How to find money on the street: spell


Peppy Longstocking knew firsthand about the magic of finding nice little things. Who does not remember the fun game in the dealer from the book "Peppi settles in Villa Chicken". Just as Peppy’s success was based on the appropriate mood, so the secret of modern money conspiracies and luck lies in three components: mood, conspiracy, attentiveness.

We will talk about how to conjure to find orphaned money in the article.

How does the magic of money?

The magic of money favors people in need, at times of acute need their faith is so strong that the higher forces respond willingly. If you are experiencing an urgent need for money, and it is caused not by self-interest, but by need, feel free to try a conspiracy to search for money. It is completely safe.

Before you read the plot and go in search of money, read the important rules of the magic of money:

  1. When you first try to find them, not everyone will succeed. Therefore, to increase your chances, look for them in the right places. It can be markets, shopping areas, shopping centers, shops, public transport stops. Do not look for money where they can not be.
  2. Get out to search in the evening, if only for the simple reason that early in the morning the city wipers are sweeping through, sweeping leaves and garbage and the chances of finding money at this time are extremely unlikely.
  3. Move slowly, looking around the curb and sidewalks.
  4. Be careful and do not hesitate to quickly pick up your find.
  5. If suddenly you have a sharp desire to minimize or look into an unknown place - listen to yourself.
  6. Do not be distracted by passers-by, talk to them, answer the phone.
  7. It is recommended to present how you find money, but it is better to present not the notes themselves, but what you want to buy with their help.
  8. The most important thing is to be honest with the higher forces and do not look for money not for good, in order to avoid impressive losses afterwards.
  9. For every bill found on the street, it is necessary to thank its owner, however petty.
  10. The money found is best spent immediately, so as not to cause trouble.
  11. It is recommended to consecrate the money in the church in order to clean it for yourself, or to separate the fourth part and distribute it to the poor on the porch.

Patience and attentiveness are the basis of an appropriate mood for magic money.

Plots for money and luck

To increase the chances, it is recommended to perform some simple rituals. For example, using water or green candles. To urgently find the money, you should sentence the conspiracy throughout the journey.

It is also recommended to read the conspiracy after the discovery of money in order to remove from them the negative energy lost.

Water plot

This ritual is done an hour before the exit, before sunset, when the sky has already disappeared behind the clouds. You need to fill the wooden tank with water, put three coins into it and prepare a new, clean towel.

Stand in the shower and, pouring warm water, say twelve times:

“As water flows through me, luck will smile at me. If I go out into the street, the money will reach me. ”

Dry off with a towel, put it in your bag and carry it with you everywhere for a month. Attentiveness and concentration during this period will not interfere: soon the first money will fall into your hands.

Green Candle Conspiracy

Green candles give the house well-being and tranquility. This ritual is done the night before you are going to go out. In the hour of dark force, as it is called - the time after midnight, go to the intersection. It should not be lively streets, best rural. Light a green candle and speak the plot:

“In the middle of the roads I will find a money bag. The one who dropped the money, he decided to give us happiness, later I will thank and be lucky. The powers of heaven will help me, neither the devil nor the demon will stop. Will I find it by day, will I find it under the moon, the money will get into my pocket! Amen!"

Leave a candle burning in the middle of the intersection and return home, imagining how bills will fall into your hands.

Conspiracy to urgently find money

Walking along the street and inspecting the road in search of shiny silver or gold, pronounce the following sentence:

"The hunter went hunting, the money jumped into his pocket."

This will give a sign to higher forces and, if they are favorable to you, the money will appear on your way.

Conspiracy on found money

When you find a bill on the road, immediately lift it up and say:

"How money is taken - the rest is given to the earth."

This is not an extra precaution, protecting you from repeating the fate of a person who has lost money.

What to do with the money found on the street?

If you find loosely lying notes or coins on the street - feel free to take them for yourself, they are considered lost. It is better not to take the coins lying upside down by "tails", it is believed that these are evil coins. The main thing is that the found money is spent for the benefit of the needs of the family, gifts for children, and alms to the needy. If you have asked for help in advance of a money issue from a higher power, you must immediately spend the money found for the initial purpose.

If you find a purse on the street full of large bills, in which there is information about the owner or documents, no matter how great the temptation is, it is better to return it. Perhaps you will be rewarded for helping, but if you risk taking possession of the money, you will incur the equivalent, or greater loss.

Finding unexpected coins, think about whether you need them. They will not improve their financial situation, but they can bring unhappiness on you. No wonder coins are often used in various magical rituals. Many black sorcerers deliberately leave them on the streets, symbolizing the tribute to the black forces for their ungodly help. They are intended not for passers-by, but for demons, and raising them is not recommended.


Watch the video: We Found A Mysterious Book In The Attic! - Magic Spell Book Episode 1 That YouTub3 Family (June 2024).