Meat meat - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook belyashi with meat.


The aroma of whites, which reaches our perception, especially in our student years, does not allow us to pass by the stall in which they were baked. Eternally hungry students, after couples like flies, flew into such stalls to enjoy their taste. Now in the student canteens hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs and many other things are sold. But still, the peak of these European snacks has somehow quietly faded into the background, and our native belyashes with meat, as always, are in demand.

Belyashis gained so much popularity that hundreds of culinary specialists work with a variety of their fillings. But how to cook a belyash at home, alas, today not yet everyone knows. Attempts to prepare them, no doubt, were with each of us, but did not always end in luck. Something is wrong, something is not taken into account, something may not know - but I want so much to make a tasty and fragrant belyash independently. So, in order to correct all these shortcomings, in our section you will learn how to properly prepare dough for meat, stuffing, how to bake them correctly, learn some secrets of cooking meat from leading chefs.

Recipe 1: Belyashi with meat

Ingredients Required:

For the dough of pies:

- milk - 1 cup;

- flour - 3 glasses;

- dry yeast - bag;

- egg - 1 pc .;

- sugar - 1 tbsp;

- vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;

- salt to taste.

For whites:

- Fat lamb or beef - 350 g;

- onions - 2 pcs .;

- salt and pepper to taste

- water - how much will take and vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Let's start from the dough. Heat the milk and mix a bag of yeast in it. Be sure to add sugar to the milk, so that our yeast and actively work. Leave aside. In 15 minutes the yeast will swell. Pour them into a warm bowl and add egg and butter. Mix with a whisk until smooth. Now we need to add flour in portions and mix all the time. We add flour until our dough becomes elastic and begins to lag behind our hands. That is why you should not adhere to the above flour standards, because the flour, unfortunately, is different. So, the dough, we already got the necessary consistency, cover it with a towel and set aside for an hour. As a rule, I always put him in the oven. The guarantee is that there are no drafts there, and the place is quite warm, because on the stove we always have something cooked, steamed, stewed ...

When our dough rises well, put it on a work surface, divide it into pieces of 50 grams, and roll each of them in flour a little. Roll out cakes.

Prepared meat skip in a meat grinder or grind in a blender with onions. Season the meat with salt and pepper. If you have your preferred spices for minced meat, then you have the right to add them. And also - if you have a rather thickish consistency of minced meat, you can pour broth or water to it. Stir well and beat it into the sides of the bowl as on a chop. Finely chop the fresh dill and add to the minced meat. Stir and spoon with a spoon in the middle of the cake. Now lift the edges and pinch the dough on top, leaving a small hole at the top for steam to come out.

Lay them neatly on the work surface closer to the stove, so that later you will be more comfortable to take them. Leave them for 15-20 minutes so that they slightly rise.

And now the most important process is the final one! Heat the butter in a pan and start to put our pies with the hole down. We bake belyashi on medium heat, and when they are browned, gently turn them over to the other side with a spatula and continue cooking. A tablespoon of oil is poured into the hole to make the filling even juicier. Beautiful, ruddy, and most importantly delicious and fragrant belyashi serve with pride to the table. I'm sure the result will be great!

Recipe 2: Belyashi with meat (beef)

Ingredients Required:

For the test:

- Fresh yeast - 40g;

- salt - 1 tsp;

- sugar - 1 tbsp;

- eggs - 2 pcs .;

- Baked butter - 2 tablespoons l .;

- Milk - 2.5 cups;

- Flour - approximately 7-7.5 glasses.

For filling:

- beef - 300g;

- onions - 1 pc .;

- ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

We take for the preparation of the test. First, cut the yeast and mix them with sugar. Fill with warm milk, pour 2 cups of flour and knead the dough. After 20 minutes, add all other ingredients to the dough. Carefully knead the dough. Tighten the bowl with food wrap or cover with a clean kitchen towel and set aside to a place where there are no drafts. Well, if you have calm and tender music playing in your kitchen, the dough loves it. Keep the dough for 1.5 hours in a warm place.

While our dough is suitable for whites, prepare the stuffing for future belyashes - well, when the stuffing is also a little infused. Beef can grind in a blender with onions. And you can chop the onion, fry it a little in a skillet with oil and add to the stuffing - here it is up to you. Finely chop the dill and add to the minced meat. Season the mince to your liking and set aside to the side - let them get acquainted with all the ingredients. Pay attention to the fact that you did not get minced thick. If the meat was not fat, you can add a bit of broth to the mince.

When the dough is suitable for whitewash, lay it on a work surface and roll with a roller and cut into equal pieces. From this amount of dough, you should get about 30 pieces of whites. So, on each piece of dough, press down with your palm, giving it a cake shape. In the middle of each tortilla lay a spoonful of minced meat and pinch the edges of the dough at the top, leaving the middle pieces open.

Heat the butter in a frying pan and put the minced meat in it. On medium heat, fry the patties to a beautiful rosy color. Then turn the belyashi and continue to fry. In the process of frying, pour oil on top of the filling.

Prepare flavored tea and serve your lovely creation to the table.

Recipe 3: Belyashi with meat (mixed beef)

And you know that belyashi can be cooked even in the oven. Crusty in such whites get crispy and appetizing.

Ingredients Required:

- flour - 700 g;

- kefir - 1 cup;

- butter - 125 g;

- chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.

- in the dough and another 1 egg to lubricate the surface of the whites;

- soda - ½ tsp,

- salt 1/2 tsp.

For filling:

- Mixed minced meat - 400 g;

- onions - 1 pc .;

- salt and pepper to taste

- a little broth.

Cooking method:

First make the dough. Grind the butter with a small amount of sifted flour through a large grater. Whisk the egg in a bowl separately, add kefir and soda to it. Pour into the flour mixture, mix and begin to trickle the flour in to make an elastic, not steep dough. Put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and set aside. Let's start cooking the stuffing. Chop the onions, skip the meat in a meat grinder, season with spices and mix. You can pour in some broth. Then mix the mince again.

Now from the test pinch small balls. Mix them with your hands so that you can make cakes the size of your palm. On each tortilla lay cooked minced 1 tbsp. Lift the edges of the tortillas and pinch them on top, leaving a gap for minced meat the size of 5 Soviet kopecks.

Line the baking sheet with parchment paper and grease it with butter. Lay out your masterpieces beautifully, leaving a distance between them - they will increase in size. Whisk the egg with a whisk and smear their surface so that after baking you get beautiful, shiny and rosy.

Preheat your oven to 180 * C and send the products to bake for 40-45 minutes.

After baking, cover them with a towel and let them stand on the baking sheet for another 15-20 minutes. All your meat whites are ready and you can serve them with a cup of fragrant and tasty tea.

Belyashi with meat - secrets and useful tips from experienced chefs

- To make the belyashis in the pan turn out beautifully the same color, we recommend pouring so much oil into the pan so that the products bathe in it. Thus, they will be rosy around.

- You can add your favorite spices to the meat filling.


Watch the video: Recipe Belyashi tasty meat pies delicious and mouth-watering (June 2024).