What is Strelnikova breathing exercises? How to do breathing exercises Strelnikova and why


Breathing is a natural need of a person and a function of the body. Few people might think that breathing is wrong. Meanwhile, the separation of breathing "right" and "wrong" really exists.

Moreover, from improper breathing, diseases can develop.

But the question arises, how to carry out this natural process correctly? The answer lies in the special breathing exercises of A.N. Strelnikova.

Unlike most other complexes, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises complex is officially recognized as therapeutic. The appearance of this gymnastics dates back to the mid 30s of the XX century. In those years, it was intended to enhance the voice. Meanwhile, it turned out that the described breathing exercises have wider application. What kind of gymnastics are we talking about and how to do it correctly? Need to figure it out.

What is the main feature of Strelnikova breathing exercises?

Physical culture for organs and respiratory tract has a beneficial effect on the simplest functions of the body: speech, screaming, breathing. The description of the essence of Strelnikova’s respiratory gymnastics has been replicated across many sites, but there is no comprehensive answer about what are the features of the exercises anywhere. So what is the gist:

• Strelnikova’s gymnastics is unique in its kind, thanks to the technology of performing exercises.

• Inhalation in each exercise is necessary quickly, sharply, as deeply as possible. The breath should be so forced that the wings of the nose involuntarily pressed against the nose. At the first stages, this may seem complicated, practice decides everything.

• Exhale as calm, arbitrary as possible. It is not necessary to concentrate on it: it should occur automatically, at this time the patient himself is preparing to take the next breath. The exhalation is always strictly through the mouth.

Why does respiratory gymnastics work?

There are a number of factors that determine the effectiveness of the described set of exercises.

• Since Strelnikova exercises are performed simultaneously with physical activity, tissue respiration is normalized. Due to this, metabolism is accelerated, stagnation in the body passes.

• Due to proper breathing, there is an improvement in the nutrition of brain structures. This has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system.

• Performing a complex of therapeutic respiratory gymnastics helps to optimize the breathing process so that the body is constantly in good shape.

• Thanks to the training of the lungs, their vital volume is expanded.

In other words, this gymnastics helps to make breathing "right." Proper breathing is a direct path to health.

How Strelnikova gymnastics affects the body

When making a forced breath, a sharp increase in lung volume develops. This is due to the involvement of the diaphragm. As the vital volume of the paired organ increases, there is a rapid saturation of the blood with oxygen. It is the normalization of tissue respiration that underlies the mechanism of action of the described gymnastics.

Indications for use

If you believe the description of the method, Strelnikova’s exercises are almost a panacea. This is nothing more than a myth (more on that later). Physiotherapy exercises for the respiratory system helps with the following diseases:

• Bronchial asthma of various origins.

• Acute respiratory infections (ARVI).

• Obesity.

• Diseases of the lungs and bronchi due to prolonged smoking.

• Borderline states of the psyche (neurosis), other mental disorders (such as depression).

• Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

• Persistent headaches.

• Vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

• Diabetes (sugar).

• Encephalopathy.

• Pathology of the musculoskeletal system (due to the concomitant effect of physical exercises). First of all, we are talking about diseases of the spine.

• Pregnancy (exercise with caution).

• Erectile disfunction.

It is important to remember that no physical education can replace the traditional methods of treatment. Exercise therapy is only an aid in the business of therapy, but not the main method.

Myths about breathing exercises Strelnikova

Reading the praises in honor of the described gymnastics, a reasonable question arises: is everything so "smooth"? Of course not. The exercises of this complex are surrounded by a mass of myths and fallacies, we will figure out where is the truth and where is fiction and consider the most egregious myths.

1) Strelnikova breathing exercises are indicated for all possible diseases. It is not true. Like any other respiratory gymnastics, Strelnikova breathing exercises are a wellness complex designed to help with respiratory diseases. Also, these "exercises" help with pathologies accompanied by circulatory disorders. However, from stuttering, myopia, especially oncology, etc. the complex is useless.

2) Gymnastics according to Strelnikova is the main treatment method. This is nothing more than a myth. Exercises should be considered only as a health-improving complex for minor violations of body functions or as an additional treatment method, but not as the main therapeutic measure. In this case, supporters of alternative methods of treatment are mistaken.

3) Respiratory gymnastics helps fight obesity. This is half true. If a person is on a diet, is engaged in changing the diet, Strelnikova exercises really can affect the effectiveness of a weight loss program by improving metabolic processes in the body, but nothing more. Of course, if there is a lot and at the same time do gymnastics, hoping for it, as a panacea, the effect will be zero.

4) Breathing exercises are useless. This statement is another extreme. With the diseases described just above, breathing exercises have a good therapeutic effect, but only as an additional treatment method.

5) Mastering Strelnikova’s gymnastics is difficult. It is not true. 1-2 lessons are enough to understand what the essence of exercises is and how to perform them correctly.

6) The effect of medical gymnastics Strelnikova immediately noticeable. It is a myth. The therapeutic effect of exercise is achieved by 12-15 lessons.

Do not believe everything that is written on the Internet. All information must be passed through a fine sieve, separating the grain from the chaff. Moreover, there are contraindications for breathing exercises.

Contraindications to breathing exercises Strelnikova

• Increase in body temperature (hyperthermia). Since the body suffers from intoxication, "disperse" blood, enhancing cellular nutrition is strictly contraindicated. You can do it after two weeks from the moment the illness ends.

• Thrombophlebitis.

• The presence of an oncological process. Due to malignant pathology, it is impossible to enhance tissue nutrition. This is fraught with even greater intoxication.

• The presence of severe diseases of the cardiovascular system. A history of heart attack, grade III hypertension, these are absolute contraindications for exercise.

• Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

Any other diseases are not contraindications to classes. In any case, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before starting exercise.

Strelnikova breathing exercises: how to perform exercises correctly

This is the most difficult question that arises for beginners familiarity with the described complex. Three questions need to be answered:

• How to learn to breathe?

• How often should exercises be performed?

• How to make the right class schedule?

First things first.

How to learn to breathe

The implementation technique is based on a sharp, forced breath, as with a "sniffing" of the nose. The wings of the nose should snuggle up to the bridge of the nose. In the first stages, dizziness is possible. This is normal and indicates an oversaturation of the body with oxygen. The exhalation is passive, performed through a slightly open mouth. As already mentioned, there is no need to monitor the exhalation.

How often should exercise

As a means of treatment, several approaches should be done (2-3 times during the day). The total number of breaths is one and a half thousand times.

When it comes to prevention, it is enough to take 300-400 breaths every morning. It is permissible to perform the complex in the evening, but in the morning the metabolic processes are most conducive to classes.

How to make the right schedule

• It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets during the day.

• Each time, several exercises should be performed, but not the whole complex at once. The number of exercises performed is increased gradually.

• The respite after each exercise should be 2-4 seconds. At the initial stage, a gentle regime is recommended, rest between exercises - 12-15 seconds.

• It is worth performing the complex instead of or together with morning exercises.

Adhering to these simple rules, the patient will quickly learn to breathe correctly.

The most effective breathing exercises Strelnikova

Important to remember. The number of exercises should increase gradually: it is recommended to start with 1-2, then continue, gradually learn to perform all 11 exercises.

On average, classes last 8-15 minutes in one go. So, what kind of exercises are these (especially complex ones are shown in the photo of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises):

1) Get up straight. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise to shoulder level. Open your palms, as if imitating the "give up" gesture. On account of the "time" to take a correct breath and clench your hands into a fist. Repeat four times. After this, lower your hands, take a break. Exercises perform another 20 sets.

2) Get up. Legs at shoulder level. Hands are compressed and pressed to the stomach. Now you need to "sharply" once make a sharp pushing movement and lower your hands, as if wishing to push the air from the abdomen to the legs. Perform 15 times with the right breaths.

3) Get up straight. According to the count of "times" to bend in the belt, inhale rhythmically and stretch your arms to the ground. In a row, two exhale and straighten.

4) Get up straight. Legs are slightly bent, hands bend slightly at elbows and straighten, imitating cat gestures. On account of the "time" turn sideways and inhale sharply. Return to starting position and exhale. Now repeat the same thing, turning the other way.

5) Get up. Raise your arms to shoulder level and hug yourself while inhaling. Relax your hands, exhale. Run 10-12 times.

6) Get up, lean slightly as in exercise "3". Hands hang freely and take a breath. Then straighten up and exhale. Now you need to grab yourself by the shoulders and hug, again taking a breath.

7) Get up or sit down. Turn your head to the left and inhale sharply. Now turn your head the other way and take another breath.

8) Perform the same exercise by tilting your head left and right.

9) Perform an identical exercise, throwing back your head and tilting it to your chest.

10) Get up. One leg in front, the other at a distance behind. To transfer the weight of the whole body from foot to foot, taking a breath each time.

11) Get up. Legs together or shoulders narrower. According to the account, "one" raise the leg and bend it at the knee. On account of the "two" sit on one leg and take a breath. Then return to the starting position, exhaling.

Together, these exercises make up Strelnikova’s breathing gymnastics.

Exercise can be a good help in the treatment. The main thing is to properly implement them and adhere to the recommendations. So the effect will be maximum.


Watch the video: Yoga breathing techniques (June 2024).