Exercises for losing weight: are there any? The most effective exercises for hands at home, training principles, set of exercises


Today it is extremely important to monitor your health and weight, which is why classes are interesting not only to care for your waist, but also exercises for losing weight. However, not every modern woman has time to go to the gym, so exercises for losing weight at home are in particular demand.

We train hands at home

Hands are always in sight, especially in the summer. If wide hips or an extra couple of kilograms in the waist area can be hidden, then full hands will only emphasize the features of the figure.

Especially problematic is the back surface of the arm and saggy skin on it. This is due to insufficient muscle mass and excessive body fat. You can get rid of this problem by doing exercises for losing weight at home.

Where to start weight loss exercises?

Before starting any physical exertion, check the requirements:

• You must be healthy, if there are any deviations in health, then a consultation with a doctor is mandatory;

• You should not eat food earlier than an hour before the start of the workout;

• Do not start the load after a hard day's work.

Any physical training should begin with a warm-up complex. Warming up is necessary for warming up and bringing the body into a state of tone. After warming up, it will be easier for you to perform exercises that will be more effective. Start with the easiest workout:

1. Accept this position: the legs should be in a comfortable and stable position, hands bent at the elbow joint at chest level. At the expense of one, we turn to the side and spread our hands, at the expense of two, we return to the starting position, at three - we turn in the opposite direction. And so ten repetitions.

2. Before starting exercises for losing weight, it is necessary to “knead” the joints with rotational movements of the hand, then in the elbow joint and in the shoulder. This will help to avoid injuries and dislocations.

3. Before training, you must definitely stretch the muscle being trained. To stretch the triceps muscle, place your hand in a bent position behind your head, grasp your elbow with your other hand and pull a little until you feel tension in the triceps. Hold your hands in this position for up to 5 seconds. Repeat for each hand at least 5 times, alternately.

Then you can enter additional training tasks for warming up. This will help to intensify your workout and bring the desired result faster.

Hand Weight Loss Exercises

At the end of the warm-up classes, proceed to the main part of the training:

Exercise number 1. To start classes, the best way possible is an exercise that is performed as follows: legs shoulder-width apart, hands with palms folded in front of themselves in the chest area. At the count of times, start to rest your palms against each other, at the count of two, relax your hands. You need to do ten repetitions.

Exercise number 2. Great exercises for losing weight are done using a dumbbell. You should not choose dumbbells more than 1.5 kilograms, at least while you are a beginner. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells and place your arms outstretched in front of you. Then, very slowly, lower the dumbbells down and raise the back to the chest level. Do ten repetitions.

Attention! Do not overwork. If you feel a strong burning sensation or pulling pain, then exercise less than the recommended amount. At the end of each workout, you should feel a pleasant tension.

Exercise number 3. To tighten not only your arms, but also, to make your shoulders beautiful and embossed, you should perform exercises for this zone. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your hands with dumbbells along the sides of the body, and slowly raise your arms until a 90-degree angle with the body. Hold your hands in this position for a couple of seconds. Then slowly lower your hands to their original position. You need to do ten repetitions.

Exercise number 4. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, position your arms with dumbbells in front of you, and expand the dumbbell brush to the top. Hands in relation to the body should be located at a certain angle, and not hang along the body. Slowly, bending your arm at the elbow joint, lift the dumbbells in front of you and also slowly lower them to their original position. Do ten repetitions

Exercise number 5. Standing on the floor, raise your hand with a dumbbell over your head. Next, holding the elbow joint with your free hand, bend your arm at the elbow and wrap it behind your head. At the count of times, straighten your hand, at the count of two, bend to its original position. This is a great exercise for losing weight and lifting saggy skin.

Effective Hand Slimming Exercises

One of the most effective exercises for maintaining the whole body in good shape and hands in particular, is an exercise called "strap": performed in the "emphasis lying" position on outstretched arms. You become in this position and freeze as much as you can. The body should be tense, absolutely even, look directly in front of you at the floor. At first it will be no more than 10 seconds, you should perform this exercise constantly and reach 2 minutes, at least.

In order to have beautiful embossed hands, you should constantly perform push-up exercises. For this you need to rest your hands on a sofa, bed or any other suitable surface, with your feet resting on socks. To make this exercise easier, try kneeling. Bending the arms at the elbows, one time we lower ourselves by two and rise. At the same time, be careful not to overstrain your lower back, so keep your back straight. Repeat at least ten times per set.

Dynamic Hand Slimming Exercises

It is proved in practice that to improve the appearance of the most highly effective are dynamic exercises. It is dynamic exercises that help to accelerate metabolism and burn as much adipose tissue as possible. The most popular are:

Exercise number 1: Get straight, take small dumbbells. Keep your arms bent in front of you at chest level. As quickly as possible, alternately straighten and bend your arms again. Continue driving for at least a minute.

Exercise No. 2: Place your legs in a comfortable stance, arms with dumbbells along the body. When jumping, spread your legs apart and raise your hands up. Next, return to its original position. Movements must be sharp and dynamic. At least 10 jumps in one set. At least three approaches.

Exercise number 3: Get level, take dumbbells. Lunge in front of you on one leg, the second also needs to be bent at the knee joint. In this case, it is worth remembering several rules:

• Both legs should be bent 90 degrees;

• The body should be clearly centered;

• Do not transfer the center of gravity to any of the legs.

After the lunge, return to the original position, the next lunge should be on the other leg. With each movement, the hands must be raised, without bending them in the joint, 90 degrees, relative to the body.

Exercise number 4: To complete this exercise, you must purchase a rope. Jumping rope, not only increase the tone of the whole body, burn more calories than when running, but also cope with the problem of full arms. If at the moment there is no sports equipment, imagine it in your imagination and jump on an imaginary rope. Tighten your hands and squeeze into a fist.

Exercise number 5: heavy artillery in the battle for beautiful hands - these are complex exercises for losing weight. Stand in the “bar”, which is described above, you need to stand for ten seconds, then do ten push-ups from the knees from the floor, again return to the bar. There should not be a break between a change of position, since this reduces the effectiveness of the entire training complex. Continue the exercise until I can’t. Ideally, this should be ten “bars” for ten seconds and the same sets of push-ups ten times.

The final set of exercises for weight loss

At the end of the workout, it is imperative to carry out the final complex to relax the muscles that we strained.

1. First, shake your hands, the more intensively you do this, the greater will be the flow of blood and lymph. At the same time, your tissues will receive maximum nutrition, which will increase the burning of adipose tissue and muscle building.

2. Grab your hand with your other hand and pull it as far as possible to the opposite shoulder, thus stretching it.

3. Behind the back, close your hands "in the lock" and pull them down, this action also stretches the muscles, but their other group.

It will also be wonderful at the end to take a warm shower and rub your hands. All these actions are aimed at alleviating pain the day after a workout, as well as in order to make your body more flexible and plastic. All this will positively affect the general and emotional state.

The desire to have a perfect body and beautiful hands is a woman’s natural desire, but to achieve maximum results a systematic approach to this issue is very important. Doing a set of exercises for losing weight daily, you can enjoy the achievements in a month. If your intentions are serious, then you should reconsider your nutrition, because beauty comes from the inside and, exercising daily, while not ceasing to use fatty, fried and flour products, you will not be able to get a beautiful and toned body.

A person who is satisfied with his appearance can achieve more, because he is confident in himself and his abilities, he knows that he can do everything.


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