5 places of the Kingdom of Morocco that are breathtaking. What you must see in Morocco: advice from those living there


Morocco - arab country in northwest africa, amazing in all its manifestations.

People, traditions, clothes, art, nature reflect unique exoticism.

The unique geographical location and an explosive mixture of cultures (Arab, European and African) gave rise to a number of real "wonders of the world", which are difficult to find an analogue throughout the world.

We represent the five of such places, from them really breathtaking!

Jamaa El Fna Square in Marrakesh

This place is located in the heart of the cultural capital. In medieval times, guilty subjects were executed here, and their heads were put on public display.

Fortunately, these dark times are a thing of the past. In the afternoon, Jamaa El Fna is an ordinary retail space.

And in the evening a real mystical performance begins. Mages and magicians, snake charmers and fortune-tellers, dancers and acrobats, singers and musicians - at the same time, everyone presents his mastery.

They all hope for the generosity of a crowd of thousands that comes every evening to complement this great performance.

All music, songs, screams and noises merge into a single wild stream. The drum clearly struck out the rhythm.

To this spectacle is added a hundred trays preparing the best Moroccan dishes right in the open. AND suddenly you realize that you have moved in time. Until 2-3 o'clock in the night you are no doubt in the medieval square.

It should be noted that what is happening is not an organized presentation. It’s a way of life, it’s a repeating action day by day.

It existed so many centuries ago, and it is unlikely that time will be able to change it.

Jamaa El Fna Square is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Stone arches near Agadir

Traveling along the Atlantic coast, hundreds of kilometers from the city of Agadir, we will meet a mysterious and majestic Legzira Beach.

Travelers come a long way just to see unique natural phenomenon: giant stone arches. They look like the trunks of orange elephants crashing into the ocean to quench their thirst.

There are several such arches following each other.

In good sunny weather, the giants cast a bright red color, creating a magical combination with the azure sky.

Their origin is still unknown. May be, Is this the construction of one of the ancient extinct civilizations? But nature is impossible and does not need to be solved to the end.

It remains only with pleasure to indulge in silent admiration.

Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca

This place is amazing, if only because the Hassan II Mosque - the highest in the world. Its minaret soars to a height of 210 meters.

She is the second largest after the mosque in Mecca.

Twenty-five thousand believers are placed inside and another eighty thousand outside. What could be grander?

According to the Qur'an, the throne of the Most High rests on water. Taking this metaphor specifically, the French architect Michel Pinso created the appearance of this magnificent building by placing it off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

The magnificent courtyard, which represents the image of paradise, contains rows of arched corridors, fountains and mosaics.

When decorating, pink granite, golden marble, green onyx were used. Incredibly breathtaking from the combination of the infinity of the ocean and the architectural community ...

Dakhla - Atlantic Desert

"Desert hugging the ocean"- as the locals call it a wonderful place.

The city of Dakhla is located in southern Morocco, in Western Sahara.

It is in this part of the continent that the world's largest desert meets the Atlantic Ocean, giving rise to incredible landscapes.

It’s rare where you meet such an alliance of two powerful elements.

Also, the hot climate and the generous wind of the region attracts surf lovers to these lands.

Roman city in the north of Morocco

The Roman Empire was so huge and powerful that even Morocco endured its influence.

In the northern part of the country are ruins of an ancient citywhich was called Volubilis.

In ancient times, it was the most southwestern city of the Roman Empire.

Here lived the Carthaginians, and the Moorish, and the Arabs, and even Christians. But in view of a number of strong earthquakes, the city was destroyed, and the population moved to more favorable regions.

Even the ruins will tell us about typical Roman city buildings: the basilica, forum, bathhouse, mosaics, arches, gates.

Everything is possible in Morocco: plunge into antiquity, the Middle Ages, feel the greatness of all the elements of nature ... it remains only to get here!


Watch the video: Morocco Travel Guide Best 10 Cities Places to Visit in Morocco (June 2024).