Why dream about measuring shoes: boots, sandals, slippers? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why dream about measuring shoes


In a dream, you can do many things, and even at the same time. Some of them will be very pleasant for you, some will be disgusting. Why dream of measuring shoes? How to interpret such a dream?

Why dream about measuring shoes - the main interpretation

In a dream, measure shoes - try on something new. Depending on what emotions have visited you during sleep, these will be the future events of your life. If you measure shoes with joy and taste, pleasant events await you, which will open the doors to a new life for you. You can safely move forward and reach new heights.

If in a dream you are measuring shoes, and they are squeezing, interfering - soon you will find yourself in a not very pleasant situation, you can even witness a certain incident. In order to fully interpret the dream, you need to pay attention to the following details:

· What kind of shoes you measured;

· Where did you measure it;

· How many pairs have you tried on yourself;

· Have you managed to choose the right shoe size?

· Has anyone else tried on your shoes in your dream?

If in a dream you tried on shoes in a huge store unknown to you - in reality you will have a trip far from home, which will bring you a lot of positive emotions. You will be able to discover new talents and new opportunities. You will meet after such a dream with a huge number of people who will become useful to you in the future.

But, if you have a dream in which you have been looking for a suitable store for a long time and cannot find it. Such a dream means that you will have all the opportunities to improve your life, but you will not use them. You will doubt and hesitate in making the right decision. The dream book indicates that you better agree to the first sentence that will come in relation to your question.

If in a dream you measure shoes, and it’s all small for you - such a dream means that all the options you have chosen will not suit you. We can talk not only about work, but also about personal life. All the men you have chosen for relationships may become unworthy, not live up to your expectations.

The dream in which you measure torn shoes indicates that you will soon become ill or suffer business losses. You should not forget that you have long planned a trip, or some project. They will become ineffective, will not bring the desired results. Now it’s better to do other things and pay more attention to those projects that you already have at work. They will bring you greater profit and pleasure than those that you will begin to develop only now.

A dream in which you cannot find the right shoe size for a long time indicates that you will approach the issue from different angles. As a result, you will choose the wrong decision if the shoe size you get is not the right one.

The dream in which you measure dirty shoes says that it’s time for you to clear your space, your life from unnecessary people and unnecessary events. It's time to clear the space from unnecessary thoughts and strange incidents.

If you can’t decide on your shoes at all and return to the shoe store again and again, you will again and again return to your past and look for answers to all your burning questions in it. You will try to choose something suitable for you, whether it be work, friends, or relationships. As a result, you will not be able to choose one option.

If you see a dream in which you measure sandals in winter - it means that your feelings and emotions will be confused. You will not be able to determine your true desires and all the time you will try to prove to others that you are right. Try not to do this often, it is better to take a waiting position and do not defend your position too violently.

If you dream about how you measure shoes on the other foot - you make a decision about changing the direction of life, you will radically change your position in life, and no one can convince you of this. You yourself will complicate everything that happens and you won’t be able to find another justification for how to decide that it’s time to say goodbye to obsolete relationships, work, relationships.

The dream in which you try on someone else’s shoes means that you will try to go through someone else’s life path. But he will never be yours. So, if you suddenly feel that someone else’s shoes are rubbing you very hard, or are crushing, you will feel pressure from a person who has a higher life status than you. He will directly insist that you follow his instructions, that you fulfill his whims.

If you try on someone else’s shoes and find that they are ideally sitting on you, you will most likely occupy someone else’s workplace, but you won’t be able to stay on them for a long time. The dream in which you will measure the shoes of the shoemaker who sewed it for you means that you look at life very differently. You will want to create something of your own, something that will allow you to make yourself known.

Why dream of measuring shoes according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it says that measuring shoes is a dream of desire for change. If in a dream you try on evening shoes - such a dream means that you are waiting for romantic meetings and pleasant moments of life. You will be so pleasantly surprised by new opportunities to develop your personal life that your happiness will have no limit.

If in a dream you try on sneakers, you will move so actively and quickly through life that for a long time you will not be able to stop. You will relax, have fun, and do not forget about work. Everything will turn out almost perfectly for you. You will try and achieve great success.

The dream in which you measure shoes and cannot find the second pair indicates that soon you will be forced to think about looking at your personal relationships differently. Perhaps your partner does not suit you, perhaps you should take care of the development of your personal life. A dream in which you tirelessly measure shoes and do not find a suitable pair - promises you vanity and disappointment because of your personal life.

A dream in which you see a child trying on shoes means that you will try to remember and find the cause of your internal conflicts and life failures for a very long time. As a result, you will encounter the problem that you do not want to accept past mistakes and say goodbye to past fears.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is trying on shoes - such a dream means that she will soon witness rather joyful events, go on a visit, and attend a celebration. In any case, she will be happy and insanely glad.

Why dream about measuring shoes according to the Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you measure shoes, and it turns out to be great for you, you set too high goals for yourself. You want to achieve too much. These desires may be justified, but you should take a sober look at life. Do not invent illusions for yourself.

If you dream that you are measuring torn shoes and it seems so suitable and convenient for you, you will not be able to refuse the option that actually does not suit you. We can talk about low-paying work, about a difficult choice in a relationship.

If you measure shoes and only right or left shoes are paired - such a dream means that you are deprived of the flexibility to make decisions. You are moving in only one direction of your choice. You do not look around and do not consider other scenarios.

Why dream of measuring shoes for other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that a dream in which you see someone else trying to try on your shoes means that your foe will try to harm you. He will try to create conditions for you in which you can only complain about your life and cannot succeed.

If in a dream you see a box with new shoes on your doorstep, get ready for pleasant chores. Celebration and fun will fill your home. Soon, completely different chores and other opportunities will open before you.

The Wanderer’s dream book says that trying on shoes is about to pack on the way. The trip will be easy and productive. Do not worry, do not be afraid of changes - they will benefit you. Soon you will feel the beauty of what is happening in your life. It can be a new job or a new love affair, in any case, you will be glad that your dreams will come true soon and you will learn the desired result from your efforts. It remains only to wait a bit.


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