The most vulnerable zodiac signs


Some people can be hurt with just one word, someone can endure and be silent for a long time. Does a person's vulnerability depend on his zodiac sign? Let's figure it out.

Top 3 most vulnerable zodiac signs

Crayfish - they really are one of the most vulnerable signs of the zodiac; they literally cannot bear any remark. They do not like to be criticized, even when they are told something in the case, they immediately begin to be offended, not yet listening to the opponent’s arguments to the end.

Little Crayfish are very vulnerable. But they may not cry, but simply close and not show, just go inside and cry for a long time, since no one understands them, and no one can help them.

In any case, they think so. And if parents still endure the vagaries of their children, then strangers can regard the vulnerability of the Cancers as a simple lack of education and even have a very negative attitude towards it.

Some cancers try to restrain emotions to the last, not to pretend that they are offended. But then doubts begin to torment them, perhaps they were offended correctly and did not say anything, or, on the contrary, expressed themselves too sharply. Cancers also have a frequent change of mood, which is very difficult for others to get used to. Here he laughs, and here, after a minute, he is already offended or alarmed by something.

Such resentment plays a cruel joke with the Cancers in family life, as they have to constantly control emotions in order not to lose their family. Those Cancers who prefer to tell everything clearly and without concealment risk losing their friends and relationships because of their touchiness.

Fish - They are also mentally very vulnerable. Perhaps all because they are too trusting in life, because they really want to believe in the best, that friends will always be faithful, as well as the second half. They sometimes react to life situations like children - they are too upset, worried and always try to find a way out.

Fishes can shut up their insults and burst into tears even when no one sees them.

This helps them keep their personal lives, while they are often silent. If your soulmate is silent, not so actively and joyfully meeting you from work, not smiling for no reason at the sight of you - it's time to remember how you could offend her.

Pisces try not to conflict with anyone, therefore, you should not swear with them, you should not speak out sharply with them, you just hurt yourself. You can always agree with them, therefore, try to always find a compromise in communicating with them.

Lions - they can be easily injured if their tremendous merits are not recognized. If you accidentally forgot to praise your child, Leo, then expect indignation from him, and stamping your feet. You may think that your child is poorly raised, but the whole thing is in the temperament of Leo. He simply does not accept it when someone else takes his merit.

Want to have a wonderful relationship with Leo - praise him more often.

Lions are also vulnerable because they are open to people, they can come to the aid at any difficult time and they are very worried that in return they do not receive the same support. If your friend Leo shared grief and joy with you, do not forget to share her problems with her as well. Otherwise, you can forget about friendship. Lions quickly, without a twinge of conscience, delete from the life of people who did not appreciate their actions.

Lions are very injured by a quarrel. They can defend their innocence, not back down in anything, at the same time, you need to understand that Leo stands on his own from the principle and as soon as you back out, stop quarreling - he will agree to a truce and may even agree with your arguments.

The most vulnerable zodiac signs, let's talk about the rest

Virgin - they are hurt by someone else's indifference and a feeling of helplessness, since they themselves very often delegate important matters to other people. Virgos need to be allowed to pronounce themselves, then they will not be so absorbed in themselves, they will not be offended for no particular reason, they will try to convey information so that they are understood.

If Virgo does not feel her importance in the family, in the company, in the team, then she can constantly find a reason for resentment. For example, just to find fault with the fact that with her no one went to drink coffee at dinner, to the fact that her husband did not tell her what a delicious soup. All these are trifles, but when they accumulate in Virgo, there is a real explosion of emotions, and Virgo very curses, though with all.

Virgos are quite serious about communicating with relatives, so they try to always be aware of what is happening with their relatives, even if the relatives are not too willing to share it.

Strongly injured Dev refusals to communicate with them.

For example, a friend may refuse to communicate, because Virgo is too actively interested in her personal life. Such a situation can lead to the fact that Virgo will constantly look for meetings with her ex-girlfriend in order to find out the relationship - this is a terrible idea, do not do this.

Taurus - they are vulnerable, but in moderation. At first, they hold back for a long time, try to avoid conflict, but when emotions accumulate, they will certainly express everything with an addiction. Do not pester them for nothing and experiment with their emotions - you can make a big mistake and no longer restore relations with Taurus.

They are so vulnerable, especially from the words of loved ones, that they instantly lose their temper and start to panic. Do not experiment, otherwise a lot of the hourly scandal is provided to you. Taurus can be vindictive, you won’t even understand what you did and why he takes revenge on you, you just forgot how much you offended him, but he didn’t.

Capricorns - they hold the defense for a long time, but a ridiculously thrown word addressed to them hurts them too much. For example, you just wanted to say that you do not completely agree with Capricorn’s point of view, and he will hear that you do not completely agree with him, do not support him, do not strive to be with him at the same time.

This is the whole complexity of vulnerable people - they come up with various reasons for themselves to be offended, and these reasons are not always reasoned, not always appropriate. Try not to hurt the vulnerable person with words; do not provoke resentment yourself.


Watch the video: 6 Zodiac signs whose personality is so strong that it can intimidate others Taurus is Important (June 2024).