Tertiary smoking can cause cancer


According to doctors, the effect of "tertiary smoking" on a person can cause DNA damage and can cause cancer.

Tertiary smoking is the effect of tobacco smoke constituents that have settled on the atmosphere in a smoky room and affecting the people in it. Earlier it was found that "tertiary smoking" is extremely detrimental to the human body.

Recently, the results of a chemical analysis of substances released during smoking were presented. As it turned out, a significant part of the 4000 substances emitted by a cigarette settle in the room, despite subsequent airing. The composition of these substances include both toxins and carcinogens. Especially dangerous are compounds that include nitric oxide and nitrogen, which, when combined with a DNA molecule, subsequently cause mutations leading, in particular, to cancer. In this regard, scientists particularly note the harm that tertiary smoking has on young children, who are more susceptible than adults to the effects of harmful environmental factors.

The only way to get rid of the effects of tertiary smoking is to remove all affected objects: upholstered furniture, carpets. And also you need to repaint the walls, wash curtains, bedding.


Watch the video: The impact of smoking on treatment response and smoking cessation support (June 2024).