Riddle woman: what is she like for a man?


A woman is a mystery ... Her image has long been interesting to both girls and men. They dream of her, compose novels, make films, imitate her. What secrets does she keep, why is she so attractive?

This woman knows how to present herself, to leave an indelible mark in the male heart, it is impossible to forget about her. The qualities that she possesses are at first glance simple, but pleasantly surprising in the process of communication. She makes spontaneous decisions, is self-confident and self-sufficient, is not afraid to show feelings, she is neat and attractive. A mystery woman acts on a man like a magnet, carries away, makes you think about yourself and achieve. It is like a book that you want to reread again and again. Many girls do everything to at least get a little closer to her image.

When you hear something about a mystery woman, an image with an impeccable appearance arises before your eyes. You may not be a fatal beauty, but well-groomed necessarily. This is one of the most important items on the list of advantages of any woman. As for clothes, it is not necessary to follow fashion, the main thing is to create a personal style and match it. It is better to give preference to the good old classics. A black dress with high-heeled shoes sets a woman apart from the crowd, which cannot be said about a sweater with ballet shoes. Do not do elaborate hairstyles, as well as bright makeup. Minimalism is what should accompany a true lady.

Beauty, of course, attracts and creates a favorable impression, but you will not go far on it. In addition to a flawless appearance, it is necessary to behave like a true aristocrat. Your task is not to be proud, pompous special, but to create the impression of a lady of the last century. Let the man help you, take care, care. Good manners should not be flashy, do not pretend to be natural. Follow etiquette, develop the habit of moving slowly and gracefully.

People who always doubt are unattractive, and even annoying. Without confidence, nowhere, and especially to the mystery woman. People who know their worth know how to interest, profitably present themselves, show strengths. No constrained movements, only proud posture and a brilliant look. To develop confidence, you must:

  • accept your strengths and weaknesses;
  • strive for the ideal, work on yourself;
  • analyze the situation and draw conclusions;
  • to have one’s own opinion; not to follow the lead of others;
  • to be sincere;
  • praise yourself;
  • set goals and strive for them;
  • to be prepared for failures;
  • Do not focus on trifles;
  • to be energetic, cheerful;
  • Do not complain
  • be able to ask for help.

What you have in mind and what you strive for must remain a secret. It is important not only to monitor the speech, but also for your body. Non-verbal gestures can betray fear and awkwardness. You need to be modest, inaccessible, and at the same time as relaxed as possible. It is important to truly relax and not worry, the only way to achieve success in the business you have begun. Do not immediately give out all the information about yourself, on the contrary, present your facts from life in batches.

Avoid direct answers, say: “What do you think?”, “It’s too early for you to know about it” or “Girls don’t tell about this”.

It is also very important to be able to shut up and leave at the right moment, to end the conversation at the most interesting place. Using these tricks, you can rekindle the interest of a man and leave him in agonizing ignorance. And as we all know, men are hunters and when they discover a goal, they achieve it.

When asked how you will spend your day off, don’t talk about a laptop and pizza - it kills piquancy and romance. Let the man fantasize, answer: "modest girls do not talk about this" or "let this be a surprise to you." A man will immediately imagine a sexual image, and your conversation will go very differently. Such tricks start, and your interlocutor will think about you even after the meeting.

Make a guy nervous. Make an appointment for him, and then call back and, referring to certain circumstances that he should not know about, cancel the meeting. You can still, during the conversation, “accidentally” mention some event, but immediately change the subject due to the preservation of its nervous system. Basically, men begin to worry and move on to active actions, promoting relations to a new level, otherwise God forbid a rival appears.

What a mystery without surprise? Everyone agrees that watching the same movie or listening to a joke on the 10th circle is completely uninteresting, and the person speaking the same thing every time is generally annoying.

Another thing is unexpected situations, you definitely won't get bored with them. Sharp mood swings, jealousy, ostentatious fear - it keeps well in good shape. A man will definitely not know what to expect from you: tenderness, anger, passion or some new game. Yes, it will infuriate, provoke aggression, drive you crazy, but the man will definitely not be bored with you, which is very important for the girl. The main thing is not to overdo it, and yet give more positive than negative.

No need to give out details of your vacation, relationship or meeting. Turning the soul of everyone, you become as ordinary as everyone. Be unknown, mysterious, mysterious, then you will want to read like a fascinating book.

It should be noted that mystery and secrecy are two different things. The mystery woman only creates the illusion that all secrets are already revealed, she is frank, and only slightly silent.

The image of the mystery woman helps to attract a man, as they say, "catch him on a hook", but you should not follow the image for too long. Over time, a man will want to know all the corners of your soul, this is good and natural. Strong relationships can only be built on trust, so continue to adhere to the golden mean, harmoniously interlacing all female features and secrets.


Watch the video: Girlfriend Can't Figure Out Pizza Riddle. Pizza Problems (June 2024).