How do people born under different zodiac signs behave under the influence of alcohol?


Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, many of us begin to behave in a completely different way than in ordinary everyday life. Let’s find out what character traits are revealed in different signs of the zodiac when they take alcohol.


These representatives are affected by alcohol in the most incredible way. When you are in the same company with a drunk Aries, always be on the alert, as he can arrange some kind of catch, start dancing on the table, and even become the instigator of a big fight. In a word, Aries under the influence of alcohol become completely unrecognizable and also uncontrollable!


From these representatives, as well as from Aries, he can expect anything! That's just most often when intoxicated, they constantly try to prove to everyone present that they are completely sober, even if at the moment they are in extreme alcoholic intoxication. To prove something to Taurus at this time is pointless, and also dangerous to the psyche!


Drunk Twins are not much different from sober. They can also chat anyone, and they will talk loudly and without stopping. And with alcoholic intoxication, Gemini is inherent to lose their duality. And here it’s how lucky - either they will spend the whole evening sweet and easy conversations, or begin to emotionally complain about their "worthless" life.


Cancers have one feature - when intoxicated, they are able to fully reveal their essence. And therefore, if the Cancer that you want to see the real has appeared in your environment, be sure to drink it!

a lion

The behavior of these representatives under alcohol, in fact, is no different from sober behavior. Well, perhaps, their voice becomes more strict and loud, and manners - more "fanciful" and royal. And these representatives in a drunken state are able to endlessly talk about their achievements and successes, each time in the same circle.


The drunken Virgin becomes more mundane. This is a typical Earth sign, which under the influence of alcohol goes through all the main stages of intoxication. At first, she notifies everyone that “she’s already drunk,” then she “loves everyone”, and then she begins to talk about politics and respect for each other. In the morning, Virgo cannot get out of bed until she “throws herself” with a pair of aspirin tablets.


The most interesting thing is that Libra's indecision when taking alcohol drinks disappears somewhere instantly. Under alcohol, they feel like "Hercules", capable of performing any feats. But at the same time, they don’t get "on the rampage", because at the moment they feel inner calm, harmony and try to enjoy it as much as possible, because in a sober life they are extremely rarely in such euphoria.


Even if you drink on a par with Scorpio, in the end it will still turn out that this representative is still the most sober and sane. And all because Scorpio is able not only to drink, but also with the help of his "light" hand is able to quickly "roll" a large company.


But Sagittarius is completely unable to drink. More precisely, they love and know how to drink, only rarely do they know the measure. After a couple of glasses of alcohol, they begin to tell everyone how cool and happy they live. However, if they’re a little “sorted out,” they begin to “cry into a vest”, talking about what a difficult and unhappy life they have. In general, Sagittarius under the influence of alcohol, it is completely impossible to understand.


Alcoholic drinks help conservative and reserved Capricorns to finally expose their souls and become as frank as possible. During the adoption of alcohol, these representatives do not recognize - they begin to joke, flirt, give compliments and, of course, commit silly, ridiculous acts.


Drunk Aquarius is, one might say, the engine of progress. And why? Because during alcohol libations, a muse comes to Aquarius, which helps him to make brilliant discoveries, find new ideas and be inspired by new achievements.


Fish when intoxicated become excessively emotional, and therefore can be dangerous to others. Alcohol in its own way acts on these representatives, and it is often extremely unpredictable.


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