Fortune telling Tarot on Thursday June 20th for all zodiac signs. What card has fallen to you and what to be afraid of


It's time to look at yourself and your own life: either you like what you see right now or not. There is no middle ground. The energy of the day brings you motivation for action, but leisurely and thoughtful. If you have already sowed some kind of “seeds” of change, then in the future it will be easier and easier for you to move. Go to the door, behind which a new experience awaits you, and turn on the light for yourself. This is the day when your intuition and spiritual experience reaches its peak. Growth and development are never easy, but they make you better and more perfect. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map - Strength

Life may seem ordinary and boring, or you may be afraid of an uncertain future. Anxiety is the enemy. Listen to your heart, not your ego. Today you need a regime of peace and quiet. Think about what else you would like and could achieve. Make new plans and clearly imagine the goals. You are stronger than you think.


Map - Sun

The lessons you learned from betrayal and deceit in the past may leave scars, but you have become stronger. Tune in to the joys of life and take with you all the most precious memories and invaluable moments that inspire you. The more you are on the move and doing something, the better for you.


Map Hangman

You are in a period of downtime and expectation, but do not give in to a sense of complacency. It's time to react to a situation that lasts longer than it should, and for this you will have to experience discomfort and, possibly, emotional pain. The universe gives you a push in the direction you need to go.


Map - Chariot

Get out of your hard shell and look around. You miss something in life when you prefer to sit out in your hole. Indifference or fear of losing something can seriously affect your self-confidence. Perhaps your moment of truth has come. Be open to new actions.

A lion

Map - Court

Your mind needs more correct information that comes from the heart and inner voice. This is a great day to chat closely with family and friends or start a creative project. Expect that everything will become easier and people will then be more open and supportive of you.


Map - Death

You may overreact to criticism, especially from those you do not know well. There may be feelings of alienation and misunderstanding, if you are soul-breaking and not quite frank in your feelings and emotions. Turn on the mode of kindness and love to fill some kind of void in your relationship and live this day calmly.


Map - Page of Pentacles

Today you should take the position of a student or apprentice who needs knowledge and experience. Do not reject help and soak up new information. You can also update your wardrobe or change the look. Stay close to friends from whom you can get attention and support.


Map - Five Cups

It is possible that some difficult situation may make you realize that there are adverse moments in life, but this is normal. Feel your emotions and stay alive and open person. If possible, then spend maximum time at home with people you love.


Map - Knight of Swords

Seek wisdom and use your knowledge to your advantage. Do not give up sound advice and put them into practice. Your situation should continue to improve, however do not lose your vigilance and do not relax. Bold actions and actions can lead to important changes, even if you have to sacrifice something.


Map - World

Do not miss the opportunity, which is quite capable of being unique in life. She will push you in a new direction and show you a completely different path. Choose what your soul lies to, but do not forget to ask yourself the question: "How is this consistent with my life goals?"


Map - Nine Wands

Be careful with finances today and do not give in to the thirst for spontaneous acquisitions or purchases on credit. Expect some changes in work, travel or study. Perhaps something will not go according to plan, then take a break and re-evaluate the situation. The main thing is to drive yourself down and pessimistic.


Map - Queen of Swords

You are not so easily fooled today, because you are pragmatic and partly skeptical. Do not be afraid to be honest and straightforward. This is one of those days when you especially need to be yourself. If you feel melancholy, then spend time alone or with those closest to you.

The strongest card of the day

The leading card of the day is Lovers. She usually hints that you should rethink the path you are following or change direction. Your inner strength can give you enough motivation to change something, as well as inspire others to do so. Focus on what brings joy, what makes you a happy person, and let the universe take care of you.


Watch the video: Pick A Card Reading:What's Next In Love For You? (June 2024).