Custard - sweet secrets in your kitchen. Unusually simple and very tasty custard recipes with all sorts of additives


Every housewife wants to surprise relatives and friends with culinary masterpieces.

What secrets does a custard recipe keep?

Custard - General Cooking Principles

There are many techniques for making custard. The essence of custard is the technique of heating, brewing the ingredients. In addition, a mandatory component in custard is a thickener.

A classic option is custard made from eggs, sugar, butter, milk, starch or flour, in which eggs and starch (flour) act as a thickener.

As you know, eggs are not present in vegetarian recipes, but, nevertheless, there are very interesting vegetarian sweet dishes using custard. Therefore, you can do without eggs, brew cream only with the help of starch or flour. Some recipes use chocolate and cream as a natural thickener.

In the manufacture of confectionery it is important to strictly comply with the three conditions:

• The weight of the ingredients must be as accurate as possible. To the greatest extent, this requirement applies to the preparation of creams;

• mandatory compliance with the sequence of the process and temperature;

• quality of the products used.

Recipe 1. Custard "Gourmet"


• Eggs - 5 pcs .;

• Sugar - 0.200 kg;

• Milk - 0.100 ml;

• Pastry cream 35% - 0.150 ml;

• cream stabilizer - 0.005 kg;

• Butter - 0,100 kg;

• Citric acid - 0.001 kg;

• Water - 0.070 ml;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 0.750 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Beat the confectionery cream with the stabilizer one by one until light peaks, then separate the butter with sugar (in the amount of 70 grams) and vanilla to a white consistency.

Add the remaining 70 grams of sugar to the water and boil the syrup. We continue to whip proteins at high speed, gradually adding a thin stream of syrup.

In cooled eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins. Add citric acid to proteins and beat them until the weight increases three times (to stable peaks). Checking the protein mass for readiness: when tipping dishes with whipped whites, they should not fall out of the tank.

Grind the yolks with six to ten grams of sugar and pour a thin stream into the milk, brought to a boil. Mass with yolks, sugar and milk, stir over low heat, continuously, until thick.

Warm, brewed mass, combine with the protein mass, continuing to beat. In the resulting mixture at a minimum speed add butter with sugar, then whipped cream. Put in the fridge for two hours.

Recipe 2. Custard "Lemon freshness"


• Lemons - 0.500 kg;

• Pastry cream 35% - 0.200 ml;

• Cream stabilizer - 0.007 kg

• Sugar - 0.300 kg;

• Butter, cream 82.5% - 0.300 kg;

• Saffron - 0.002 kg;

• Vanilla stick - 1 pc;

Yield: 1,200 kg.

Cooking Technology:

My lemons, rubbed zest. Squeeze the juice, add sugar, vanilla stick and saffron to it. Cook the syrup for 5 minutes. One minute before readiness add the zest. Wipe through a sieve.

Whisk butter until white. Add the cooled syrup and whisk again until smooth. Separately, whip the confectionery cream, adding a stabilizer.

Mix with a mixer, at minimum speed, the oil-lemon mass with whipped cream. Cool.

Recipe 3. Custard "Berry"


• Berries in assortment - 0.500 kg;

• Milk 4% fat - 0.500 ml;

• Corn starch - 0.100 kg;

• Sugar - 0.350 kg;

• Confectionery cream 35% fat - 0,300 ml;

• cream stabilizer - 0.005 kg;

• Cinnamon to taste;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1,650 kg.

Cooking Technology:

My berries, ground with sugar. In cold milk, add crushed berries and starch. Continuously stirring, bring to a boil. Add cinnamon. Filter the resulting mass through a sieve. Let cool and add vanillin. Pastry cream whip with a stabilizer. In the end, in small portions add milk and berry jelly, continuing to beat. Cool.

Recipe 4. Bounty Custard


• Coconut milk - 0.100 ml

• Coconut shavings - 0.100 kg

• Pastry cream 50% - 0.400 ml

• Cream stabilizer - 0.005 kg

• White chocolate (non-porous) - 0,300 kg

• Vanillin to taste

Output: 0,900 kg

Cooking Technology:

Pour 200 grams of cream into a double-bottom stewpan, add white chocolate. We put on a small fire to melt the chocolate. Then add 50 ml of coconut milk, chips and vanilla.

Whip the other part of the cream with a stabilizer. When the cream reaches the light peaks, pour a thin stream of 50 ml of coconut milk, add vanilla.

Whip cream with chocolate mix, whip at maximum speed until smooth. Put in the fridge for two hours. Beat again. The custard is ready.

Recipe 5. Custard "Milk"


• Milk 4% - 0.500 ml;

• Sugar - 0.300 kg;

• Corn starch - 0.050 kg;

• Pastry cream 30% - 0.150 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1,000 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add sugar, and put on low heat. Constantly stirring, bring to a boil. We leave from the stove.

Sift the starch and combine with 100 ml of cold milk, which we pour into the hot mixture. Diligently stir to avoid lumps.

Return to medium heat, stirring continuously, until completely thickened. Strain through a sieve. Let cool.

In the resulting mass, add confectionery cream and vanilla, whip.

Recipe 6. Creamy Custard


• Eggs - 5 pcs .;

• Sugar - 0.300 kg;

• Milk - 0,300 ml;

• Starch - 0.050 kg;

• Butter 82.5% - 0.400 kg;

• Vanillin to taste

Yield: 1,250 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Beat eggs lightly with sugar. Sift starch into milk, stir, without leaving lumps. Then bring the milk to a boil, with constant stirring with a whisk (on medium heat).

Hot milk, pour in a thin stream into the egg mass with sugar with active beating. We put on medium heat for 3 - 4 minutes. Set to cool.

Add vanillin to soft oil. Beat to a white consistency. When the milky egg mass has cooled, pour in the butter in small portions, beating with a mixer at high speed. Let it freeze in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Custard "Prunes with chocolate"


• Prunes - 0.400 kg;

• Eggs - 3 pcs .;

• Sugar - 0.200 kg;

• Flour - 0.100 kg;

• Water - 0.100 ml;

• Condensed milk - 0.200 kg;

• Dark chocolate - 0.200 kg;

• Butter 82.5% - 0.300 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1,620 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Wash my prunes with boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes. Then drain the water and skip the prunes through a meat grinder.

Add 100 ml of water, sugar, flour, condensed milk to the eggs. All ingredients are stirred until smooth. We put on medium heat, constantly stirring with a whisk, bring to a boil. 3 - 4 minutes boil.

In the hot mix dissolve the dark chocolate, vanillin. Beat until smooth. Cooling down.

Beat the butter until white and add to the bulk. Whip again. At the end, add the crushed prunes, stirring well.

Recipe 8. Custard "T-Shi"


• Kiwi - 0.500 kg;

• Eggs - 5 pcs .;

• Sugar - 0.300 kg;

• Butter - 0.125 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1.125 kg.

Cooking Technology:

We clean the kiwi fruit, chop it with a blender and wipe it through a sieve into a double bottom saucepan.

In the resulting juice, add sugar, set on fire. Boil for 5 minutes.

Eggs stir to light skins. Reduce the heat to a minimum, and pour a thin stream of eggs into the syrup, with active stirring.

When the mass thickens, boil while continuing to stir for another 5 minutes.

Give to cool to room temperature, add softened butter and whip at high speed until smooth.

Recipe 9. Custard "Pistachio"


• Peeled pistachios - 0.200 kg;

• Pistachio oil, vegetable - 0,050 ml;

• Milk 4% - 0.250 ml;

• Sugar - 0.200 kg;

• Corn starch - 0.050 kg;

• Pastry cream 35% - 0.250 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1,200 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Grind the pistachios into flour using a coffee grinder.

Add sugar to milk and sift starch. Mix to a homogeneous mass, put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Pour in pistachio oil and stir. Cooling down.

Add vanilla to milk mass. Beating at high speeds, add a little confectionery plums. In the end pour out small portions of pistachio powder. Finish whipping. Put the custard in the refrigerator and give an hour to make the taste of pistachios more expressive.

Recipe 10. Custard Creme Brulee

Suitable for self-dessert and cakes.

Ideal for this recipe is to use brown sugar and have a gas burner. For those who do not have a gas burner, another method is described in the recipe.

This method will help out those who do not like to use a pastry bag, but like to surprise with delicious culinary masterpieces.


• Egg yolks - 5 pcs .;

• Pastry cream 35% - 0.400 ml;

• Sugar - 0.100 kg;

• Icing sugar - 0.050 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 0.650 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Egg yolks are mixed with sugar (if desired, add a few tablespoons of cocoa). Bring the confectionery cream to a boil with vanilla. Let cool 10 minutes. Pour in a thin stream into the sweet mass, stirring actively with a whisk.

The detachable form is densely covered with foil for baking so that the mixture does not flow out. Additionally, we line the parchment over the foil to avoid roughness of the finished product. We spread the finished cake and gently pour in the mixture (before that you can put fruit on the cake, better dried fruits with nuts). Next, we place the detachable form with the components in a high pan, into which we gently pour boiling water over 2/3 of the detachable form. Sent in a preheated oven, bake at a temperature of 1800, for 45-50 minutes.

Take out a masterpiece from the oven. Sieve sugar powder evenly through a sieve and sprinkle lightly with water. Turn on the grill in the oven and set for another 5 minutes so that the powder is transformed into caramel.

You can garnish with whipped cream (or make a custard of proteins) and berries on top.

Recipe 11. Classic custard


• Milk 4% fat - 0.700 ml;

• Flour - 0.100 kg;

• Eggs - 5 pcs .;

• Sugar - 0.350 kg;

• Butter - 0.150 kg;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 1,650 kg.

Cooking Technology:

Pour the milk into a double-bottom stewpan, add sugar and set on the stove. Bring to a boil.

Sift flour into beaten eggs. Mix. Pour hot milk in small portions without stopping stirring until a thick mass is obtained. After cooling, add oil and vanilla. Beat until smooth consistency.

Recipe 12. Citrus Custard (Protein)


• Oranges - 0.500 kg;

• Egg whites - 5 pcs.;

• Sugar - 0.200 kg;

• Gelatin - 0.25 kg;

• Water - 0.025 ml;

• Vanillin to taste;

Yield: 0.750 kg.

Cooking Technology:

We put beat egg white to an increase in volume three times. Dissolve gelatin in water.

Washing oranges. Remove them from the zest. Mix sugar with zest. Squeeze the orange juice. Add sugar with zest to it. We set to cook syrup. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes. Add gelatin to warm syrup, stir.

Without stopping the beating of proteins, after their increase in volume three times, slowly pour in the orange syrup. The cream is ready when the corollas from the mixer hold steady in it. Such a cream is suitable both for shortcakes and for decorating confectionery.

Custard - Tips and Tricks

• To make the whites whip faster, add citric acid. Add some salt to the yolks.

• Vanillin is best added to a cooled custard if you like it. In the hot mass, he quickly reveals the aroma, but quickly leaves.

• In order to quickly soak cakes, you can sprinkle with syrup. For the preparation of syrup, the optimal ratio of sugar to water is 1: 3.

• To quickly and accurately squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, put them for 3-4 minutes in hot water.

• Instead of a stabilizer for cream, you can use starch, in a ratio of 8 grams of starch per 0.200 ml of pastry cream.

• Minimize burning in the preparation of custard, will help a wooden spatula or a non-metal whisk.

• If the classic custard is too thin, add the required amount of butter.

Do not be afraid to experiment, because the creation of new delicious varieties of custard is always an exciting experience.


Watch the video: Fruit Custard Recipe - How To Make Fruit Custard At Home - Dessert Recipe - Fruit Custard - Ruchi (June 2024).