July 7 "Ivan Kupala": plots and rituals


June is one of the months most favorable for white magic rituals of the year. This is especially felt by the adepts of pagan or runic magic. In the first summer month, the energy of the earth and the sun is the strongest, the power of nature is at its peak.

The most energetically charged for white magical processes is the summer solstice - June 7th. The peak of energy vibrations falls on the evening and night of this day - the period of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. This holiday will be discussed in our article.

June 7th The night of Ivan Kupala

Holiday of Ivan Kupala - an ancient pagan festival of Eastern Slavic tribes, celebrating the summer solstice. On this day, the forces of nature reach their apogee. In addition, this holiday coincides with the birthday of the strongest Christian saint - John the Baptist.

There are conflicting rumors about the origin of the name of this celebration. On the one hand, "Ivan Kupala" is a Slavic version of the name of John the Baptist. On the other hand there is a pagan deity, symbolizing the solstice, and the name of this deity is Kupala.

There is a belief that fern is blooming on the night of Ivan Kupala. According to legend, a traveler who plucked a flower gets access to the secrets of the universe, becomes a soothsayer and the ability to control subtle matters. However, this plant blooms in an instant, and dark forces interfere with its disruption. When trying to pick a flower, an energetically unprotected person can lose sight, hearing, reason, and even life.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala begins at 7 pm on June 6 and ends at dawn the next day. Pagan wedding ceremonies are held on the festive night. The forces of nature are especially supportive of fortune tellers on runes and Tarot cards. It is also recommended to guess at the contented, since on the night of June 7, according to legends, Lada, the Slavic goddess of love, wanders the earth. Lada patronizes young girls in their quest to find a narrowed and get married.

Conspiracies and rites for June 7

On the magical night of Ivan Kupala, you can start talking about any inanimate natural element. It is believed that in this way life is breathed into the object for a while, and in gratitude it protects the person who has revived it. Therefore, the conjurer should be careful with words and emotions. On this holiday, one should not wish evil to anyone or speak nature on the negative. This will not only adversely affect the health of the caster, but may also attract the unwanted attention of evil beings from the subtle world.

One of the most popular is the rite of preparation and conspiracy overpowered-grass. It is a bright green plant with a racemose inflorescences of small bright blue flowers. It is necessary to collect a grass on the morning of June 6. When collecting the plant can not be uprooted - this can cause insult to the spirits of nature. Wrapped grass should be wrapped in linen fabric and left in a cool place until the evening.

The rite of conspiracy to overpower the grass is as follows:

  • After 19:00, with grass wrapped in cloth, you must retire in nature. This may be a field, forest, space near the reservoir. To enhance the impact of slander, it is recommended to use the power of all four elements, so a place near the reservoir would be the best choice. A fire is made, but in a place free from grass growth. The branches for the fire are collected from the ground; nothing is needed to break and chop - you must treat the forces of nature with respect and not take too much from Mother Earth;
  • Before the bonfire, a fabric is spread, over which the grass is regularly distributed;
  • The caster sits on his knees facing the moon, spreads his hands over the grass in front of him and reads the following spell:

"Mother Nature,


Witness what I say!

The field is wide, the lake is deep, the fire burns, the wind howls.

I didn’t grow grass, I didn’t talk, it wasn’t me that the flowers were vzroscheni, the roots are not mine.

Bred you, overpower-grass, Mother-Cheese-Earth.

God has threatened you with a fearsome Perun, Ladushka has been telling you.

Midnight wards guarded your sleep, half novice kept your bloom.

I tore you off, bowing to Mother Earth,

bowing to Perun,

bowing to Ladushka.

Overcome, overpowering grass, evil and grubby, callous and embittered.

Overcome, overpowering grass, my grief is bitter and fail my black one.

Overcome, overpowering grass, high obstacles in my righteous way.

In the name of Mother Nature and the Father-Month, I will carry you at my very heart! "

  • A bunch of conspiracy overpowered grass take with them for good luck on the road or at important gatherings. Hiding the plant should be in a secret pocket on the left side of the chest.

Another famous conspiracy is to wash with night dew. Suitable for girls who do not want to part with their youth and beauty. At midnight, you need to collect dew, and wash it, saying: "Mother Cheese-Earth is always beautiful! Mother Nature is always young! Give me a drop of your beauty and youth! Dew wash your face - I wash off old age!"

On money

Conspiracies and rituals on Ivan Kupala for wealth are especially popular. Like other ordinances, they are performed after sunset. Below are some well-known and effective money conspiracies against Ivan Kupala:

  • Silver coins are put in a bowl for washing. In their absence, any silver product round (not spherical) or oval in shape will fit. It is necessary to wash this water, saying: “Just as people love silver and gold, so will the money in my wallet. As silver in the womb of Mother Earth is born, so my money never ends”;
  • Before sunrise, preferably at midnight, you need to lie on the grass covered with night dew. In this case, the greater the area of ​​the body touches the dew - the better. Lying on the grass you need to whisper the following spell: “Trave-ant - no counting, drops of dew - no counting, even if there is no counting of my wealth. In the name of Saint John the Baptist, Amen”;
  • From the nearest reservoir (preferably - freshwater river) is collected about a liter of water. Any coins are placed in the water for the night of Ivan Kupala. In the morning you should wash this charged water, saying: "Water sacred poverty will wash away, the secret of wealth I will open."

However, the most effective is the rite of interaction with the bonfire on the night of Ivan Kupala. Coins are thrown into a burning flame over the right shoulder. The conspiracy is read like this:

"The flame is mighty, formidable, fuel!
Give me luck, take the barrier out of my way!
Make the enemies forget me
And my hands floated my money!
If you do as I pray,
I will thank you generously! "

The effect of this spell is felt in the coming days after the night of Ivan Kupala.


Health conspiracies against Ivan Kupala are also very popular. The most effective of these is the water rite-based conspiracy. After sunset, you must swim in the river, dip your chin and say:

Voditsa Voditsa,
Help Heal!
The body is immersed in water -
The soul is healed.
As John the Forerunner washed away sins from people, so the illness will wash off from me,

It is necessary to leave the river slowly, and, having got out on the coast, it is not necessary to hurry to leave. It is recommended to sit on the shore, admire the river and make your body strong and healthy. Then you need to wash in the river any item of clothing. If his master gets sick after the night of Ivan Kupala within the next year, he should wear this thing - and he will immediately feel better.


Since in the Summer Solstice Lada herself wanders among the people, conspiracies about love on the day of Ivan Kupala are the most effective. If a girl loses the position of a lover and wants to return her, on the eve of the night of the sacrament, after 19:00, she should read the following spell:

On my side - lyubo-Ladushka,
On my side is Mother Earth,
On my side - Lado-Lel.
As I say - so be it:
Fly, wind, fly, free,
Bring me a good fellow,
Bring me a clear falcon,
Yes, so that my light [the Name of the beloved] looked into my eyes.
He looked into his eyes - yes, love noticed in them,
He took his hand and answered with love!

Then you need to weave a wreath of wild flowers, at night Ivan Kupala in it go to the river and let it float on the river.


One of the main rituals on the night of Ivan Kupala is jumping over the fire. The fire not only clears the black spellcasting charms, but also is able to point the girl at her narrowed one. To determine their future, the boy and the girl jump over the fire holding hands. If they manage to cross the flames without releasing each other, or at the moment of the jump, a bunch of sparks rose behind them - their marriage will be long and happy.

In turn, the following reading applies to conspiracies to marry Ivan Kupala:

As a man can not live without bread and water,
So [the Name of the beloved] cannot live without me.
As the swans on the lake swim together,
So with [Name] we are sailing along the river of life.
As a month crowns the heavens,
So we with [Name] will soon be married
Herb of herbs
A wreath of flower
A wreath of love and tenderness.

The conspiracy should be read by an unmarried girl, weaving a wreath of meadow or forest herbs and flowers. The more magnificent and brighter the wreath is, the happier and more diverse the life of the fortune with her chosen one will be. At the end of the ceremony, the girl should wear a wreath as a headdress and stay in it all night Ivan Kupala before dawn. In the morning the wedding wreath should be allowed to sail along the river.


Watch the video: July 7 - Talk To Me (July 2024).