A unique plant is the marsh cinquefoil and its beneficial properties. Marsh cinquefoil: contraindications


Marsh cinquefoil is a plant that has long been famous for its ability to cure joint diseases.

Later, its numerous healing properties were revealed, thanks to which a name appeared symbolizing the victory over diseases like cutting a saber. It also has other names: cinquefoil, decopus, cinquefoil and even ginseng.

Features of the composition of Cinquefoil bog

To better understand why folk medicine attaches so great importance to the marsh cinquefoil for more than 100 years and what is its use, you should familiarize yourself with its unique composition. It includes:

• micro and macro elements: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, which ensure the normal functioning of the kidneys and heart, strengthen tissues, bones, optimize the transmission of nerve impulses in the body, activate enzymes, and restore the functioning of the intestines;

• anticoagulants and anthocyanins, which are substances capable of thinning the blood, actively fight against tumor neoplasms and serve as protection against the appearance and spread of viruses, infections, dysenteric bacteria, lamblia, trichomonas, pathogens of paratyphoid and typhoid fever;

• flavonoids are able to assist the body in the fight against jade, rheumatism, allergies and hypertension;

• aromatic acids are substances that can effectively remove harmful and toxic substances from the body, serve as a barrier to the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances;

• Tannin stimulates the appearance of antimutagenic activity in the body and actively relieves it of heavy metal salts.

The composition of the deck is quite saturated, therefore its healing qualities are so diverse. In the marsh cinquefoil beneficial properties can manifest themselves even in the treatment of those diseases that are considered intractable.

Most of the healing properties of the marsh plant are concentrated in its roots. They contain:

• essential oils, this is camphor, camphene, borneol, prosumene, guatem;

• bitter glycoside in significant quantities;

• tannins;

• vitamin C;

• microelements.

Broths, teas and infusions created on the basis of saberfish rhizomes are of great value to the body, which is difficult not to appreciate. Home remedies can cure such diseases:

• rheumatism;

• arthrosis;

• colds, SARS and flu;

• oncological ailments;

• disorders of the stomach, intestines and other organs of the digestive tract;

• relieve pain and stomach cramps;

• osteochondrosis and others.

The healing qualities of the marsh cinquefoil and useful properties

The marsh plant has such useful qualities:

1. The richness of vitamin C makes deck a prophylactic for treating colds, viral diseases and strengthening immunity.

2. The function of blood coagulation, which is endowed with saber, allows the plant to quickly stop bleeding of various origins.

3. The antioxidants in the composition are actively fighting the development of cancerous tumors.

4. A saber is capable of knocking down heat in colds and inflammations, acting as an effective antipyretic.

5. It has anti-inflammatory properties that disinfect the oral cavity and treat airway inflammation in the presence of infectious diseases.

6. For problems of the mouth and throat, for example, stomatitis, tonsillitis or gingivitis, a decoction of five leaves is used.

7. The same product can be used to treat female gynecological diseases.

8. Beneficial effect on the functioning of the joints, provides natural lubrication by stimulating the production of synovial fluid. It has a strengthening effect on cartilage and bone tissue.

9. Improves the condition of the blood, its composition, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

10. Takes an active part in the regeneration of damaged cells.

11. It takes a direct part in the processes of cleansing the body from harmful and pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, cholesterol and slag deposits.

12. Once in the body, the saber can play the role of a natural analgesic, it is able to relieve muscle pain, joint spasms.

13. Saberelnik tones the body and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

14. A cooker hood prepared from the roots of a bog deck is a prophylactic of gallstone disease.

15. Acting as an ingredient in herbal preparations, it is able to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis.

16. It is used to increase appetite.

17. Not the last place belongs to saber in the cosmetic and perfumery industries. It acts as an integral element of soap, creams, lipsticks and other means.

18. A decoction of the roots can be used as a hair conditioner to heal them, strengthen hair and overcome dandruff.

19. Fresh chopped foliage of saberfish contributes to the speedy healing of long-lasting wounds and cuts. She is also able to heal purulent wounds.

20. Instead of tea, you can drink saber broth to prevent cancer, treat problems of the spine, joints, intervertebral hernias, polyarthritis, gout, arthritis, osteoporosis.

21. A five-leaf is used for vaginal douching and throat rinsing.

Recipes based on marsh cinquefoil: contraindications and the benefits of home treatment

Has marsh cinquefoil useful properties, due to which it is a popular ingredient for creating such funds:

1. Tinctures. These are the most common drugs aged on alcohol. They relieve joint pain, provided that the stems and rhizomes are infused. In its pure form, tincture of the root prevents the deposition of salts, treats colds, cancer, leukemia, tuberculosis.

2. Decoctions. Shredded roots are brewed with boiling water and languish in a water bath.

3. Ointment. The powder from the dry roots of the plant should be mixed with pork fat, melt over low heat and strain to obtain a homogeneous mass.

4. Oils. The dry roots of the cinquefoil must be carefully chopped and mixed with olive or sunflower oil.

Harm from the use of the marsh cinquefoil and contraindications

Pyatilistnik is a safe plant with almost no side effects. But nevertheless has the saber-eared bog contraindications for some categories of people. These include:

• pregnant women and nursing mothers;

• people with individual intolerance and allergies to the constituent components of the plant;

• people with liver and kidney diseases;

• epileptics;

• children under the age of 8-12 years.

Many may mistakenly believe that the saber-eared marsh contraindications are manifested in the form of an exacerbation of a certain disease, worsening of general well-being, the appearance of pain and aches in the joints, lower backs or shoulders. However, this is not a contraindication, but a feature of the plant, do not stop treatment.


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