What are the photos


Photos have always been in my life something mystical and unknown. They are associated with many legends about the past or even the future. A dream, with pictures present in it, always carries a special meaning and, having analyzed it in great detail, you will receive answers to all questions.

Dreamed photos in a dream what is it

  • A photo of a dream to long-past events that brought slight disappointment, not worth remembering about them;
  • The American dream book interprets photographs in a dream as constant thoughts about the past that interfere with personal life;
  • If the picture is in color, it promises success or advancement along the working ladder;
  • Black and white photography - a deterioration in health, a possible heart attack, or diseases of the nervous system;
  • Manifested images in which there are no people whom you have photographed - says a sudden prolonged illness of a loved one;
  • Girls, the long-awaited gift of the image of the groom, warns of his betrayal or a possible break in the engagement;
  • Taking pictures of someone is associated with getting good news;
  • To tear up a photo in a dream - symbolizes the tragic event that led to the sudden disappearance of a friend;
  • To give an image to a psychic says that it is very easy to deceive you because of your sincerity. One should always be alert;
  • The dream of losing a picture can be interpreted as arrogance towards subordinates, which can turn into egocentrism;
  • If people in the image begin to move, blink, smile, or wave their hands - this is a sign of a fateful turn of fate;
  • Photographing nature is a symbol of dissatisfaction not only with family life, but also with the situation of household chores. It is worth thinking about vacation;
  • Buying old images speaks of the sad past that is pressing on you;
  • Send them by mail - a symbol of their own insolvency.

In the dream, to look at the photos - what is it for?

  • The dream interpretation of photographs is interpreted as a forerunner of a noble act;
  • For a married man to look at the pictures, the dream book promises detection of hidden thoughts among friends who have hidden them for a very long time;
  • To examine your own image - shows dissatisfaction with your work, friends, lover or lover, oppressive from within;
  • Looking closely at the image of a loved one is a symbol of unceasing anxiety for him;
  • Looking at a black and white picture is a symbol of irritation or personal problems;
  • Esoteric dream book, images of strangers interprets as a sudden epidemic, so you should take measures to protect your family as soon as possible.

What dreams of your photos or others

  • To see yourself in a photograph in a dream can be interpreted as a warning about the endless flattery of people around you who are trying to use you for their own selfish purposes;
  • The dream interpretation of love relationships, interprets its own snapshot as obsession with sexual relations, which causes pain to the partner, since he does not receive the desired affection and care;
  • To see the image of friends, can mean a sharp deterioration in relations with them;
  • Print your own picture, foreshadows the grief of a stranger, directly related to your actions;
  • A picture of a person who has not met you for many years symbolizes a meeting in a most unexpected place;
  • If on it, the person with whom you see each day - it promises an unforeseen quarrel with him;
  • The image of a stranger will give a slight flirt or even possible love;
  • To girls, to see yourself as a beauty queen, means that in the life of any person can easily circle your finger;

Why dream of an album with photos

  • If in a dream you are considering a big album with old faded pictures - fear competition in a love relationship, it can lead to a break;
  • A dream album, a dream book, interprets as constant caution in business, which can have a bad effect on financial condition. Perhaps you should start to act intuitively and not be afraid of mistakes;
  • A dream in which you fill an album with your images may speak of trying to hide your evil deed from loved ones;
  • The album with black-and-white photographs, over 60 years old, promises unpredictable behavior of a work colleague related to his deep love feelings.

What are the pictures of the dead

  • Photos of deceased relatives promise resolution of all difficulties that have long been your life;
  • If in a dream, next to them is the image of a loved one, do not worry! He expects a long and happy, carefree life;
  • A photo of a deceased person unfamiliar to you, the dream book interprets as sudden wealth and financial independence.


Watch the video: 40 RARE PHOTOS OF CELEBRITIES (June 2024).