even cook it yourself: for this you need to add two tablets of furatsilin in 200 ml of boiled water.

Such a solution will help eliminate conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other bacterial eye diseases. It will be even more effective when used in conjunction with traditional drug therapy.

In addition, a solution of furacilin is allowed to be used for chemical eye damage (burns).

2. When washing your eyes, always use clean cotton pads. They should be moistened in solution and applied to the sore eye. It is also important for each eye to use a separate disk so as not to spread the infection even more.

Alternative treatment for eye inflammation involves the use of such techniques:

1. Washing the inflamed eyes with a warm infusion of chamomile flowers. To do this, a tablespoon of chamomile should be filled with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Next, wet a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and attach it to the eye. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

Such a tool to get rid of germs, inflammation and help reduce pain.

2. Eye wash with warm black tea is very effective. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

3. Aloe compress is also considered a fairly popular remedy. To do this, the leaves of such a plant need to be crushed and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for two hours and rinse the eyes with a ready-made product three times a day.

Also, using a similar technique, you can use a pink decoction or tincture of yarrow.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, you should always consult your doctor. They do not need to be treated on their own, as sometimes they can cause negative consequences.

Inflammation of the iris: treatment and prevention

In order to prevent the development of inflammation of the eye, the following recommendations of an ophthalmologist should be observed:

1. Do not rub eyes with dirty hands.

2. Do not strain your eyes (do not read while lying down, do not work for a long time at the computer).

3. If your work is connected with the constant need for reading or working behind the monitor, then at least every hour you need to take a five-minute break and exercise for the eyes. This will reduce the risk of redness and pain in the eyes.

4. Observe eye hygiene.

5. Correctly select glasses and lenses.

6. It is important to properly store lenses so that pathogenic bacteria do not multiply in them.

7. You can not swim in untreated reservoirs, since water from them can be dangerous to the eyes.

8. At the first signs of inflammation, I must tell you to consult a doctor, especially if this happened in a child, since eye diseases quickly progress and become chronic.

9. When working in factories or other enterprises with possible aggressive effects of chemicals on the eyes, protective glasses should be worn.

10. It is not necessary to independently instill eyes with medical drops as a preventive measure, as this can lead to the development of dryness or inflammation of the eye.


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