All painted brunettes suffer from this! Keep in mind, when you are about to repaint from blond to dark shades: forewarned, then armed


Dark hair is always popular. Regardless of the shade you choose, dark curls look great, increase the drama of your appearance and are suitable for any season.

However, turning into a brunette is fraught with consequences. Consider the problems for which you should be prepared if you decide to go to the dark side.

Great chance of an allergy

Darker shades of paint contain molecules called p-phenylenediamine. It is also used to make ink and tattoos. This substance can cause a skin reaction: the appearance of vesicles, burning and redness. Although complete allergic reactions are rare, they also occur. There is no way to know in advance whether p-phenylenediamine will affect you, and allergies may not occur right away. The best thing you can do is do an allergy test before you start painting. If you feel a strong burning sensation, if your face turns red, wash off the paint immediately and consult a doctor.

How difficult it is to keep the right color!

It's one thing if you change the color in the interval of one or two tones. Then maintaining color will be relatively simple. However, if the change is more radical, then you are waiting for a struggle with light roots and color washing.

You can become brighter, but it's difficult. Dark color imposes obligations on you, because it will be very difficult to switch back to light curls. You cannot get away from the stage at which your hair will be the color of a rusty piece of iron. In addition, you also greatly spoil your strands. If you are not sure that you have chosen a dark color for a long time, it is better not to paint at all.

Paint from the mass market is not the best option

It has limited use. Shop paint is perfect for tinting hair, giving a light shade. But if you want to turn from a blonde into a brunette, then you need a professional. Why? Because in this case it is necessary to conjure over the developers of various strengths of action.

When you first see yourself with dark hair, do not be alarmed. Any change requires getting used to. Do not panic, take a closer look at yourself, even if the first reaction is to repaint yourself.

You will need new makeup

What looked at you with blond hair may look faded or ridiculous with dark hair. Pink blush can make you Snow White, blue shades will not add charm. Replace everything, immediately and ruthlessly. This is the only way to look great.


You need to ensure that your eyebrows are combined with the new color. The best option is eyebrows one or two shades lighter than hair. You can lightly tint the eyebrows with a pencil or even dye it.

Dark hair is not so simple. Any colorist or just a brunette girl will explain to you that any dark shade of paint is a mixture of several colors. In any case, before choosing a paint in the store, consult with a specialist what color is right for you.

And also a new wardrobe

Your old things may no longer suit you. Therefore, you have to buy new basic things, so that was what to wear. In addition, now you will need new elastic bands, hair bands and invisibility.

Despite everything, dark hair will be your best experiment. Seriously. This will accentuate your eyes, especially if they are light. Having picked up a successful dark hair color, you will no longer want to look for something else.


Watch the video: Balayage For Brunettes. Balayage Highlights on Dark Hair. Ombre Hairstyle (June 2024).