All about moonstone. What kind of stone is it, how is it used and what properties does it have


Moonstone is very beautiful and mysterious. For centuries, it has fascinated the hearts of all lovers of jewelry. Depending on the light incident on him, he is able to change his color. It is impossible to take your eyes off such a bewitching sight!

Now let's find out more about him.

1. Moonstone is a type of feldspar

Moonstone is a mineral of the orthoclase group and consists of potassium aluminosilicate. Although it has optical qualities such as that of labradorite, it is not because labradorite is plagioclase and moonstone is orthoclase.

The main difference between these two types of stones is that plagioclase is composed of calcium and sodium, and orthoclase is composed of potassium.

2. Moonstone has irisation

Irisization is an optical phenomenon that causes a peculiar glow on the surface of a mineral. Light passes through a stone, as through water. This occurs when light is reflected from thin layers of feldspar inside the stone, which play the role of a light diffuser.

3. The moonstone is soft and may break

Despite the fact that the stone has 6-6.5 points on the Mohs scale of hardness, it can be subject to destruction due to splitting. Splitting in a stone occurs along its planes or layers.

Moonstone is mainly used in the manufacture of earrings or necklaces. These products are less impacted. True, since the stone is becoming more and more popular, now sometimes you can meet rings with it.

If you have moonstone on a wedding ring or a ring that you wear all the time, make sure that it is well protected - it should be deeply immersed in the frame. Handle such a ring carefully. In addition, it is necessary to clean it from time to time so that the stone remains as beautiful.

4. History and interesting facts

In ancient cultures, moonstone was valued, and there were many tales and beliefs about it.

Many believed that the moonstone is strongly associated with the moon. He was especially appreciated at the full moon. It was believed that if you hold it in your mouth on the full moon, you can see your future.

People also believed that stone brings good luck, love and affection to its owners.

5. Jewelry

Moonstone has always been used in jewelry. Often pendants were made from it in the form of a drop. True, at some point the faces of the moon made of moonstone, which decorated the premises, were very popular.

For a long time, the stone was undeservedly forgotten, because people were more interested in diamonds and other precious stones. Only in the 1960s he returned to fashion.

Today, this mineral has become very popular among modern designers.

6. Moonstone can be confused with opalite

Opalite is an artificial glass that looks like opal and moonstone. It is not a natural stone. Vendors sometimes trick buyers by selling glass instead of stones, calling it sea or opal quartz and an opal moonstone. It is sometimes called an opalite crystal, although it is not a crystal at all. All these names are taken from the head, such stones do not exist in nature.

Opalite is often given the same shape as the moonstone. From it make cabochons and faces of the moon.

7. Metaphysical properties

Moonstone is a healing stone associated with the zodiac's watermarks. He helps:

- develop intuition;

- regulate emotions;

- improve your mood;

- promote harmony and balance;

- increase self-confidence;

- be more passionate.

8. Cut

In the vast majority of cases, moonstones are shaped like a cabochon in the form of a drop or hemisphere.

However, in recent years they have been experimenting with it a lot, so they began to cut it.

9. From the moonstone you can cut various bizarre figures

Since the moonstone is quite soft, various shapes are carved out of it. The most popular, as in ancient times, the moon with a human face. But there may be others.

Carving moonstone figures requires special skills and dexterity. If handled ineptly, the stone can easily crumble into pieces.

10. Rainbow Moonstone

Despite its similarity, the rainbow moonstone is a labrador. Both the moonstone and the Labrador beautifully refract the light. In this case, the labrador is blue and transparent with a rainbow tint, and the moonstone is opaque, with a soft white or gray tint.


Watch the video: How to Use Moonstone: Qualities & Benefits Crystal & Gemstone Basics by Sloane Rhodes (July 2024).