Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: effective compresses to relieve pain and inflammation. The heel spur is curable!


Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies occupies a central place in the initial stage of the disease and a predominant share in the complex therapy of this unpleasant and painful disease.

Official medicine suggests the use of medicines and surgical procedures. Such treatment scares patients with possible painful sensations and judging by the reviews, not always with a lasting effect.

The benefits of alternative treatment include:

• Recipes include natural ingredients;

• they are more accessible in use, which contributes to the initiation of therapy at an early stage without delaying the pathological process.

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: popular recipes

There are a number of treatments available that aim to relieve pain and inflammation. The most common and inexpensive ones are:

1. Bile treatment - Medical bile can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is cleaned and almost harmless. A cotton swab or gauze pad moistened with bile is applied to the heel, a cellophane is put on top and not very tightly fixed with a bandage. The lotion should be left overnight, in the morning it is removed and the heel is wiped with lotion or an alcohol solution. The course of therapy consists of 20 times.

2. Bile Recipes - prepare a mixture of bile, alcohol (vodka) and shampoo at the rate of 40g + 20g + 5g. The legs are pre-steamed in hot water (about 15 minutes), a natural cloth (linen) moistened with the prepared mixture is applied, covered with cellophane and put on a sock. The procedure is carried out in the evening and the compress is left until morning.

3. Salt use:

• in the form of a hot solution (1 kg of salt per 5 liters of water) - combine the ingredients, bring to a boil and leave. When the water temperature reaches a tolerable level, lower your legs and keep to cool completely. The patient's condition improves markedly after 4 or 5, but the course of therapy should include 10 procedures. The solution is used the same, only heated before a session;

• dry - coarse salt (400-500 g) is heated in the oven, poured into a container convenient for heating the affected heel. The foot is kept in salt until it cools completely, combining with massaging movements. Allowed to spend every day to improve. Instead of salt, you can use sea or river sand;

• in a mixture of salt (1 table spoon of fine salt) with iodine (1 tsp of alcohol solution) and honey (1 table spoon). The compress is left overnight and in the morning they "go" with it for another quarter of an hour. Manipulate twice a week.

4. Usage medical iodine - it has the ability to penetrate deep into the tissues and act on the focus of inflammation. In addition, in conditions of iodine deficiency in food, thus, there is a replenishment of its reserves in the body and prevention of thyroid disease (endemic goiter). First, iodine lotions are used or the affected heel is thickly lubricated. After several procedures, you should switch to drawing the iodine grid to protect yourself from skin burns.

5. Treatment liquid ammonia - on a greased or greasy heel (to prevent burns), apply a lotion with 10% ammonia, cellophane and on top a warm sock, leave overnight. The course lasts 5-6 procedures.

6. Application pharmacy turpentine - heel for the night is rubbed thickly with turpentine, 2 natural socks are worn, first thin and warm on top. Apply for 1-2 weeks, after a 2-week break, a second course is carried out.

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: medicinal herbs

An equally rich arsenal of products based on a variety of herbs for the treatment of spurs on the heel - they help reduce the inflammatory process and prevent skin infection:

• leaves of plantain, cabbage, burdock, coltsfoot - each used separately, put the back of the affected heel at night, not more than once a week;

• grass knotweed - especially important in summer. Juicy grass is placed in a sock or shoes (if you walk in shoes without a sock) and leave for the whole day. It is necessary to take fresh grass the next day. A visible result will appear after 2-3 weeks;

• Nettle - it is preferable to use the grass harvested in May. Young nettles are crushed in a meat grinder or blender, the pulp along with a leaf of burdock is applied to the heel, fixed and left overnight. The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks;

• tincture from iris root - prepare tincture from equal parts (250 g each) of crushed iris root and undiluted alcohol, insist for 2 weeks in a dark place. Lotions do for the night through the day, put a napkin with cooked tincture, on top of cellophane and sock. On another day, heel was smeared with medical Vaseline instead. The duration of therapy is 10 sessions for 20 days;

• tincture of lilac flowers - fresh or dry lilac flowers are poured with alcohol (vodka) in a ratio of 1:10 and left to infuse for 8 to 10 days. Apply in the form of night compresses.

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: compresses with products

To treat the affected heel, food is often used in the form of applications and compresses:

raw potatoes - use green fruits, so it is previously placed in a sunny place for several days. The potatoes are rubbed with grated skins and gruel applied to the sore heel at night. The duration of treatment is 10 days;

garlic - rub a few large teeth (or head) on a grater and apply for 3 or 4 hours under the control of your sensations. If a burning sensation is not observed and the procedure is tolerated normally, you can repeat it 2-3 times a week;

bow - used in the form of gruel (like garlic) or together with tar. Cut the onion in half, smear one of the halves with a drop of tar and attach to the heel for several hours. The result appears after 5-6 procedures;

black radish - crushed until gruel formation and in the form of applications left overnight. In the morning, wash the foot with water and lubricate with nourishing cream. The pain subsides after 3 sessions;

walnuts - as in the previous recipes, a kashych-like mixture of crushed nuts is applied on the heel, and they stand for the whole night;

horseradish - used in raw form, like radish or potatoes. Also, decoctions are made from leaves and horseradish root - 100 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 5 minutes. When the resulting broth is cooled a little, immerse the affected heel in it until it cools completely. Frequency of use - twice a week;

honey - spread on a leaf of cabbage and apply at night to the heel. Wrap cellophane on top and fix with a bandage. The compress is removed in the morning and the foot is washed with water. Or honey is combined with flour until a dough is formed, and such a cake is part of the compress. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 10 procedures.

Treatment of heel spurs with folk remedies: warnings

Traditional medicine has many recipes and everyone chooses the most suitable and effective. Wherein should remember:

1. treatment should be carried out after consultation (diagnosis) and under the supervision of a doctor;

2. The use of non-traditional means is most effective at the onset of the disease - they relieve pain, prevent skin infection and eliminate inflammation. In the stage of formation of bone growth (spike), such treatment is advisable to combine with medical or surgical;

3. The use of folk methods requires patient diligence and patience to undergo a whole course (sometimes repeated courses) of treatment;

4. long-term remission occurs after complex therapy, which takes into account the causes of the disease (normalization of weight, sparing load on the legs, refusal of high-heeled shoes).

Thus, timely treatment of the heel spur with folk remedies will preserve the health of the legs and relieve from unpleasant pain.


Watch the video: Ways To Relieve Heel Pain Naturally (June 2024).