Vitamin C deficiency: symptoms of deficiency. What are the signs of learning about vitamin C deficiency and how to get rid of it


Vitamin C is strongly associated with health, longevity, beauty and youth. This is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances that can slow down aging, give vitality, strength.

With a lack of vitamin C, signs of vitamin deficiency appear within 1-2 months and require an immediate reaction.

Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

The most striking manifestation of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. This is when the gums bleed, the teeth fall out, hands and feet hurt terribly, and in the end death occurs. About a million sailors died from vitamin deficiency in the era of great geographical discoveries.

Of course, it’s unlikely anyone will be able to get scurvy today, but 90% of earthlings face the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (just think about it!). That is, only one in ten people gets ascorbic acid in abundance. Ascorbic acid deficiency is manifested in a sharp decrease in immunity and constant malaise.

Complaints are of a general nature:

• frequent colds and viral diseases;

• weakness, constant feeling of tiredness;

• headache;

• bleeding gums;

• insomnia and irritability;

• pallor of the skin;

• muscle pain;

• decreased performance.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are similar to manifestations of deficiency of other beneficial substances or diseases of internal organs. However, there is a characteristic sign that an experienced doctor will help to identify a shortage of ascorbic acid in the body: this is an increased fragility of blood vessels. From any, the lightest strokes, a person has bruises and bruises, there are prolonged and frequent nosebleeds.

If no measures are taken, anemia and its complications will gradually develop: cardiovascular diseases, respiratory failure, hypoxic coma.

Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency

Ascorbic acid is involved in many biochemical processes of the body, including the synthesis of steroid hormones, the absorption of iron and folic acid. This substance takes part in the synthesis of collagen fibers and proteglycans (substances that ensure the elasticity of blood vessels), provides cell renewal, and normal functioning of the endocrine system.

Without the normal intake of ascorbic acid, the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is disrupted, and the cholesterol levels are normal. Immune defense weakens, a person becomes ill from mild hypothermia, stress, and does not withstand daily viral attacks.

The causes of ascorbic acid deficiency are primarily associated with malnutrition. The body needs at least 80 mg of vitamin C every day - three to four times more than all other vitamins. In special situations (pregnancy, lactation, illness, chronic stress, etc.), the norm increases to 120-200 mg. Scientists believe that to prevent cancer, it is enough to take 3,000 mg of the substance every day, but no more than 12 g per kilogram of weight.

Vitamin C can only be obtained from raw vegetables and fruits, since heat treatment destroys the substance almost entirely. Therefore, if the diet does not have fresh seasonal fruits, berries, vegetables, then hypovitaminosis is almost inevitable.

There are other causes of vitamin C deficiency:

• violation of the absorption of this substance due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• metabolic disorder, in which ascorbic acid is excreted from the body;

• thyroid disease;

• inflammatory processes in the kidneys;

• chronic stress;

• severe infectious disease;

• smoking;

• alcoholism.

When carrying a child, the body of a young mother experiences an acute shortage of vitamins, including ascorbic acid. High doses of the substance are needed by people whose work is associated with hard physical work or a violation of natural biological rhythms.

How to Prevent Vitamin C Deficiency

It is possible to provide the body with a constant influx of ascorbic acid in a natural way, that is, by correctly composing a diet. You need to eat fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables, berries.

Especially a lot of vitamin C in the following foods:

• black currant;

• sorrel;

• strawberries;

• lemons and other citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits);

• green parsley;

• cabbage of all kinds;

• leafy greens;

• kiwi.

Nutritionists advise eating a green apple, orange, kiwi or 200 grams of green grapes or the juice of these fruits and berries daily to satisfy the need for ascorbic acid. An important nuance: if the fruit is cut into pieces, vitamin C begins to break down. Therefore, there is fruit sliced ​​for a light salad, you need to immediately, not letting stand.

Interestingly, the amount of vitamin C in sauerkraut is much greater than in fresh cabbage. That's why in winter you need to eat it constantly. A lot of "ascorbic acid" in vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers. Of course, to get it, vegetables must be eaten not thermally processed, that is, raw.

In order to maintain the normal level of ascorbic acid, you need to get enough sleep, give up tobacco and alcohol, and avoid hypothermia and stress. For example, 100 ml of alcohol increases the daily requirement of the body for ascorbic acid to 300 mg. The same amount is required if a person smokes a pack of cigarettes daily.

How to get rid of a lack of vitamin C

If vitamin deficiency nevertheless has come and signs of vitamin C deficiency have become apparent, the body will have to be restored. Here's what you need to do:

• establish the correct daily routine;

• ensure a healthy sleep lasting at least 7-8 hours a day;

• review the diet, filling it with healthy dishes of fresh fruits and vegetables;

• take daily therapeutic doses of vitamin C in tablets of 100-200 mg.

Instead of pharmacy ascorbic acid, you can drink fresh rosehip infusion daily. To cook it, 4 tbsp. l dry fruits pour a liter of boiling water, wrap and insist for at least 12 hours. You can prepare an infusion in the evening, strain in the morning and drink during the day. In the evening, prepare a new portion of the life-giving drink. For preventive purposes, you need to use it from September to April-May.

To cope with vitamin deficiency, you need to add a lot of greens to salads from fresh vegetables: parsley, nettle, mint, dill, basil are very good in the fight against vitamin deficiency. Salads are seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil and eaten before each meal.

With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, you need to eat whole citruses: pulp as a dessert, a light salad, and crusts as a decoction.

Vitamin C is water soluble. It does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in the urine. That is why daily consumption of not only healthy raw vegetables, but also an additional intake of ascorbic acid is necessary. If there are symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, you need to see a doctor and get recommendations on the duration and amount of intake of ascorbic acid.


Watch the video: 10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency - Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency Diseases (July 2024).