Milk dessert - healthy and tasty! Quick recipes for popular dairy desserts: ice cream, smoothie, jelly, cheesecake, pudding


Dairy desserts are one of the most beloved not only by children, but also by large sweets for their soft tenderness of taste. These mouth-watering dishes are also incredibly healthy due to the content of dairy products in combination with vitamin ingredients.

Such fortified products in desserts from milk can be fruits, berries, preserves and jams, nuts and candied fruits. The list goes on and on. What exactly add ingredients will tell you the fantasy!

Dairy desserts - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of desserts, milk must be taken fresh and preferably fatty. Brand-name pasteurized cow milk is an ideal option.

To make a dessert, jam, flour, sugar, butter, eggs, gelatin, jam, caramel and many other similar products are added to the drink. Whipped cream, soufflé, smoothies, pudding, ice cream, milk jelly or jelly are prepared from these components.

Desserts from this drink are prepared quite quickly and easily. If you wish, you can simply add sugar, cinnamon, a few drops of rum, ice to milk and you get an unusual dessert under the exquisite name of a digestif.

Dairy desserts are served after the main course, for an afternoon snack or as a festive sweet dish.

Homemade Ice Cream Dessert


• 100 ml of fat milk (better than farm milk);

• half a liter of fat cream;

• three chicken eggs;

• 200 g of granulated sugar or powder;

• 1 g of vanillin.


1. Wash the eggs in warm water and wipe the towel dry. We break the eggs and separate the protein part from the yolk in different bowls. We remove the proteins for another recipe, and we will use only the yolks. Add sugar and vanillin to them. We introduce milk.

2. Put the yolk mixture on a slow fire and stir with a whisk. We make cream for homemade ice cream. The mixture begins to gradually thicken, remove it from the stove. Set aside to cool.

3. Getting started with cream. Pour them into a bowl for whipping. For convenience, we cover the container by two-thirds with food foil (this will help to avoid splashing in all directions during whipping). We fix it. Into the left hole we enter the whisk of a blender or mixer. Beat at a slow speed, gradually moving to the fastest. When the cream turns into a thick cream, gradually introduce the yolk-milk mixture.

4. Beat until a homogeneous foamy mass. Pour it into ice cream molds and put it in the freezer for solidification. The larger the shape, the longer the curing time. It is most convenient to prepare homemade ice cream in special small forms with sticks. If desired, the foamy mixture can simply be poured into one large bowl and, after the ice cream has hardened, put it on with a special round spoon.

Quick Apricot Smoothie Milk Dessert


• six apricots;

• 60 ml of milk;

• 100 ml of fat cream;

• 50 g of granulated sugar;

• 5 ml of brandy.


1. Rinse apricots in water and peel. Only pulp without skin and pits is needed. Grind in mashed potatoes and mix with milk. We put the mixture on low heat and boil for several minutes. Remove from the stove and cool to room temperature.

2. Mix the cream with sugar and beat until stable foam. First, at a low speed, after gradually increasing it.

3. Beating again at the first speed, introduce the milk mixture with fruit puree and cognac to the whipped cream.

4. Put the mixture in the freezer for an hour. Then whisk again and remove to cool. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. We spread the ice-creamy foam mixture over the bowls and serve.

Dessert of quick jelly made from milk and nuts


• 100 ml of milk;

• a pound of sour cream;

• 150 g of granulated sugar;

• a bag of gelatin in powder;

• half a glass of walnuts.


1. We start with the preparation of gelatin. Pour it into pre-boiled and chilled milk and mix. Leave for swelling gelling particles for 15-20 minutes. If not gelatin powder is used, but gelatin plates, the swelling time increases.

2. After a while, we begin to heat the milk and stir it surely. As soon as the gelatin particles dissolve, immediately turn off. Do not wait for the boil. Leave the mixture to cool. Then filter through a fine sieve.

3. Peeled nuts lay out in a pan and fry. Stir so that the processing takes place evenly. We take out the nuts on a plate and clean our hands from the skin. Then chop the clean nuts with a knife or coffee grinder. If desired, you can put the nuts in a bag and chop them with a rolling pin.

4. We mix sour cream with sugar and beat until frothy. Pour the gelatin mixture and beat until smooth. Sprinkle the nut crumbs right there.

5. We spread the milk dessert in silicone molds or transparent glasses. Put in the refrigerator for freezing.

6. After a while we get a dessert. Sweetness in transparent glasses can be served immediately. But it’s better to get the dessert out of the silicone molds. This is convenient to do by immersing the mold 2/3 in hot water for 3-4 seconds.

Dessert of milk and cottage cheese cheesecake


• 300 g shortbread cookies;

• 300 g of any cottage cheese;

• 40 ml of milk;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• a bag of gelatin;

• 60 g butter;

• bag of vanillin;

• 50 ml of liquid jam or syrup.


1. We start to cook cheesecake by crushing shortbread cookies. It will suit both store and home. We shift it into a bowl and crush crumbs. Add butter and milk. Mix. Take a mold for cheesecake - any silicone and put the mixture into it. Press to make the base for the pie.

2. Mix gelatin with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and mix with a spoon. Leave for a quarter of an hour, and then heat until completely dissolved. You do not need to boil the mixture! We filter.

3. In another bowl, mix the cottage cheese with sour cream in a blender. Enter vanillin and beat until lush foam. Add the cooled gelatin and beat at the first speed until the ingredients are mixed.

4. Put the gelled mixture on the cake from the crushed liver and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. Then we get it and pour on top with jam or syrup.

5. Remove from the mold and cut into pieces for serving.

Milk dessert - original fruit and berry pudding


• 300 g of apricots or peaches;

• 200 g of Victoria;

• 10 g of fresh lemon peel;

• 50 g of granulated sugar;

• 100 ml of freshly squeezed berry juice;

• 40 g of potato starch;

• 400 ml of milk;

• bag of vanillin;

• four egg yolks;

• a glass of fat cream;

• berries or fruit slices for decoration of the dessert.


1. Starch is mixed with the same amount of cold water and mixed.

2. Rinse and dry the apricots and Victoria. We also remove seeds from the fruits and remove the skin for a more delicate taste. Cut the berries and fruits into pieces and put them in a saucepan. Top up berry juice. Introduce chopped lemon zest and sugar. Stir and put on a slow fire. Add a mixture of starch and water. Cook until full thickening of the mass. Now, if desired, you can strain the jelly from the zest.

3. Mix gelatin with water (1: 4) and leave for a while. Then bring on the stove to complete dissolution, avoiding boiling. We filter.

4. Bring milk with sugar to a boil and cool. Add the yolks and sand. Mix and heat a little, you can in a water bath. Remove the thickened cream from the heat. Add gelatin and mix.

5. Beat the cream until the foam cream is increased in volume. With a spatula, add cream to the milk-yolk cream and mix.

6. Take a bowl or a tall glass cup for serving. Spread the first mixture of fruit and berry mixture, then creamy milk. Make two more layers. We spread the whole dessert so that in one serving there are at least four layers. We put on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

7. Decorate with fruit slices or berries on top. If desired, dessert can be decorated with mint leaves.

Milk Fudge Dessert with Nuts


• half a liter of milk;

• a pinch of turmeric or saffron;

• 50 g of powdered sugar;

• 20 g butter;

• 50 g hazelnuts or cashews.


1. First, pour turmeric with hot milk (50 ml) for half an hour.

2. Pour into the pan and add all the remaining milk. Boil over low heat until boiled in the consistency of the paste. All this time stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. You should get a thick mixture, remotely similar to plasticine.

3. Wash the nuts and dry them in a pan over low heat. Then grind them into small crumbs in any convenient way.

4. Using a spoon, mix the nuts and pasta.

5. We smear the mold for the dessert with butter and spread the sweet mass in an even layer. We dry in the oven at a temperature of 120 ° C to a solid state.

6. Then cut into cubes and serve as sweets.

Dairy desserts - tricks and tips

• Sugar in desserts can be replaced with fruits and berries.

• Skimmed or skimmed milk for desserts will not work. It can ruin a dish.

• In rare cases, boiled milk is suitable for recipes.

• In some desserts, if desired, milk can be replaced with sour cream.

• It is better to treat yourself to dairy desserts before lunch or afternoon tea, and it is not advisable to serve them in the evening.

• High-calorie desserts should be consumed in moderation, otherwise it will negatively affect health and shape.


Watch the video: Keto Cookies and Crème Ice Cream Recipe (June 2024).