Strong prayers of spouses for giving children and conceiving


Children are a true gift of heaven, a blessing from above and joy for parents. Unfortunately, not all couples get a child, sometimes a number of circumstances or diseases interfere with this. In such cases, it is possible to turn to higher forces through prayers. On what prayers for the speedy conception and talents of the child exist, read more in the article.

Prayers of the wife and husband for the gift of children

Both parents can pray for the gift of a baby. So the prayer service will gain more power and will definitely reach the addressee. Moreover, there are separate prayers for the giving of children for a wife, a husband, and general ones, ascending by both spouses.

The prayers of the wife include petitions:

  • Mother of God

“Holy Mother of God, I appeal to you for mercy and help. Bless the Slave of the most submissive of the Lord Most High (name) on the child. Beseech Our Father and ask for a miracle, so that he will reward with the joy of the never-ending as a child of his beloved. Help your family to strengthen, bring happiness into it, so that you become (your name). Praise Thee and Thy Son I will now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen";

  • Guardian Angel

“Angel of the Lord, hear the call of the Slave of God (name)! Descend, intercessor, and at my request. From the Father of Heaven, bring the little child into my womb, like a seed in the fertile land. Protect and protect him from affliction and misfortune, from sorrow and sorrow, from sickness and evil sight, so that she can bear and give birth to the glory of God and His saints. Amen. Amen. Amen";

  • Matrone Moskovskaya

“Matushka Matrona, praying to the Lord for all who suffer and unhappy. With tears and despair I appeal to Te for help and protection. Pray for me (the name) to the Most High, plead for His mercy. Good God, may he send a child to me (name) and to my husband (name by patronymic name). We will love the child, protect and cherish, in righteousness and Orthodoxy, nurture, praise the Lord endlessly and serve faith. I hope in Thee and praise. Amen".

Husbands should offer praise for the gift of giving children:

  • Holy Prophet Zechariah

“Worshipful saint of God, Holy Prophet Zechariah, I appeal with petition and ask for Your mercy. Turn to the Lord and ask for the blessings of my wife the Slave of God (the name of the wife) and me, the humble Slave (your name) in the child. We piously keep and keep His commandments, we trust in charity and beat us with our heads. I pledge to glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on earth and not heaven for ever and ever. Amen";

  • righteous Joachim and Anna

“On the holy God-sacred Joachim and Anno! Pray to the merciful Lord to turn away from the Slave of God (the name of the wife) and the Slave of God (his name) His righteous anger and turn on the path of repentance and lead us through the paths of His commandments. With your prayers in the world, save our life and bestow a new one. Yes, let your child of the long-awaited and already beloved be granted your holy adoration. Glory to you, saints, to our Lord, to his Son, and to the Holy Spirit, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen";

  • To the Lord

“Father, who is in heaven, the Lord Almighty and all-good, hear your servant (name) so do not turn away from my humble request. I pray to Ty for the good and the granting of my immense joy to the family. Send the child into the womb of my wife, Your Slave (name), supposedly will be the embodiment of our faith in Thee and worship. Love this immeasurable fruit and unite us and embellish life on earth. Serve the truth, Te will and praise now and for good. Amen".

Among other things, spouses can turn to the miraculous Theodore icon of the Mother of God or, in completely hopeless cases, with a request for a miracle to the icon of the Virgin “Unexpected Joy”.

If you want to have a son

It happens that the purpose of future parents is precisely the conception of a son. More often it happens in families where there are already many daughters, and sometimes spouses want the boy to be the firstborn. In both cases, a special prayer, addressed to the Lord, about giving a son will do. You can read it to your husband, wife or both parents, but always on the men's day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) at dawn.

You should turn to face the rising sun, take a prayer pose and say:

“All-Merciful God, hear Thy Slave (Thy Slave) (name), do not say anything and heed the petition of the humble! Like a grain of sand to the ground, a dewdrop to the grass, like a clear sun in the sky blooms, so let my heir be granted to my family. On the son of the Father, bless and joy is incomparable. Glory to those and eternal honors. Amen".

If both spouses read the prayer, it is necessary to pronounce it line by line: first the husband, then the wife. In the end, be sure to cross and bow. It is recommended to repeat the prayer daily until the pregnancy itself and during the first month.

Appeal to the miraculous icon of the quick conception

For the speedy conception, one can resort to the help of a special prayer, which is read without fail before the Theodorov Icon of the Virgin Mary. Say it should be three times in a row, after each fall itself a sign of the cross and a bow.

This petition is offered to the church or home opposite the sacred image with the words:

“In sorrow I appeal to Te, Holy Mother, Intercessor of the human race. I entrust my hope and faith in your power. Give me your protection and protection, so that the child could give birth to her. I hope in the heavenly farewell of you, and in the tenderness of my heart, I pray: Hail, Mother of God, Our Priestess and Advocate, eager, forever and ever. Amen".

In addition to this prayer, the Mother of God is also addressed to other icons, with two universal prayers, which can be downloaded here.

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

It is known for certain that Jesus, for the sake of the Fool Xenia of St. Petersburg, during her life helped each woman who asked her to find a child through prayers.

Currently, many couples desperate in the hope of finding a child pray in the following words:

“Holy Blessed Xenia, dispelling darkness and eliminating sorrows, I pray Thee for salvation. Grant me, the Slave of God (your name), Your blessing, touch with the hand of the righteous and reward with the fruit of love my womb. I believe in your power and trust in Ty, in order to bear and rejoice in my healthy child. Thank Tee and I praise the eternal. Amen".

It is better to pronounce the prayer at the Life-giving Cross or by holding a small silver cross between the palms.

How to pray when you want to have children?

Each prayer must be performed according to the instructions in order to be heard and performed by a higher power. Prayers with requests for the talent of children also obey a number of rules that are recommended to be observed strictly.

The main stages are:

  1. Church attendance;
  2. Reading basic prayers;
  3. Thanksgiving prayers.

A visit to the church is necessary in order to undergo purification before the prayers. First of all, you should confess to both spouses, and then take communion. You can also ask the clergyman to pray for the health of the couple and a happy future. Then they start reading prayers, up to the woman’s pregnancy. In addition, during the prayer period it is forbidden to swear, get angry, speak foul, abuse food and alcohol, smoke. You should lead a decent lifestyle, help the needy and the suffering, and also regularly attend church.

After a positive result, do not forget to thank the Lord and the Holy, who were asked for help, for the gift. This can be done in your own words, the main thing is that they go from the heart and be sincere. Gratitude prayers are an important component of the whole process; they help to strengthen the rendered effect and further focus the Divine power on the preservation of the child.


Watch the video: Prayer For Fertility, Getting Pregnant, and Conception - Infertility Be Gone (June 2024).