Inulin - a substance with an unusual name: what is its use? Is inulin really harmful?


Inulin is a polysaccharide found in plants. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and medicines.

It is especially effective in helping diabetics, cores, people suffering from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is inulin? Where does it come from?

Inulin belongs to a group of organic substances called prebiotics or food for germs. This seemingly strange name fully reflects the real state of things. The fact is that the stomach and small intestine do not split inulin - there are no special enzymes for this in the human body. The prebiotic begins to be assimilated only in the large intestine due to the activity of useful intestinal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, for which it is an excellent food.

Naturally occurring polysaccharide more than 4 thousand plants can be found in tubers and root system, which belong to the family of bulbous, cereal, and asteraceae. In them, it plays the role of an energy reserve akin to glycogen in human muscles. Animal organisms do not produce polysaccharide. In laboratory conditions, it has not yet been synthesized either.

Belgium and the Netherlands are world leaders in inulin production. These countries mainly produce polysaccharides from chicory, not earthen pears, because the latter have less regular shapes, and this complicates and increases the cost of production.

In isolated form, the prebiotic looks like a white dry powder. It is soluble in hot water.

Most of it is in earthen pear and chicory. Their root part consists of more than 20% of this prebiotic.

Cereals and the following plants are rich in polysaccharides:

• artichoke;

• raisins;

• asparagus;

• onion garlic;

• coltsfoot.

• banana.

Polysaccharide is also rich in plants that are recommended for patients with diabetes. It's about burdock, elecampane, dandelion.

Inulin - the benefits of a substance

This prebiotic helps to multiply beneficial bacteria, frees the body from toxins, has a stimulating effect on the intestines.

Inulin benefits people with cardiovascular disease because it lowers levels of ammonia and cholesterol in the blood. In diabetics, it lowers the level of glucose, replacing it with fructose, similar in properties.

Also thanks to inulin:

• the liver is cleansed, hepatitis of groups C and B is better amenable to treatment;

• constipation disappears, feces are more easily excreted, intestinal motility improves;

• Dysbiosis, gastritis, and other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated more effectively;

• improves lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (this helps to "burn" fat and lose weight);

• sugar levels normalize, which is especially important for diabetics;

• the body's resistance to various infections is growing;

• the level of triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids in the blood becomes normal;

• blood clots do not form, since inulin is an excellent anticoagulant;

• slags, radionuclides, toxins, various harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, fungi are removed;

• significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer with a wide variety of natures;

• minerals, vitamins, fats are better absorbed;

• blood pressure decreases;

• Magnesium, which is an integral part of more than 300 important enzymes that affect the functioning of the heart and regulate the level of fat in the blood, is more easily absorbed.

Also prebiotic stimulates bone growthmakes the skeleton stronger. It helps to absorb bone building material - calcium. Studies show that if you regularly take a prebiotic, then over the year the bone density increases by more than 25%, and this is a reliable protection against osteochondrosis, as well as other unpleasant diseases of the ridge.

Strengthens inulin and the immune system, positively affecting lymphoid tissue - an important component of the intestinal mucosa.

Inulin is an element of various dietary supplements for diabetics. However, it cannot serve as a complete replacement for insulin, since it only reduces glucose levels.

Prebiotic helps and lose weight. It has a positive effect on carbohydrate, fat metabolism, and this helps to reduce body weight. Inulin also dulls hunger, providing invaluable benefits for those who are struggling with extra pounds. In the stomach, it turns into a kind of gel, which covers the gastric mucous membrane, due to which the feeling of saturation remains for a long time. But to really feel the results, it will take several months. Inulin intake should be combined with physical activity, a properly selected diet.

Food and Inulin

This prebiotic is used in the food industry. It plays the role of a technological ingredient, since it can serve as a fat substitute and can be used for the production of low-calorie foods. The polysaccharide is simply combined with water, and a white, cream-like substance is obtained, which in taste and appearance is very similar to ordinary fat. Studies have shown that one gram of fat is equivalent to one fourth of a gram of inulin!

Inulin is also added to dairy products, sweets, baby food, and pastries. Use it in fast food.

If the child has dysbiosis or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the prebiotic will come in handy. Today, many baby foods fortified with them are sold. Thanks to inulin, the child's digestion improves, calcium, magnesium, as well as many other important trace elements are better absorbed.

Inulin - a useful component of dietary supplements

In pharmaceuticals, inulin is one of the components of dietary supplements. The following additives are especially popular:

• phytoflax;

• inulin forte;

• gynosteminin;

• multilane.

In addition to inulin, these preparations usually also contain phytoextracts and plant fiber.

The use of inulin in cosmetology

Prebiotic very quickly positively affects the skin. The beneficial properties of this polysaccharide help:

• smooth wrinkles;

• remove sore, rough spots, acne;

• it is better to produce adhesive protein collagen;

• regenerate skin cells;

• nourish and moisturize the skin;

• improve oxygen metabolism.

Inulin also benefits hair. It makes the hair follicles stronger, saturates the scalp with useful substances. This polysaccharide makes hair smooth, silky. They stop falling out, and their tips no longer split.

Inulin is an element of many cosmetics. It can be found in:

• creams;

• gels that are used during bathing;

• cosmetics for children;

• antiperspirants;

• masks and face serums;

• tonic.

This prebiotic is a component of hair conditioners as well as caring shampoos.

Inulin - harm

Like most substances and products, inulin can be harmful.

Allergic acne is the most common unpleasant side effect of its use and consumption. Therefore, one should know if there is intolerance to it.

“Chicory” inulin should be used with extreme caution. Such a polysaccharide is especially dangerous for those who suffer from:

• hemorrhoidal cones;

• varicose veins;

• a variety of chronic respiratory diseases.

It is highly undesirable to use a polysaccharide with antibiotics. Inulin can cause harm, consisting in the fact that the medications simply will not be absorbed and will not have the proper therapeutic effect.

This is it, polysaccharide. Very useful, but you still need to use it with caution. Inulin can sometimes be harmful.


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