Chlamydia in women - causes, symptoms, possible complications and treatment. Features of the prevention of chlamydia in women


Chlamydia are bacteria that are sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Chlamydia in women is an unconditional pathogen, normally there should not be chlamydia in the body. There are different types of chlamydia, but Chlamidia trachomatis, which is the cause of urogenital chlamydia, is important for women. According to statistics, women have chlamydia in 60% of cases.

Chlamydia - This is a sexually transmitted disease, since both the urinary and genital organs are affected, the infection is transmitted sexually. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases on earth, statistically ahead of gonorrhea. Chlamydia is an intracellular Gram - negative bacteria: they exist inside the cell, like a virus, but have all the properties of bacteria. In this regard, chlamydia is difficult to treat, because it often proceeds in women (as well as in men) without symptoms. Its asymptomatic course reaches 50% in men and 75% in women, perhaps for this reason the prevalence of chlamydia in the world is very high and there are no exact figures for the incidence. Often, one of the sexual partners may not suspect that he is sick.

Second option - asymptomatic carriage of chlamydia, which can last for many years. But over time, chlamydia in women manifests itself in the form of serious diseases: pyelonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the uterus, cervix, appendages, infertility can become a complication. Chlamydia can also cause women to develop cholecystitis, proctitis.

There is a type of chlamydia that affects the mucous membrane of the eye and causes trachoma. Another variety causes a venereal lymphogranulomatoma. Chlamydia is very stable in the environment, and in the human body actively multiply. In addition to the sexual transmission (during any sex, including oral, anal), infection occurs through the household way: through dishes, various objects, towels, washcloths, handshakes and kisses. But this route of transmission of chlamydia is rarely recorded, unless it is vibrators or other "sex toys" of the patient. The source of infection is semen and vaginal fluid.

In pregnant women, in the presence of chlamydia, fetal infection may occur in utero.

Chlamydia in women - causes

The causes of chlamydia in women are:

- promiscuous sexual intercourse without the use of condoms;

- the presence of an intrauterine device;

- abortion and other genitourinary surgery;

- non-observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene.

The reasons for the infection of women with chlamydia can be attributed to reduced immunity. Factors leading to a decrease in immunity include:

- long-term use of antibiotics,

- stress

- subcooling,

- hypovitaminosis, etc.

The reasons for the rapid spread of chlamydia in women, and, therefore, rapid infection, are the characteristics of the bacterium itself. Chlamydia attach to sperm and spread to all organs of the reproductive system. One sexual intercourse without contraception is enough to catch chlamydia.

Chlamydia in women - symptoms

Chlamydia in women fall primarily on the cervix. There they are introduced into the cells of the epithelium of the cervical mucosa and active intracellular reproduction. Then chlamydia destroy epithelial cells and leave them. During the reproduction of chlamydia in women, the symptoms of the disease are absent. A woman may not suspect that she is infected with chlamydia. This is an incubation period that lasts 20 to 30 days. It is impossible to identify chlamydia during these periods.

With the destruction of cervical epithelial cells, cytokines, an inflammation factor, are released. Thanks to them, the blood supply to the affected areas increases, the permeability of the walls of the capillaries increases, which leads to sweating of blood lymphocytes and the formation of an inflammatory focus. From it, chlamydia enters the nearest lymph nodes and spreads through the lymphatic ducts throughout the body. Chlamydia in women is present in almost all organs, which are manifested by the corresponding symptoms. Favorite habitats for chlamydia in women are the mucous membrane of the cervix, urethra, joints, eyes.

There are no specific symptoms of chlamydia in women. As already mentioned, in 50 - 70% of infections in women occurs without symptoms of the disease, hidden. Therefore, chlamydia is often diagnosed late when it acquires a chronic course.

But in other cases of chlamydia in women, the following symptoms appear:

- pain and itching when urinating;

- frequent urination

- vaginal discharge (mainly mucopurulent);

- pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back;

- cervical erosion;

- various disorders of the menstrual cycle.

In addition to the above symptoms of chlamydia in women, symptoms of general intoxication are often observed: weakness, lethargy, weakness, fever, joint pain. If the eyes are involved, conjunctivitis develops.

Chlamydia in women - complications

Due to the frequent asymptomatic course of chlamydia in women and its late diagnosis, various serious complications can develop: infertility (50% of cases of chlamydia cause infertility), ectopic pregnancy, Reiter's syndrome (triad: vaginitis, arthritis, conjunctivitis), various inflammation of the pelvic organs , miscarriage, various malformations in a newborn baby, cervical cancer.

Chlamydia in women - treatment

If the diagnosis is finally confirmed, treatment of chlamydia in women begins. This is a long and complicated process, as chlamydia in women is very difficult to treat. Chlamydia can develop resistance to antibiotics, chlamydia can "hide" from drugs.

Treatment of chlamydia in women begins with an individual selection of drugs in each case. But treatment is always combined. And, most importantly: it is necessary to conduct simultaneous treatment of sexual partners. The following groups of drugs are used:

1. The main therapy is broad-spectrum antibiotics:

- macrolides: Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Rovamycin, Wilfapren, Erythromycin;

- tetracyclines: doxycycline - taken within 7 days;

- fluoroquinolones: alternative, less effective and often causing side effects - Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin.

Antibacterial therapy is effective only for intracellular localization of chlamydia - during the breeding season. When bacteria enter the intercellular spaces, where they can be infinitely long, they turn into L - forms that are resistant to the action of antibiotics, and this quality they pass on to the daughter cells when they multiply.

There are European recommendations for the treatment of chlamydia, according to which Azithromycin is prescribed once, or doxycycline for 7 days - with this scheme, the treatment efficiency reaches 97%.

2. Preparations for increasing immunity, immunostimulants (Cycloferon, Amiksin, Polyoxidonium, Methyluracil).

3. Multivitamins.

4. Diet - refrain from flour, dairy and spicy foods, as it slows down the treatment process, eliminate alcohol, smoking.

5. At the time of treatment, refuse sexual intercourse in order to exclude re-infection, exclude physical activity.

6. Local treatment of chlamydia in women. For this purpose, ointments, creams, candles are used. They are made according to the recipe or there are ready-made creams that are applied a thin layer three times a day to the vulva: Vitella, Fleur - an enzyme.

Despite the difficulty in treatment, the prognosis for life in the presence of chlamydia in women is favorable.

Chlamydia in women - prevention

The widespread prevalence, prolonged asymptomatic course, the absence of any specific symptoms of chlamydia in women, the long and complex treatment and the development of severe complications make the prevention of chlamydia in women very relevant. Therefore, you must know and follow these rules:

1. Exclude promiscuous sexual intercourse.

2. Mandatory use of condoms for all types of sex.

3. Mandatory examination after unprotected sexual contact for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

4. Remember that there are other ways of infection with chlamydia other than sexual, and be wary of this.

5. If chlamydia is diagnosed, it is necessary to stop sexual intercourse, notify sexual partners, tighten personal hygiene, and take all measures for family members living nearby to protect them from infection through the household.

6. Remember that even one unprotected sexual contact leads to infection with chlamydia.

Chlamydia, based on the above, is easier to prevent than to treat.


Watch the video: Chlamydia Prevention (July 2024).