Low testosterone in men - causes, symptoms and treatment. What are the preventive measures for low testosterone in men


Testosterone is an androgenic hormone, the main hormone in the male body.

Low testosterone leads to a decrease in erectile and reproductive functions of the body.

Testosterone is produced in the Leyding cells of the testes and, to a lesser extent, in the cells of the adrenal cortex, it is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in boys: muscle development, skeleton, male-type hair growth, voice tones, penis development, etc.

With a decrease in testosterone, signs appear that can be used to determine this.

Maximum testosterone levels are between 18 and 30 years old.

In the future, there is a decrease of approximately 1 - 2% per year and ceases to decrease at the age of 50 years.

Low Testosterone in Men - Causes

In the first place among the reasons leading to low testosterone in men are violations in the activity of internal secretion organs.

These include changes in testicular function, changes in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which produce hormones that affect testosterone levels.

Hormonal failure in a man’s body can occur at any age, even at a young age.

According to statistics, over the past decade, testosterone levels in the male body decreased by 1.5 - 2 times. This suggests that due to the fast changing rhythms of life, a decrease in testosterone ceased to be the prerogative of older people - this has become a problem for young men.

There are a number of reasons leading to a decrease in testosterone:

1. Abuse of bad habits. Alcohol-containing drinks, nicotine, drugs significantly reduce the hormonal background of a person. Studies have shown that in children from drug addicts testosterone levels are sharply reduced initially and in numbers, as in 50-year-old men.

2. Severe stress and emotional overload cause hormonal imbalance. This is explained by an increased release of adrenaline into the blood, adrenaline dramatically reduces the production of testosterone.

3. Lifestyle: lack of exercise, abstinence in sexual activity, the use of products that lead to increased formation of female sex hormones - all these are the causes of low testosterone in men.

4. Bad ecology.

5. The cause of low testosterone in men is many drugs. These include:

- uncontrolled intake and overdose of drugs that enhance sexual desire;

- painkillers (morphine, codeine);

- antidepressants (poroxetine);

- antipsychotropic old generation (haloperidol, chlorpromazine and the like);

- Some drugs used to treat peptic ulcer, hypertension, concussion.

- deficiency of direct sunlight.

In addition to the above, there are physiological causes of low testosterone in men:

- overheating of the testicles - more than 36.60 with a norm of 34.40

- obesity, especially fat in the abdomen;

- arterial hypertension;

- hyperglycemia: blood sugar greater than 7 mmol / l;

- hypercholesterolemia;

- increased bilirubin;

- kidney disease;

- osteoporosis and, as a result, other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

At the same time, the amount of female sex hormones increases in proportion to low testosterone in the body. This is clinically apparent:

- an increase in adipose tissue and a decrease in muscle mass;

- a decrease in physical strength, stamina, activity;

- unmotivated mood swings, causeless apathy, aggression.

Low testosterone in men - symptoms

The clinical manifestations of low testosterone in men are diverse and correspond to the reasons that caused it. The first symptoms of low testosterone in men:

Reducing the volume of ejaculate.

1. Decrease in morning erections. Normally, a healthy man has 3 to 4 morning erections per week. It was found that the number of morning erections directly depends on the level of testosterone.

2. Symptoms of low levels of testosterone in men in andropause are manifested by the same tides as in women: sensation of heat, sweating.

3. The psycho-emotional state also directly depends on the amount of testosterone: low testosterone leads to a decrease in aggressiveness, and not “worldly wisdom”.

Low testosterone is also manifested by common symptoms:

- sweating, shortness of breath;

- possible short-term loss of consciousness;

- general weakness, insomnia, decreased attention, memory;

- various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, various injuries associated with osteoporosis;

- disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Low testosterone in men due to its many symptoms cannot go unnoticed. At the first sign, you must consult a doctor.

Low testosterone in men - treatment

Treatment of low testosterone in men involves a number of mandatory measures:

- correction of the treatment of existing diseases and revision of the drugs taken in terms of their effect on testosterone;

- diet;

- long-term use of hormones.

For a normal level of testosterone, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, resume regular sexual activity, and increase physical activity.

To increase testosterone leads to the use of meat products, sweets and legumes.

The following products lower testosterone:

- beer - it contains estrogen of plant origin;

- alcohol;

- fat meat;

- carbonated drinks, very sweet and salted food;

- caffeinated products: tea, coffee, energy.

All this can be applied within reasonable limits without abuse.

If low testosterone in men is not associated with age, but is a defect in the body, and is not adjusted by diet, lifestyle, with the exception of harmful factors affecting the body, therapeutic treatment is necessary. There are two approaches to treatment:

1. Substitution therapy - used for a lack of testosterone in the body.

2. Stimulating therapy - used for enhanced synthesis of testosterone by the body itself.

There are 20 types of exogenous drugs used for replacement therapy.

Some of the exogenous drugs:

1. Testosterone - depot: leads to muscle growth, weight gain due to muscle mass.

2. Nebido: synthesized in the testes, to a lesser extent - in the adrenal glands; leads to a decrease in adipose tissue, increases muscle tone, increases libido.

3. Adriol: increases libido, mental activity, increases muscle mass.

Drugs that stimulate the production of testosterone by the body:

- gonadotropin;

- fish fat;

- tinctures of ginseng, Rhodiola.

Of those taking substitution therapy, improvement occurs in 90% of cases, and only in 10% of patients are not satisfied with the result.

On the other hand, the timing of taking substitution therapy is still not well understood. Some researchers are inclined to believe that taking such drugs should be lifelong.

The degree of dependence on the drug is not completely clear.

The effect of testosterone replacement for the course of concomitant pathology: it is contraindicated in certain diseases.

Research on hormone replacement therapy is ongoing.

Prevention of low testosterone in men

If you try to follow certain rules of life, you can find a tone and return to normal life.

1. Proper nutrition - the synthesis of any hormones in the human body directly depends on the quality, quantity and timeliness of food intake.

2. Do not get involved in lowering cholesterol: it should not be lower than the lower limit of the norm, because the production of a normal amount of testosterone depends on it.

3. Eat vegetables and fruits that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

4. Obligatory physical activity, rejection of bad habits, moderation in everything.

If testosterone deficiency is ignored, unpleasant consequences can occur. It is impossible to make a diagnosis and take replacement therapy on your own: you need to consult a professional specialist who will prescribe treatment taking into account the indicators of blood tests for testosterone. If the doctor's recommendations are followed, the hormonal background is normalized, health is improved.


Watch the video: Treating Low Testosterone in Men (June 2024).