The upper eyelid hurts - can pain lead to loss of vision? How to get rid of pain in the upper eyelid with conservative methods


Vision is an important process for a full life of a person, which allows you to get an image, adapt to the environment.

Under the influence of many factors, visual acuity may fall, the usual routine of life is violated, unpleasant sensations arise.

A common situation that many face is the pain of the upper eyelid.

But what is the reason for this and can it be a serious danger?

The upper eyelid hurts: causes

It is worth clarifying that therapy will not be effective unless the cause of the pain is clarified. After eliminating the pathogenic factor, the treatment will accelerate, and only painful memories will remain from the pain syndrome.

The eyelid protects the eye from dust and foreign bodies. This organ contains membrane glands and muscles that provide fat production. If abnormal soreness occurs in this area, special attention should be paid to the problem, since it can lead to the onset and exacerbation of other diseases. Among the many reasons why the upper eyelid hurts and it hurts to blink, the following can be noted:

1. Furuncle. Pathogenic compaction develops and forms under the upper eyelid. The patient feels acute pain when blinking. An abscess forms at the top of the tubercle, which requires the intervention of surgeons.

2. Abscess of the century. The clinical picture is similar to a boil, but is complemented by severe swelling, redness of the skin, drooping eyelids. A neglected disease threatens a person’s life.

3. Barley. The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, not associated with an infection. A tubercle with a pea appears above the upper or lower eyelid. The diagnosis is unpleasant, can be cured using conservative methods.

4. Purulent conjunctivitis. There is swelling of the eyelid, a sensation of pain. Pus accumulates on the eyelid. Non-infectious disease, treatment involves medication.

5. Erysipelas. It is a consequence of skin damage, eyelid tissue affects hemolytic staphylococcus. Under the eyelid there is severe pain, swelling, redness. A person loses the ability to blink normally. Visual acuity is at risk.

6. Phlegmon. The disease provokes the onset of pain, a distinctive feature is the spread of infection into the venous bed, brain, and neighboring tissues. The disease begins to progress against the background of a boil or barley.

7. Cholazion. There is inflammation of the cartilage of the eyelid. Swelling of the skin is accompanied by severe pain when touching or blinking. Vision is falling.

8. Endophthalmitis. Purulent inflammation, occurs as a result of trauma or eye diseases. It is accompanied by purulent discharge, pain in the upper eyelid.

9. Corneal ulcer. The cornea is affected by pus. The development of the disease is acute, pain in the eye appears, visual acuity decreases.

These are not all the reasons that provoke pain in the upper eyelid. The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining or examining the patient’s clinical picture. He will prescribe a treatment that will save a person from surgery.

Upper eyelid hurts: diagnosis

At an appointment with an ophthalmologist, a specialist will assess the area of ​​localization, examine the change in skin color. Also, the doctor will note unilateral or bilateral edema, then you need to check visual acuity.

On palpation and visual inspection, you can find out whether the local temperature in the area is elevated, pain occurs when touched or not. For example, with edema of the eyelid from two sides, and the absence of pain, it can be assumed that this is a manifestation of allergy.

Important! Unilateral edema, with severe pain, can be caused by orbital cellulitis.

Thus, we can conclude that edema can be diagnosed only by the method of their clinical manifestation. That is why, laboratory and instrumental methods for a complete examination of the eye, experts rarely prescribe. Additional diagnostics become necessary when teaching injuries, vascular thrombosis.

With edema of the upper eyelid and its examination, it is necessary to take into account the skin fold, in many it sags strongly. More often this is observed in people aged. If such an aesthetic defect is a hindrance to the patient, it can be corrected surgically.

Never when do you try to eliminate the pain in the upper eyelid by yourself, doing a massage or using warm compresses. Before diagnosing the disease, these actions are prohibited, as they can lead to complications.

The upper eyelid hurts: the right treatment

For proper treatment, it is recommended to contact specialists to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only knowing the cause of the pain, you can choose the right medicine that is safe to use. So if you have not been bitten by an insect, after which the pain will pass after a couple of hours, be sure to go to the ophthalmologist.

Eye drops and ointments will help to remove pain and swelling. With an injured eyelid, cold lotions are used. It is recommended to take vasoconstrictor drugs.

For the proper treatment of barley, it is important to understand whether it is a hair follicle or a type of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It was from here that the second name of the disease appeared - furunculosis. Along with pain in the eyelid, the patient's body temperature may increase.

If you are bleeding and barley has appeared on the inner side of the eyelid, then this is quite dangerous. After all, if pus flows out of it, it will end up in other glands, and new barley will appear. If your barley does not pass, your body temperature rises, and the general condition continues to deteriorate, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist.

Barley can be treated in various ways, making lotions from calendula juice or aloe. Dilute them in a proportion of 1:10 with water. A hard-boiled hard-boiled egg can be applied to the diseased eyelid.

Depending on how severe the pain and swelling are, specialists may prescribe lotions using a solution of novocaine or anesthesia. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out instillations with special preparations; they must be instilled in the conjunctival sac. The upper eyelid is lubricated with prednisolone or celestoderm.

In the event that the upper eyelid hurts often, for no apparent reason, it is recommended to undergo a complete diagnosis of the whole organism, since pain can be a consequence of chronic diseases.

Inflammatory processes in the upper eyelid, accompanied by pain, are eliminated by medications. The attending physician can pick them up.

Another good pain reliever is cold water. Soak a small piece of cloth in it and apply to the eyelid. For some time the pain will subside.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, such drugs as antiseptics, antibacterials (tetracycline ointment, Levomekol) are used. Some drugs can be combined with each other, but only after the approval of a specialist.

If the traditional methods of treatment do not give any result, the pain continues to bother the person, and the symptoms of the disease only intensify, doctors resort to extreme measures - surgery. Some diseases are treated only in this way. With timely handling, the operation is completely safe.

Upper eyelid hurts: prevention

Before embarking on prevention and treatment, you need to know what you can’t do. The biggest mistake many people make is self-medication. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is best to visit a specialist. For the entire period of treatment, it is better to abandon the use of cosmetics and lenses.

In order to reduce pain and eliminate swelling, it is recommended to follow some rules:

1. People with chronic diseases should adjust their diet. Refuse to eat salty and spicy foods.

2. The best way to recovery is a full sleep.

3. Choose good cosmetics, it is better if it will be of plant origin.

Our eyes are always in danger - dust, sun, foreign objects. They need to be carefully looked after, to prevent the development of diseases. It is recommended that you visit a specialist several times a year to check. And of course, in which case, do not delay visiting the hospital, do not abuse self-medication.


Watch the video: Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty: What You Need to Know from a Johns Hopkins Expert (June 2024).