Broccoli in a creamy sauce with nutmeg, cheese, mushrooms. Boiled and baked broccoli recipes in a creamy sauce


You need to cultivate a love of broccoli in yourself. So say those who can hardly tolerate healthy vegetables, but care about health. But if you cook broccoli in a creamy sauce, you won’t have to convince yourself that it is very tasty. The dish turns out delicate, melting in the tongue, fragrant, and I want to cook it again and again. Be sure to try it.

Broccoli in cream sauce - general principles of preparation

Working with broccoli is as easy as using cauliflower. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the forks, disassemble it into coats and cook. It will remain to combine cabbage with the finished sauce or bake in it. The main cooking method is boiling and baking.

A necessary component of broccoli in a creamy sauce is cream. They can be of any fat content, but always fresh. To enhance the creamy taste, the sauce is made more dense due to cheese. Other vegetables can be added to the recipe: cauliflower, onions, garlic, as well as mushrooms. Of spices and seasonings, a small amount of ground nutmeg and a tablespoon of dried herbs will shade the taste of broccoli cabbage well.

Boiled broccoli in a creamy sauce

A simple recipe that can be cooked in literally forty minutes. Beautiful in serving and very tasty broccoli in a creamy sauce is tender and does not require special culinary skills.


• six hundred grams of fresh broccoli;

• half a liter of cream 20%;

• forty grams of butter;

• thirty grams of flour;

• two pinches of nutmeg;

• a mixture of ground peppers;

• a tablespoon without a hill of salt.

Cooking method:

Boil one and a half liters of water.

Squeeze and gently lower the broccoli in the boiling water.

Cook until tender for seven to ten minutes.

Put oil in a dry saucepan and dissolve over low heat.

Pour the right amount of flour. Fry, without stopping stirring, until golden brown.

Gently pour the warmed cream into the stewpan, whisk vigorously with a whisk. It is necessary to ensure that all the flour lumps are dispersed.

Add nutmeg to the sauce, salt, season with pepper to taste.

Bring the sauce to a boil of cream without stopping stirring. As soon as the mass boils, boil it for three minutes, remove from heat.

Put the boiled broccoli in the sauce, mix gently and arrange on plates.

Baked broccoli in cream sauce with cheese

Baked broccoli is especially delicious. In this variant, broccoli in a creamy sauce is baked with cauliflower. It turns out a spicy, sharp-aromatic duo, the taste of which is enhanced by the cheese crust.


• four hundred grams of broccoli;

• four hundred grams of cauliflower;

• half a liter of fresh cream;

• a tablespoon of butter;

• a tablespoon of flour;

• 150 grams of semi-hard cheese;

• salt, spices at your discretion.

Cooking method:

Boil broccoli in salted water along with cauliflower. Cooking time - 10 minutes with medium boiling.

Throw in a colander.

After the water drains from the vegetables, put them in a baking dish.

Turn on the oven at 200 ° C.

Cool the cheese piece in the freezer and grate it very finely.

Dissolve the oil in a saucepan or thick-bottomed pan.

Pour flour into the oil, fry, not letting it burn.

Pour the cream into the mixture, whisk thoroughly with a whisk.

Bring the cream and flour to a boil, salt, season with spices and pepper, add all the cheese crumbs.

Boil the sauce, stirring occasionally. It is necessary that all the cheese is melted, spread.

Pour cabbage with boiling sauce and put in the oven to the middle level.

Broccoli should be baked until a delicious crust appears.

Frozen broccoli in a creamy sauce with herbs

Frozen cabbage turns out to be no less tasty than that of fresh cabbage. If there is a bag of broccoli prepared since autumn, it will be incomparable in a creamy sauce. Butter is not used in this recipe.


• a pound of frozen broccoli;

• four hundred milliliters of cream;

• large onion;

• two hundred grams of cheese;

• chopped fresh dill and parsley (one or two tablespoons);

• olive oil for the pan.

Cooking method:

Cook frozen broccoli in the same way as fresh. Cooking time is ten minutes, you need to throw the comb in boiled salt water. Before cooking, pour cold water into the colander, folding it in a colander.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Heat the oil, and pass the onion rings until golden.

Put boiled cabbage in a frying pan, fry all together for three minutes.

Pour cream on vegetables, bring to a boil. Salt, pepper.

Finely grate the cheese piece.

Sprinkle with cheese crumbs, mix, cover.

Five minutes later, put the cabbage to the table.

Broccoli in a creamy sauce with mushrooms

Combining broccoli in a creamy sauce with mushrooms, you can get an original dish. Well, if the mushrooms are forest, their aroma is stronger. Ordinary mushrooms, which are sold in any supermarket, are also suitable.


• a pound of fresh broccoli;

• a circle of fresh lemon;

• three hundred grams of fresh champignons;

• four hundred milliliters of cream;

• a teaspoon of butter;

• large onion;

• a third of a teaspoon of salt;

• pepper to taste;

• some cooking oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Throw salt, lemon circle and prepared broccoli into boiling water. Cook until soft.

Leave the broccoli to cool in the broth.

Chop the onion very finely.

Wash mushrooms with cold water, finely chop with a very sharp knife or chop in a meat grinder.

Turn on the oven at 230 ° C.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion cubes until golden.

Add minced mushroom to the pan, fry all together for five minutes with constant stirring.

Pour the cream, salt and pepper to your taste. If you wish, add a pinch or two of nutmeg, ground paprika or dried herbs.

Remove the broccoli from the broth, put in a mold greased with butter.

Pour the cabbage with cream sauce and put in the oven.

Cook until appetizing crisp.

Broccoli in a creamy sauce with cauliflower and cream cheese

An interesting taste of broccoli in a creamy sauce can give ordinary cream cheese. The composition of the dish includes fresh cauliflower, so that the taste becomes richer.


• a pound of broccoli;

• a pound of cauliflower;

• one hundred milliliters of cream;

• three tablespoons of grated cream cheese;

• fifty grams of butter;

• a tablespoon of flour.

Cooking method:

Cooked broccoli and cauliflower in one water, not forgetting to salt it before boiling.

Put the cabbage in the mold.

Grate cream cheese.

Make a creamy sauce.

To do this, let the butter melt over a fire in a saucepan, fry the flour in it.

Add cream, mix everything. Get a thick mass.

Put the grated cheese into the sauce, mix.

Distribute the sauce over broccoli and cauliflower.

Bake everything in the oven.

The dish is ready when the crust appears.

Mustard Broccoli in Creamy Sauce

Sweet taste cream can be combined with mustard. You get a wonderful spicy sauce for broccoli. Its composition is more complicated compared to the classic recipe. Please note that you will have to cook cabbage in the vegetable broth. You can dilute the finished cube or replace the broth with water.


• four hundred grams of broccoli;

• half a glass of cream;

• large onion;

• half a glass of milk;

• one and a half glasses of vegetable broth;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a quarter cup of breadcrumbs;

• seventy grams of sweet cream butter;

• a teaspoon of cooked (you can shop) mustard;

• a little ground nutmeg;

• a bunch of parsley;

• salt to taste;

• pepper if desired.

Cooking method:

Boil the vegetable broth, salt it and lay the prepared cabbage comb. Cook for ten minutes.

Crush the garlic with a knife.

Chop the onion finely.

At the end of cooking, toss garlic and onion into the broth, boil for five minutes.

Remove the broccoli from the broth with a slotted spoon.

Pour milk and cream into the stewpan, put the nutmeg and put on fire.

When the milk mixture boils, turn it off.

In a skillet in melted butter, fry all breadcrumbs for breading.

Arrange boiled cabbage on plates, sprinkle with cracker mixture and pour in creamy milk sauce.

Broccoli in cream sauce with egg and paprika

An unusual broccoli recipe worth having in your home cookbook. Tasty, and most importantly, fast and easy.


• three hundred grams of broccoli;

• three hundred grams of cauliflower;

• a glass of cream;

• one-hundred-piece piece of semi-hard cheese;

• two cloves of fresh garlic;

• one hundred gram piece of butter;

• a tablespoon of flour;

• two eggs;

• a teaspoon of paprika;

• whispers of dried garlic;

• salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the cabbage until half cooked. After boiling broccoli, cook for two minutes, cauliflower for four minutes.

Hard-boiled eggs, allow to cool in cold water and grind into cubes or cereal.

Finely grate the cheese.

Fry flour in butter.

Pour the cream into the flour, stir until smooth.

Add cheese crumbs to the sauce, mix everything again.

Heat the oil in another skillet, fry the garlic, then discard it.

Fry the cabbage in the resulting garlic oil. Salt, pepper it to your taste.

Pour the cabbage with hot creamy sauce, add the chopped egg, mix everything.

Sprinkle broccoli in a creamy paprika sauce and serve.

Broccoli in cream sauce - tricks and tips

Broccoli cooked according to any of the above recipes is a universal dish. It is appropriate in the afternoon, evening and even in the morning. Despite the fact that the recipe includes cream, butter and sometimes cheese, the total calorie content does not exceed 200 kcal. Such a cabbage will not do harm to the figure.

Cooked broccoli in a creamy sauce is delicious with boiled or baked meat, poultry, fish. You can serve a dish of pasta, fresh or grilled vegetables, boiled rice.


Watch the video: Broccoli pasta with bechamel sauce (June 2024).