Homemade duck in the oven: step-by-step recipes for rosy, juicy and fragrant bird. Cooking homemade duck in the oven according to step by step recipes


The duck baked in the oven is delicious and very beautiful. Ruddy bird will become a real decoration of the table, if you cook it in accordance with all the rules.

Here are the best step-by-step recipes for homemade duck in the oven with a detailed description, tips and little secrets.

Homemade duck in the oven - general principles of cooking

Many do not like duck, but in fact, a bird can be very tasty and incredibly tender. It is important to cook it properly. The carcass needs to be cleaned of feathers. If there is dirt on the duck, then they need to be cut off or wiped off with a brush. Excess fat that hangs from a cut abdomen can also be trimmed immediately. It is advisable to marinate the domestic duck in advance. Let it soak in sauce or in spices for 5-6 hours, even better all night.

Basic principles of preparation:

1. Cut the roast before baking. It is he who gives the bird a specific smell.

2. It is undesirable to cook the duck immediately in the form, it is better to first in the foil or in the sleeve so that the meat is steamed. You can pre-boil the bird or use a special ducklings.

3. Duck baking time is rarely less than 1.5 hours. Therefore, apples, potatoes and other products that will be added to it must be cut into large pieces.

4. On the skin of the bird should not be large spices, dried herbs. They will burn, spoil the view.

The baking time of domestic duck will directly depend on the size, but it is better not to take a bird more than 2 kg. If it starts to burn faster than it is cooked inside, then on top you can grease with sour cream and cover with foil, parchment. On average, the temperature of duck baking is 180-200 degrees.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with apples in a package

One of the most popular additions to duck is apples. The bird goes well with them, it turns fragrant and juicy. In a step-by-step recipe for domestic duck, it is better to use sour apples or pour extra lemon slices on it.


• duck 1 pc.;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• salt, ground pepper and peas;

• 2 bay leaves;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 10 apples;

• lemon.

Additionally, you need a baking sleeve or bag. If a ready-made package will be used, then it must be suitable in size and be long enough.


1. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in three liters of water, add ten peas of pepper, can be crushed. Crush the bay leaf. We take water at room temperature or cold.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon or immediately cut the citrus in half, squeeze the juice, and crumble the crusts and pour into the water. They will give the duck a pleasant aroma, remove a specific smell.

3. Put the bird in a pan, in a bucket or in a large container, fill it with prepared brine, leave to marinate in heat for at least 5 hours. Or we put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, you can keep the bird and a day, it will only get better.

4. Mix black pepper with two tablespoons of oil, add a little salt, you can pour a spoonful of lemon juice. Grind until smooth.

5. Remove the duck from the brine. Put on a wire rack or in a large sieve, colander. We leave for half an hour, let the bird dry, all excess water should drain.

6. Rub the duck outside with vegetable oil.

7. Take a couple or three apples, wash, cut into quarters. They can also be sprinkled with spices or grated zest, sprinkled with lemon juice or put just as it is. We shove the carcass inside, until the remaining apples are touched.

8. We shift the duck into a bag for baking, tie the edges. With a toothpick or a simple needle on top, we make a couple of punctures. The package is installed in a small baking sheet with sides or in a shape larger than a duck, since then we will place apples on the edges.

9. We turn on the oven in advance, let it warm up to 200 degrees.

10. We send the duck with apples to bake in the oven, cook 80-100 minutes, depending on the size and age of the bird. The older she is, the longer we hold.

11. Apples that remain must be thoroughly washed, cut out the middle, you can do this with a special recess. Sprinkle with lemon juice and put in a bowl, let them wait in the wings.

12. We take out the duck, which has reached half-preparedness. At the bottom of the package there will be a lot of liquid with fat, carefully cut it off from above, unfold.

13. Spoon the liquid, pour the apples in a bowl, stir.

14. Also, with a spoon, we collect fat and pour the duck on top, so that a beautiful crust appears.

15. Arrange apples from a bowl around the duck.

16. Re-send the bird to the oven, bake for about half an hour. It is advisable to pour carcasses over the carcasses every ten minutes.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with potatoes

Another step by step recipe for homemade duck in the oven as a whole. Supplement by everyone's favorite potato. This is an ideal side dish for oily poultry, but it also needs to be cooked correctly.


• duck 2.5 kg;

• a couple of spoons of soy sauce;

• four cloves of garlic;

• 8-10 identical potatoes;

• 100 g sour cream or mayonnaise;

• spices to taste.

You can cook this duck also in a package, as in the previous recipe, but here the option with a piece of foil and shape is also very successful.


1. We will marinate the bird in mayonnaise or in sour cream, as you like. We pre-wash the carcass, cut off all the excess, remove the remaining feathers and soak an hour in cold water, you can add spices to it. Then rinse the duck and leave to dry on the wire rack.

2. Mix sour cream or mayonnaise with chopped garlic, put salt, soy sauce, pepper. We rub the prepared bird first inside, then outside.

3. For pickling, you can use any convenient dish with a lid. A great option is the package. But we take tight, well knotted.

4. We leave the bird for five or full hours, but in the second case we put it in the refrigerator.

5. For baking we use a small baking sheet. If desired, it can be covered with foil from the inside, so that later it is easier to wash. Lubricate with oil, just one spoon.

6. We take the bird out of the refrigerator, re-rub the marinade over the carcass with our hands, transfer to the prepared form.

7. Stretch the foil on top. You can make it not touch the bird. To do this, put a piece of cut fat or fat on the duck. Cover the form, send to the oven for an hour. The oven should be warmed up to two hundred degrees.

8. Peel the potatoes, do not need to season with anything. If the tubers are very large, then cut in half.

9. Take out the duck, carefully lift the foil. We rub fat with a spoon and pour a little to the potatoes. We add in addition. Cover the bowl and shake vigorously.

10. Duck is also watered with the allocated juice.

11. We shift the potatoes into a mold, lay them around the bird and again cover with foil. Put in the oven for another 40-50 minutes.

12. Remove the foil. We turn the tubers on the other side, since the bottom of the potato has already been saturated with fat, and has dried up a little on top.

13. Immediately sprinkle the duck with fat and juices from the bottom of the mold.

14. Now you can not cover the bird with foil, just put it in the oven and bake until a beautiful crust appears even before half an hour.

Homemade duck in the oven: a step by step recipe with oranges (slices)

An incredibly simple step by step recipe for domestic duck in the oven. The bird turns out amazingly delicate and fragrant, it does not take very long to prepare, since slices are used. We chop any parts of the carcass in the right amount, preferably naked bones with a low meat content should be immediately tipped back.


• 1 kg of duck;

• 2 oranges;

• 10 ml of soy sauce;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• 40 g oils.


1. Wash the pieces of duck, dry with a towel or paper towels.

2. Heat butter in a frying pan. You can take part of the vegetable. Put the duck and fry over high heat on both sides. Put until in a bowl.

3. Remove the zest from one orange, chop and squeeze the juice to it. You can pre-mash the citrus with your hands or roll around the table with pressure so that the juice comes out better, it turns out more.

4. Add soy sauce to the juice with zest, salt, put a spoonful of mustard, but you can more if you like spicy food.

5. Peel the cloves of garlic, chop and pour to orange juice. Stir well. Put pepper to taste.

6. The second orange is simply peeled, cut into circles. In the process, we select all the bones, since they will give the dish not a very pleasant taste.

7. Lubricate the mold with a drop of oil. Lay the duck in a thick layer slightly overlapping.

8. Put oranges between the pieces of the bird, try to distribute at the same distance.

9. Top pour the contents of the form with a prepared sauce of juice and spices. Distribute evenly.

10. Pull a piece of foil onto the mold, fix the edges so that the coating does not fall off.

11. We cook an hour at 190 degrees.

12. Serve an orange duck with fresh vegetables, side dishes of white or brown rice, complemented with greens.

Homemade duck in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• To prevent the foil from sticking and touching the bird, put a piece of fat on the most protruding part of the duck carcass.

• When pickling, do not add a lot of lemon juice or other acid to the bird. The meat from this will be tough.

• Did the crust burn, burst, or did another defect appear on it? You can paint the bird with gravy sauce, or just drip a little and stick leaves of dill, parsley.

• You should not use marinades with honey, ketchup, an abundance of soy sauce, which are often added to chicken, for ducks. This bird is prepared for a long time, the skin with such ingredients will simply burn.


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