Narcissistic people: under what zodiac sign are they born


Self-love is quite important, but it should not interfere with others to build their lives. Narcissistic people often infringe on the interests of others. How does this sign of the zodiac under which they were born affect it? Let's figure it out.

Top 3 narcissistic people: under what zodiac sign are they born

Aries - they really know exactly what they are worth. Their narcissism can only be envied. Both Aries men and women love to overestimate their dignity and carefully hide their shortcomings, and they do it wonderfully, despite the fact that others are trying to convince them not to overestimate the bar so much.

Aries are very stingy with emotions if they themselves do not want to, but I am quite demanding of others, especially if they urgently need something. For example, if they need money, but they themselves do not have enough money, then they can throw a huge scandal and even for a long time not communicate with friends who did not help them get the necessary funds.

How to deal with Aries? No way. It is easier to initially take into account the peculiarities of the character of this zodiac sign, then you will not be very surprised if at one fine moment your old friend just stops calling you, and maybe also tells your acquaintances what you really are. It’s better not to share personal with Aries, if they are offended by you, then all your personal information will become public.

If you are lucky to have the head of Aries - be prepared for endless difficulties and stupid things on his part. He can panic, and be nervous, and even bring down all the problems on you. What is left to do? Wait until the passions subside and work on.

Virgin - They believe that they are almost always right. Both women and Virgo men love themselves with incredible strength. At the same time, they love very much when they obey and worship. For example, when their merits are constantly praised. Therefore, if your Virgo suddenly became silent, then you did not notice some of her zest, did not pay attention to her important cause, did not praise and support her.

Virgin love when all the attention of others is riveted only to them. If you went on a visit, then try to pay more attention to your soulmate, and not look at other women. Because your beloved will not tolerate this. She can start to get nervous, worry and be upset. But you do not want this.

When children appear in the family, Virgos can begin to be jealous. At the same time, clearly expressing their emotions, even turning to a scream. They may begin to conflict with all relatives, if some of their interests are infringed, they will not be stopped even by exhortations that soon everything will be resolved. The most important thing for them is that everything is correct and exactly with the way they decided.

Twins - they so skillfully put on a mask of decency that you at first will not understand - in front of you is a true player. The twins adore themselves and strive to make everyone around them dance. But in practice it can turn out quite the opposite. Games in which the Twins play with others do not lead to anything good. They only make them give up on life.

The twins now and then require attention, how can they be without it. Do they lack support? They will achieve it. If it seems to them that life has become bored - they start a scandal, and at the same time, they will blame everyone around them for stopping the Gemini from living happily. They love to suffer for their own good, that is, to build a sacrifice of circumstances from themselves and thus get what they want.

Narcissistic people: under what zodiac sign they are born, let's talk about the rest

Lions - they love themselves to madness. From childhood, they try to prove to themselves and others that they can win in almost any business.

For them there are no prohibitions and prejudices. They are ready to go through any obstacles for the sake of their goal. At the same time, they can even sacrifice friendship, relationships to obtain the desired result.

With age, they become wiser and cease to attract so much attention to themselves. The results that they already have are enough for them, and they do not seek to prove anything to anyone. Everything is wonderful with them.

At the same time, others must be clearly sure that Lviv is doing well. If someone doubts the honesty and authenticity of their intentions, their strength, their capabilities - such a person will have a rather difficult time in life. It’s better not to quarrel with Lions, it’s pointless. Lions will crush opponents with authority and erudition.

Scorpions - they love themselves, but often hold back. Their narcissism manifests itself only when a person allows himself too much. Perhaps a lot of chatting, or a lot of criticism, then Scorpios can’t stand it and then they can’t be stopped. They begin to tell how difficult it is for them to live, how frustrated they all are, how nobody helps them.

If you don’t want to sort things out with Scorpions, just don’t encroach on their territory and if something doesn’t suit you very much, then just leave them.

Do not try to make the Scorpions repent, admit guilt - this will not make sense.

Sagittarius - they simply adore themselves and happily tell this to everyone around them. A joyful, smiling Sagittarius can really turn mountains. For him, nothing is impossible, he almost always gets the desired result. He is not devoid of industriousness, while many are simply delighted with his charisma.

So Sagittarius makes everyone around believe that it is truly unique.

In communication with people, this does not interfere with Sagittarius, on the contrary - he very quickly makes contacts, he is very glad that there are wonderful and wonderful people around him who appreciate him. And if they have not yet appreciated all its positive features, then soon he will show them all, will really try to get the location of the desired person. Under whatever zodiac sign you are born, self-love must always be present in you, otherwise it will become more difficult to live.


Watch the video: The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell (June 2024).