Pomegranate marinade - rich taste! Pomegranate juice marinade recipes for various meat, poultry, fish


Pomegranate is a healthy berry with a rich taste.

Its juice is added to a variety of dishes and used for marinades.

The meat, poultry or fish in it is simply delicious.

Will we try?

Pomegranate marinade - general principles of preparation

The most delicious and fragrant marinade will come from fresh, own-made juice. But it is not always possible to do it.

Often use a ready-made drink.

In this case, you need to give preference to natural juice in glass bottles without unnecessary ingredients in the composition.

It’s good if the packaging says “direct spin”.


• various spices;

• soy sauce;

• onion garlic;

• honey;

• greenery.


  1. All ingredients are simply mixed and sent to the main product.

  2. The meat, fish or bird is cut into suitable slices and soaked in a marinade. The exposure time of the product depends on its type and method of heat treatment.

  3. Least of all in the marinade they keep fish, a little more chicken, meat can be left from several hours to a day.

Recipe 1: Pomegranate Marinade with "For Everything" Soy Sauce

A variant of universal pomegranate marinade with soy sauce, which can be used for any kind of meat, poultry and even fish. This fill is enough for one kilogram of product. If soy sauce is not salty enough, you can pour a little salt to taste.


• lemon;

• 0.2 liters of pomegranate juice;

• 50 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp provencal herbs;

• 0.3 tsp black pepper;

• onion garlic.


1. Remove the zest from the washed lemon and chop it. If the pomegranate juice is sweet, then squeeze a little juice from citrus. In the marinade for fish, the juice can be squeezed whole, it will only taste better.

2. Combine the chopped zest with juice and soy sauce.

3. Add a teaspoon of provencal herbs and black pepper.

4. Stir everything and leave to mix the taste for ten minutes. During this time, you can prepare the main product, for example, cut meat, clean fish, chop the bird.

5. Combine the marinade with the main product, garlic can be added to taste, onion is good for meat. Leave for 5-10 hours. Two hours is enough for fish.

Recipe 2: Pomegranate marinade for barbecue pork, veal

A variant of a simple pomegranate marinade for barbecue from any kind of meat. Fresh berry or good juice is used. The amount of this fill is enough for one kilogram of product.


• 1 large pomegranate or 2 small;

• 0.3 kg of onions;

• 0.5 tsp mixtures of peppers;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 2 branches of basil.


1. We clean the washed pomegranates, separate the grains, put them in a juicer and prepare the juice with pulp.

2. Add prescription salt to the juice, a mixture of peppers and stir.

3. Shred the onion rings and divide.

4. Thoroughly wash the basil branches and gently rub in the hands until the juice appears, throw to the bottom of the dishes for pickling.

5. Sprinkle the basil with a small amount of onion.

6. Cut the meat into slices, lay one layer.

7. Sprinkle with onion, pour over the marinade.

8. Now again a layer of meat and onions, pour the marinade and so on.

9. The remains of the marinade and onion are simply distributed on top.

10. Cover the dishes and leave in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Can withstand a day. Mixing is optional.

Recipe 3: Pomegranate Juice Marinade with Rib Wine

A variant of the amazing pomegranate juice marinade, which is ideal for pork or lamb ribs. Fresh juice and white wine are used. The amount of marinade per 1.5 kg of product.


• 0.5 bunch of cilantro;

• 150 ml of juice;

• 150 ml of white wine;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 0.5 tsp black pepper.


1. We sort out the parsley and cilantro. Cut into slices, but not finely. It’s not necessary to remove the branches, let them stay. It will be easier to remove the greens from the pieces when frying.

2. Salt the greens, grind a little and leave for ten minutes so that the juice appears and the aroma goes.

3. While doing meat. Wash the ribs and cut into pieces. If lamb is used, then you can leave several seeds together. Excess fat on pork ribs can be cut.

4. Cut the garlic into pieces and pour over the greens, throw the pepper.

5. Pour the wine and then pomegranate juice, mix everything thoroughly.

6. Connect the ribs with a fragrant marinade. Rub each one thoroughly and place it tightly in a suitable-sized container.

7. Cover and marinate for at least 6 hours.

Recipe 4: Pork in a pomegranate marinade in a pan

A delicious pork dish in pomegranate marinade, which does not even need barbecue. Enough cookers and pans.


• 0.5 grenade;

• 0.7 kg of pork;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 cup pomegranate juice;

• oil, salt;

• some greens.


1. In pomegranate juice add half a teaspoon of salt, pepper.

2. Cut the pork into slices with the size of a matchbox. Pour over the prepared juice, mix and leave to marinate for at least four hours.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up.

4. Take the meat from the marinade and shake off a drop of juice. Spread in a pan and begin to fry.

5. After a few minutes, cover with a lid, reduce the intensity of the fire and simmer a quarter of an hour in the allocated juice.

6. Open, add onions. We cut it coarsely. Fry until golden brown. Do not forget to mix.

7. Pour juice from a bowl into the pan, in which the meat was pickled.

8. Add the grains from half the pomegranate and boil everything together for about ten minutes.

9. We throw greens, if necessary, you can add any spices, bay leaf.

Recipe 5: Pomegranate Marinade for Fish and Seafood

A variant of pomegranate juice marinade, in which you can soak fish for baking or frying on the grill, grill. This marinade variant also goes well with seafood. A glass of juice is enough for pickling 0.8 kg of fish or other product.


• salt;

• pepper;

• 1 glass of juice;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• seasonings for fish or any other.


1. We combine salt with pepper, you can add fish seasonings or other spices at your discretion.

2. Cut the fish to the desired size, sprinkle with the prepared mixture. Or just sprinkle seafood.

3. Gently stir the pieces, try not to damage.

4. Mix vegetable, preferably olive oil with pomegranate juice and water the fish.

5. Leave to marinate, stand from half an hour to 4-5 hours. Then cook in any way.

Recipe 6: Spicy Pomegranate Shish Kebab Marinade

In preparation of spicy pomegranate marinade for barbecue real Georgian adjika is used. It can be replaced with a mixture of chopped hot pepper, basil, cilantro and garlic. Or just add a little hops-suneli seasoning to the chopped pods, then let it brew.


• 1.5 kg of meat;

• 1 spoon adjika;

• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 0.5 kg of onions;

• 1.5 cup pomegranate juice;

• some salt.


1. Immediately deal with meat, as the marinade itself is prepared in a few seconds. We take pork, lamb or veal, carefully wash and cut into pieces. We throw it into a bowl.

2. We chop the peeled onions in large rings and send them to pieces of meat.

3. Combine soy sauce with adjika, you can still add a little salt, grind together. Gradually introduce the juice and continue to stir. You can just beat everything together in a blender. It is important that the mass becomes homogeneous, otherwise the sharpness is distributed unevenly.

4. Pour hot sauce into the meat and mix. Pickle for at least three hours. You can keep in the refrigerator for up to a day.

Recipe 7: Pomegranate Juice Marinade with Honey and Garlic for Chicken

Another variant of pomegranate juice marinade, in which chicken is especially successful. Honey gives an appetizing and beautiful crust, and garlic gives an incomparable aroma. This amount is enough to soak 1.5-2 kg of product.


• 0.5 liters of juice;

• 1.5 tablespoons of honey;

• 1-2 tsp salts;

• 5-7 cloves of garlic;

• 1 bag of chicken seasonings.


1. First, grind the peeled cloves of garlic.

2. Add honey to them, rub well. If it is candied, then it will immediately begin to liquefy the manipulation.

3. Add salt and seasonings here. Grind to gruel and gradually introduce warm juice. You get a very aromatic drink that you want to drink.

4. Dip the chicken pieces, wings and even breast into it. We put on top a little oppression so that the product is completely covered.

5. The exposure time of the bird in the marinade can be any. Chicken can be cooked in half an hour or left for a day.

Recipe 8: Oven-Pork Pomegranate Marinade

A recipe for insanely delicious pork in a pomegranate marinade, which can be cooked at home in a conventional oven. We choose good meat, you can take it with layers of fat and go!


• 1 kg of pork;

• 40 ml of soy sauce;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 1 cup pomegranate juice;

• black pepper, sweet paprika;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 0.6 kg of onions.


1. Cut the pork into layers of 2 centimeters. Gently beat off with a kitchen hammer.

2. Combine soy sauce, all spices, add a clove of garlic, squeeze the juice out of half a lemon. One spoonful is enough.

3. Pour sugar, a little salt and stir.

4. Fill the broken pieces with the prepared mixture and leave to marinate. You can soak the pork on the eve or in the morning for evening cooking.

5. Cut the onion rings, put in a baking dish.

6. Put pork in one layer on top.

7. Pour the marinade in which she lay.

8. We put in 200 degrees in the oven and bring to readiness. Serve with onion, which was used as a pillow.

Pomegranate Marinade - Useful Tips and Tricks

• To squeeze juice out of pomegranate, it is not necessary to use any device or technique. There is a much easier way. The berry needs to be washed and with an effort to roll on the table. They press on it with their hands and slowly crank it, the task is to stretch the grains. Then make a deep hole and just squeeze the juice into a cup.

• The pork itself is quite soft and the meat just needs to be chopped before marinating. With beef, it’s a little more complicated and it’s advisable to beat off the pieces a little before pouring the sauce. In this form, the meat is better saturated, it will become more tender and juicier.

• When marinating meat in juices, it is recommended to put a little oppression on top. It will prevent pieces from popping up and the whole product will be filled.

• Need to quickly marinate the meat? Prepare the fill on warm pomegranate juice, you can add a little vinegar. After connecting with the meat, the vessel can be kept warm for an hour so that the juices pass faster into the tissue and only then cool. Also, pre-chopping the pieces with a hammer helps to reduce the time of pickling the product.


Watch the video: Pepper Pork with Pomegranate Molasses (July 2024).