How to dry currants: secrets and tips. For what dishes and how to use dried currants


Currants, whether black, white or red, are tasty and healthy berries.
Due to its healing properties, it is referred to as a medicinal plant.
But currant is popular not only for its useful qualities, but also for its rich rich taste and aroma, which made these berries and its leaves one of the main products in the ceremony of traditional Russian tea drinking, and also opened up many opportunities for cooking experiments.

Usually various preservation is made from currant: preserves, jams, jellies, compotes. But due to heat treatment, the berries lose almost all their beneficial properties. So drying currants is the best way to preserve vitamins.

Dried currants: beneficial properties

Dried berries are not inferior in their useful qualities to fresh ones. Dried currants have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immuno-strengthening properties. Freshly brewed tea from dried berries and currant leaves is drunk for colds and for respiratory problems.

Currant takes a leading position among other berries in the content of nutrients. This and folic acid, and vitamins of group B, C, P, E, K, and zinc, iron, manganese, copper.

To prevent chronic diseases, dried currants are used for problems of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the brewed dried fruits, it is also possible to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Also, the use of currants reduces the risk of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

How to dry currants: selection, preparation, storage

Dry currants need freshly picked. The fact is that the longer the berry lies, the greater the likelihood that pathogens of intestinal diseases will start in it, it will become covered with mold and rot will form on it.

Fresh currants for drying should be elastic, not broken, without visible cracks, its smell is sharp, but pleasant, corresponding to the smell of a berry. The color of the currant should be monophonic, without impurities: if black, then dark blue; if red - then bright, without greenish shades.

The collected currants are sorted, removed from the branches, the leaves and other possible debris are removed. Whole berries without signs of spoilage are placed in small portions in a colander and rinsed, after which they are gently transferred to a towel spread out on the table so that it dries.

Before starting to dry the currant, it is important to make sure that the berries are ripe, whole, clean and dry.

Dried berries should be stored in bags of natural fabric in a dark, damp place for no more than 3 years. Also, dried currants can be stored in a glass, dry, clean container, the neck of which is better not tightly corked with a lid, but covered with gauze fixed with ordinary rubber. But in this case there is a risk that the berries will suffocate and begin to mold, so from time to time you should shake the jar and check the condition of the berries.

How to dry currants in the fresh air

This method of drying berries, although the most time-consuming and not very convenient, but natural. The room in which the process will take place must necessarily be well ventilated. Direct sunlight on berries is unacceptable; the sun destroys the beneficial properties of currants.

Place blank paper or cloth on the table. Do not use old newspapers for drying. Lay currants in the morning on the prepared surface so that the fruits do not touch each other, leave for the whole day. At night you can bring the berries into the room, but in the morning they will again need to be distributed in the same place. Currants are dried in this way from two to three weeks. Ready, dried berries become saturated black with blue, if the currant is black, or burgundy red, if the berry is red, they shine and do not stick together.

How to dry currants at home

In the oven. This method, due to its lightness and speed, is the most common. Spread the berries on a dry baking sheet. Place them in an oven preheated to 40 degrees for one hour. After set the temperature to 60 degrees, dry the currant for about 3 hours. If after the allotted time the berries have darkened and do not stick, then the drying can be finished.

In the air grill. Put the currants on a pallet, set the temperature to 60 degrees in the "Blowing" mode. To allow moisture from the berries to evaporate, leave the aerogrill lid ajar. Currants are dried for about 2 hours, which is an undoubted advantage of this method. However, it also has a drawback: it will not be possible to dry a lot of currants in this device in one approach, only about one kilogram can fit into a pallet.

How to dry currant leaves

Currant leaves should be collected in not rainy sunny weather. Choose large leaves, without any signs of spoilage, decay, damage by pests. It is better not to touch the leaves that grow on the top of the shoot, otherwise these branches may not be as productive next year. Tear leaves without berries and petioles, only the leaf plate itself.

Spread the collected leaves with a thick layer on a newspaper in a well-ventilated area. Depending on the humidity, temperature in the room, drying may take from three days to one week. Finished leaves are dry, but at the same time not brittle or crumbly. You can achieve this effect if they are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Fold the dried currant leaves in a canvas bag or glass container. Use them to brew aromatic tea or to make preserves.

How to use dried currants

Dried currants can be brewed, served as a healthy treat for tea, and compotes and fruit drinks are also prepared from it. Drinks from dried berries are no worse than fresh ones. Their taste and color are equally saturated, the aroma is unique, and the benefits are no less.

Dried berries also make great pastries. Use currants as a filling for pies, pies, tarts. Put in the dough when cooking manna, muffins, cupcakes. Add to cakes and pastries. When baking, dried currants become soft, but do not release juices, so the pastries do not soak and turn out to be surprisingly tasty.

You can decorate with dried currants and various confectionery: creams, yogurts, ice cream. The berry enhances the taste of sweets, making it even more appetizing and more beautiful. In addition, unlike fresh berries, dried currants do not allow dairy products to curl.

However, not only dried fruits are put into desserts. Currants can be used to make incredibly tasty and aromatic marinades and meat sauces. Some add several fruit berries to salads and even soups, making them not only unusual and interesting, but also more useful.

And lovers of strong drinks can enjoy the great taste of homemade wines, liquors and liquors based on dried currants.

The recommended daily allowance for dried currants is about 50 grams per day, so you have plenty of reasons for culinary experiments. This is a versatile product that can emphasize and add zest to any dish.

Dried currants: indications and contraindications

In general, dried currants have no contraindications, except for an allergic reaction to vitamin C and individual intolerance. It’s enough for adults to eat a handful of berries a day to strengthen immunity, children usually cook compote on the basis of fresh or dried currants to maintain general health and indigestion. Also, dried currants are recommended to be introduced into the diet for people who have weakened after illness or underwent surgery.


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