Savory recipes for salad with beef and carrots. Useful extra ingredients for beef and carrot salad


Juicy beef and carrot salad is not only a tasty and savory dish that can decorate any festive table, but also a very healthy dish, including a whole range of useful substances necessary for the life of any person.

Two main components of this salad:

  • Carrots, which contains fiber and carotene.

  • Beef, rich in proteins and various trace elements.

It is these components with the possible addition of any other ingredients to a carrot and beef salad that will give a person a lot of mouth-watering impressions and provide his body with energy and health.

General principles of cooking beef and carrot salad

• Meat for salad should be fresh and of high quality, light red.

• Beef for cooking salad, it is better to lay in boiling water (you can add soy sauce). Since when the meat is cooked, it will become a particularly tender and juicy ingredient for the future salad.

• To add flavor and freshness to the salad, it is better to add a young carrot.

• Mayonnaise for salad, it is better to choose not greasy, especially if it is envisaged to use butter in the salad. Or, if desired, mayonnaise can be replaced with a certain mixture of sour cream and soy sauce.

• Also, all the necessary vegetables in the salad should be used in a ripe and mature form. It is this kind that every person should have an appetite and a desire to eat a beef and carrot salad.

Recipe 1. Salad with beef and carrots - "Dietary"


• Beef (boiled) - 200 gr.

• Garden onions - 2 pcs.

• Carrot - 4 pcs.

• Vegetable oil.

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Peel the onions and crumble. Then onions need to be sauteed in a hot frying pan, without adding oil under the lid or with oil (a small amount of it) until golden brown. Onions can also be lightly salted during frying.

Grate the cleaned young carrots with a grater and lightly salt them, stew in vegetable oil.

Boiled beef need to grind with a combine. All ingredients mix, pepper and put in a salad bowl, garnish with leaves of green.

Recipe 2. Salad with beef and carrots "Appetizing"


• Beef pulp (boiled) - 0.4 kg.

• Bulb (medium size).

• Carrot (fresh) - 2 pcs.

• Cucumbers (salted) - 2 pcs.

• Mayonnaise - 150 gr.

• Pepper (ground) - at the tip of a tsp.

• Salt - an amateur.

• Vegetable oil).

• Greenery.

Cooking method:

Onions must be peeled and finely chopped. Carrots and pickles (without peel) cut into strips. Onions for 7-8 minutes should be fried to a translucent state.

Separately, using vegetable oil you need to fry the carrot, stirring it occasionally. Ready salted boiled meat must be cut into small cubes.

In a separate vessel mix the following components:

Meat, cucumbers, carrots and onions.

All components must be mixed and pour mayonnaise. Mix everything again and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

After it is necessary to put the mixed components in a salad bowl, smooth them and decorate with greens.

Recipe 3. Salad with beef and carrots - "Forget-Me-Not"


• Beef (boiled) - 0.3 kg.

• Carrot (in Korean) - 150 gr.

• Mushrooms (pickled) - 100 gr.

• Cheese (solid type) - 50 gr.

• Little Apple.

• Salad.

• Mustard, salt - for an amateur.

• Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Boiled beef cut into strips. Rub an apple using a spatula and sprinkle with lemon juice (to prevent darkening of the product).

Mushrooms chop. Put crushed apple, chopped beef on a leaf of lettuce and sprinkle with carrot and mushroom layers on top. Next, pour all the ingredients with mayonnaise mixed with mustard and garnish the salad with grated cheese.

Recipe 4. Salad with beef and carrots "Oriental"


• Ground beef minced - 200 gr.

• Onions - 2 pcs.

• Carrot - 2 pcs.

• Cucumbers - 2 pcs.

• Tomato paste.

• Vegetable oil.

• Garlic.

• Salt, pepper.

• Greenery.

• Vinegar (9%).

• Coriander and other spices.

Cooking method:

On a heated pan using vegetable oil, you must fry the meat for a start, and then the onions. Then add tomato paste and fry some more components.

Peeled and cut into straws carrot, salt, coriander, spices intended for salad, pepper and vinegar bring to the state of Al dente.

Turning off the fire under the frying pan, add the cucumbers, garlic, greens to the existing ingredients, and cover the whole with a lid for 25-30 minutes to infuse.

Next, put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and garnish with green leaves.

Recipe 5. Salad with beef and carrots "Fruit"


• Boiled beef 0,25 gr.

• boiled egg.

• Potatoes (boiled) - 3 pcs.

• Carrot (in Korean) - 100 gr.

• Onion.

• White wine - 1 glass.

• Pomegranate (kernels) - 50 gr.

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Boiled beef must be cut into small cubes. Boil potatoes and eggs and crumble also into small cubes.

Clean the bulb, chop and hold it a little in vinegar for more spice.

Next, mix beef, potatoes, eggs, carrots in Korean, add pomegranate seeds and season it all with salt.

Then put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, pour over the wine and let it brew in this appetizing dish.

Recipe 6. Salad with beef and carrots "Korean"


• Beef (boiled) - 0.25 gr.

• Bulb (large).

• Carrot - 3 pcs.

• Vegetable oil).

• Vinegar (9%) - 1 tbsp.

• Salt, sugar - an amateur.

• Seasoning for Korean carrots.

Cooking method:

Cut the pulp of beef, if possible, into thin strips and marinate in vinegar for 6 hours.

Grate carrots on a special Korean grater and add peeled and chopped onions, cut into small rings.

Remove the meat from the brine, wash and add to the carrot. All components are plentifully sprinkled with Korean seasoning and mix quickly with hot oil.

Such a salad can be served warm and cold.

Important! If a person prefers not to eat half-baked meat, it can be dipped in boiling oil for a few minutes.

Recipe 7. Salad with beef and carrots in hot form


• Beef.

• Carrot.

• Potato.

• Salad.

• Greens (dill and parsley).

• Cucumbers (salted).

• Egg.

• Green peas).

• Sauce (soy)

• Sour cream.

• Mayonnaise.

• Vegetable oil)

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Boiled meat is cut into long strips. On a heated pan using vegetable oil, chopped meat is fried. The carrot is peeled, and the boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes.

Meat, carrots, potatoes are mixed in a cup with the addition of soy sauce, chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

For the sauce:

You must put green peas, small dill, cucumbers, sour cream in the blender glass and mix all these ingredients. Finely chop the egg, salt and pepper and add to the sauce.

You can decorate such a tasty dish with lettuce leaves.

Recipe 8. Salad with beef and carrots "Estonian"


• Meat boiled (beef) - 400 gr.

• Boiled carrot - 2 pcs.

• Onion.

• Eggs (hard boiled) - 3 pcs.

• Cheese (solid type) - 100 gr.

• Cucumbers (pickled) - 2 pcs.

• Apple - 1 pc.

• Green onion (finely chopped) - 60 gr.

• Mayonnaise - 200 gr.

• Sour cream - 60 gr.

• Ketchup - 60 gr.

• Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

• Vegetable oil).

• Sliced ​​dill and lettuce.

• Salt, pepper - according to taste.

Cooking method:

Boiled meat, carrots, cucumbers, boiled eggs and a peeled apple must be cut into small cubes.

Onions must be cleaned, chopped into cubes and fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Before putting onion in the salad gently cool.

Chop lettuce and grate cheese.

All of the above components are mixed in a cup.

Mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup and lemon juice are mixed and, with the resulting sauce, season the foods in the cup, if desired, salt and pepper.

Put all the mixed components in a salad bowl, sprinkle with chopped dill and garnish with beef and carrot salad called "Estonian" cucumbers and tomatoes.

Recipe 9. Salad with beef and carrots in baskets


• Beef - 250 gr.

• Carrot - 2 pcs.

• Onion.

• Garlic.

• Cucumbers (salted) - 3 pcs.

• Thyme (minced) - 1 tsp.

• Mayonnaise - 100 gr.

• Dough (puff).

• Egg.

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

• Olive oil).

Cooking method:

Beef and peeled carrots cut into long strips, chop onions and pickled cucumbers in small cubes. Chop garlic.

Slightly extinguish the onions in a hot frying pan in oil, until a transparent state is obtained, add the carrot and cook for a few more minutes. Next, pour thyme leaves in a frying pan, pour half a glass of water and simmer for 15 minutes until the carrots are ready.

Then add chopped beef to the products and everything, stir the dish to cook for another 10 minutes. Replenishing sour cream and garlic to the components, it is necessary to reduce the heat and simmer the products for another 10 minutes.

At the end of the process of quenching, add the pickles to the dish and remove it from the heat. Then the next salad must be salted, pepper and set aside to insist.

Cooking baskets:

Warm up the stove in advance, bringing the temperature to 200 degrees. Roll the dough to roll up to 3 mm thickness. Cut out dough using glass circles, half of which lay on a baking sheet.

The other half of the circles must be used to obtain the rims with the help of molds with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm.

Next, you need to grease the mugs with an egg, as well as the rims and pressing each other, send them to the oven for 15 minutes.

Fill baskets with salad and serve.

Tips and tricks to make beef and carrot salad

• To preserve the vitamin in vegetables, they must be boiled, not peeled in the skin.

• It is better to clean vegetables thinly, as under the skin there is also a lot of vitamin necessary for a healthy lifestyle of a person.

• Cook vegetables better in different pot, so that they do not lose their own taste and color.

• Most often onions and carrots are fried in butter. But this action can be excluded from the cooking process simply by scalding onions with boiling water and boiling the carrot or using it raw.

• The flesh of raw meat, if the recipe indicates 400 grams (boiled), you need to buy a mass of 500 grams, as during its preparation the meat ingredient boils down.

• You should also always remember that the salad before serving should have time to infuse, to get a piquant and delicate flavor.


Watch the video: Spicy Carrot Salad Russian "Korean salad" VEGAN (June 2024).