Rice with meat: step by step recipes. How to cook pilaf in pots, casserole or fry rice with meat in Chinese (step by step)


Rice and meat are the perfect combination of products. The first thing that comes to mind with this combination is pilaf. It would seem that it’s so complicated. But not every even experienced cook can proudly say that he can cook the correct, crumbly and aromatic pilaf.

In our selection of step-by-step recipes from rice with meat, it is described in detail how to cook delicious pilaf in pots in the oven, and not only it, without much hassle. Presents a delicious rice casserole with meat and a step by step recipe for popular fried rice in Chinese.

Rice dishes with meat - general principles of preparation

• Rice groats can be round-grain - with pot-bellied patterns having rounded ends and long-grain - its grains are oblong, with pointed ends. The taste of rice itself is not very different in both varieties. The appearance of cereals can affect the consistency and appearance of the finished dish.

• Round grain cereal absorbs and retains moisture more easily. It contains a lot of starch, and it is extremely difficult to get a friable dish from it. Such rice is usually used to make cereals and casseroles.

• Long-grain rice is considered the best for pilaf and crumbly rice dishes with meat. It practically does not boil, holds its shape well and does not have excessive stickiness. After boiling, such cereal does not require washing.

• Meat. For cooking with rice, fatty varieties, such as pork, are usually chosen. It is best to take a neck, but any other piece with the highest content of thin layers of bacon will do. If desired, fatty meat can always be replaced with leaner beef or altogether changed to chicken diet filet.

• Add vegetables to any rice dish with meat. They not only complement the dish with their taste, but also make it juicier. Most often, onions are placed onions, sweet peppers and carrots. Vegetables are cut according to the recipe and, before combining with other components, sauté until soft in vegetable oil.

• Spices. No rice dish with meat can do without their aroma. Black or allspice, turmeric - the most used. For pilaf, you can take a special bag with a ready-made set of spices.

• From kitchen utensils, for preparing rice and meat dishes according to these step-by-step recipes, you may need a wok, refractory mold, or pots.

Rice with meat: step by step casserole recipe

The step by step recipe for rice casseroles with meat uses minced pork. If desired, fatty meat can be replaced with less fatty beef or a dietary product, such as boiled chicken. Poultry fillet is not chopped with a meat grinder, it is better to cut it into thin strips.


• a pound of fresh pork pulp (neck);

• 200 gr. round grain rice groats;

• two small onions;

• one fruit of bell pepper;

• large sweet carrots;

• 80 gr. creamy "Peasant" butter;

• turmeric;

• 150 gr. Kostroma cheese;

• non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• ground allspice;

• white bread crumbs.

Cooking method:

1. We manually sort the rice - select litter and defective, spoiled grains.

2. Pour the cereal into a colander and place it under the pressure of cool water. We rinse the cereal until completely clear water begins to drain from it.

3. The washed rice is poured with a large amount of cool water, put on an intense fire. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. When mixing, try to reach the bottom of the pot to separate the sticky pictures from it.

4. In boiling water, to give rice color, add a little turmeric, add salt.

5. Cut the butter, lower it into the pan, mix and reduce heat.

6. Without giving an intense boil, cook until tender. When cracking, the pictures should not remain solid inside.

7. We discard the boiled rice on a sieve, and leave it there to filter out excess moisture.

8. With the pulp cut off the excess film, rinse the meat and cut into pieces. Grind the pork into minced meat. The best thing is to use a meat grinder tuned for minimal grinding.

9. Pour oil into a warm pan. We warm it for a minute over medium heat.

10. Lower the minced meat into the pan. We fry, crushing the meat collected by lumps with a fork. Bringing to rosy, slightly add salt, season with pepper.

11. Put the fried minced meat in a bowl.

12. We clean the vegetables. Cut the carrots and pulp of the fruits of the bell pepper medium-sized, into cubes, onions arbitrarily, preferably in proportionate slices.

13. In the pan, where the meat was fried, add a new portion of vegetable oil, dip the chopped vegetables into it. Cook over medium heat until golden.

14. When all the products are prepared, you can begin to form the casserole, but let's start with the form. On its bottom and walls, apply a thin layer of butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Not sticking breading, shake out, turning the form over the sink.

15. With an even layer, lay out the dried rice in the form and gently press it with a spatula to the bottom to condense.

16. On the rice layer, spread the minced meat evenly. If you don’t like fat, you can put boiled chicken breast instead of pork. It needs to be cut into thin strips, and not crushed in a meat grinder.

17. Now put the vegetables in the form. We level them so that they completely cover the meat layer.

18. From above, grinding on a coarse grater and gently spreading it with a fork, distribute the cheese. It is not necessary to take solid, brine suluguni is also suitable.

19. Put the casserole in a preheated oven. We stand a quarter of an hour and get it. Since all the components were prepared separately, we only need to achieve a golden crust and a little time to combine their aromas and taste.

Fried Rice with Meat: A Step-by-Step Recipe for a Chinese Dish

In a step-by-step recipe for fried rice with meat, boiled long-grain cereals are used. You can cook a dish from any rice, the main thing is that the rice does not boil, and the rice is dry and non-sticky.


• low-fat pork pulp - 200 gr.;

• two red and green peppers;

• 80 gr. canned pineapples (slices);

• two eggs;

• 200 gr. long grain rice;

• head of a bitter onion;

• high-quality vegetable oil, frozen out;

• 40 ml of dark soybean concentrate;

• a quarter of a spoon of chili pepper;

• 20 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. In advance, in brackish water, boil rice. We rinse it with water to wash off the gluten, and leave it to dry on a sieve.

2. We prepare vegetables. Inspect, clean and cut into medium-sized cubes.

3. It is best to cook such a dish in a wok, but, for lack of one, an ordinary thick-walled pan will do. The main thing is that it be wide.

4. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the pan, put on moderate heat.

5. Warming up for no more than a minute, lower the chopped vegetables: pepper and onion into the pan. Stew, stirring, until softened, but not until cooked.

6. Cut meat into thin strips and add to vegetables.

7. On high heat, gently stirring so as not to damage the softened vegetables, quickly fry, for five minutes.

8. Pour the eggs into the cup and slightly shake them with a fork. Do not whisk, we bring only to uniformity, otherwise we get the effect of omelet.

9. Intensively stirring the contents of the pan, pour the egg mass into it.

10. Spread the rice on top, followed by the addition of chili peppers, pineapples, soy sauce and lemon juice. Mix.

11. At a minimum heat, warm the dish well, then remove from the stove and let stand for about ten minutes.

Rice with meat: step by step recipe for loose pilaf in pots in the oven

Everyone loves pilaf, but not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. A dish of Asian cuisine requires a special skill. Improperly selected proportions of rice and water, too strong a fire, and instead of crumbly pilaf, you can get porridge. Try cooking rice with meat according to this step-by-step recipe in a potted oven. Such a pilaf is in no way inferior to the classic version in the cauldron. It will turn out equally friable and fragrant.


• carrot - 250 gr. (one large root crop);

• a pound of pork steak;

• two small onions;

• 400 gr. long grain rice;

• refined sunflower oil;

• three teaspoons of "For pilaf" seasonings.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the meat. Cut with a sharp narrow knife, medium-sized symmetrical pieces.

2. In a thick-walled pan, pour a thin layer of oil, warm on an intense fire.

3. Dip the pork in hot fat and, stirring, quickly fry. Pieces should be well browned on all sides.

4. Very thinly, in half rings, chop the onion, lower it to the meat. Cook over low heat until transparent.

5. Cut the carrots into thin, short strips. Add to the onion and continue cooking all together for another five minutes.

6. We add, sprinkle spices. Stir well and heat the roast for at least two minutes. This is done so that the spices have time to "open up" and give the dish all the aroma.

7. While preparing the roasting, bring the water to a boil in a saucepan or teapot.

8. In the pan with the finished frying, pouring boiling water over the edge of the bowl. Water should completely cover all meat pieces.

9. Cover with a lid, simmer over low heat for at least half an hour. Do not forget to occasionally look under the lid to stir the contents of the pan.

10. We wash the sorted rice. We spread it on a sieve and leave it for a while to remove the remaining water.

11. We wash the pots. It is desirable to withstand clay containers in advance for half an hour in water; glazed dishes do not require such processing.

12. For prepared pots, evenly distribute the contents of the pan, spread dried rice in equal proportions.

13. Pour into each boiled hot water so that it only slightly covers the cereal.

14. Arrange the pots on a baking sheet and set it in the middle level of the oven.

15. Bring the temperature to 190 degrees, cook for about 40 minutes. We count the time from the moment of heating to the required temperature.

16. Before taking out, take a sample - the croup should be well steamed inside.

Tips for cooking rice dishes with meat according to step-by-step recipes and useful tips for them

• Be sure to sort out the grits before use. Take away not only rubbish, stones accidentally falling into it, but also damaged grains.

• Boil rice groats with round grains on low heat, it retains moisture well and with intensive drilling grains quickly boil. Their outer shell will burst ahead of time and the dish has an unpresentable appearance.

• Do not use a blender to chop meat. Pieces of meat should be felt in the casserole. Pass the meat in a meat grinder through a coarse wire mesh, and if the pieces are too large, twist the minced meat again.


Watch the video: Meatballs and Rice Plov Pilaf - One Pot Dinner Recipe (June 2024).