Signs about lost jewelry


Since ancient times, people have attached special, sacred significance to various jewelry. Some considered them to be original charms and talismans, others thus preserved the memory of their ancestors, while others believed that, together with the decoration, they lose a part of their soul. It is precisely because of this that many various signs have taken shape that are associated with the loss of one or another decoration. What does such signs promise to man and what are they warning about?

The ring fumbled

In general, ring loss is considered a bad omen. If you have lost the ring that a loved one gave you - this means a breakup with him soon.

If you lost the ring that you yourself acquired - along with the decoration, you lost some of your own energy, which you needed to achieve the goal in the love sphere.

However, ring loss is also of good value. If in life you have been constantly pursued by troubles and setbacks lately, then it is believed that together with the lost ringlet, you have “closed” the black band of your life.

The earring is lost

The sign of the lost earring is interpreted differently. Here it is necessary to consider who exactly lost it. If this jewelry was lost by an unmarried person who had never walked down the aisle - it promises a quick meeting with a new person with whom she can build a long love relationship. But, if such a decoration is lost by a married lady, this means that soon she will face serious changes in the love sphere.

If the earring is lost by a girl who already has a love affair - then this can be considered a sign of Fate, which promises her a quick marriage.

Lost hours

There are many different signs and superstitions associated with this accessory, and more bad ones. Losing hours means failing in any business.

You will find stagnation and no progress.

Losing hours seems to indicate that time has stopped for you, and even the greatest efforts will not lead to a result in the work you have begun.

Lost chain

Losing a piece of jewelry like a chain does not bode well. Together with the chain you lose your luck. However, this sign can also be interpreted in a different way. If you were already harassed by failure, then with the loss of the chain they will remain in the past.

All these signs relate only to those jewelry that are made of precious metals.

If you have lost something from jewelry - do not worry, because it only speaks of your carelessness and has nothing to do with the signs of Destiny.

Even the most banal at first glance, things or objects are of particular importance in human life. Sometimes we simply don’t notice how fate itself gives us a sign that warns us of any danger. Pay attention to even the smallest little things, and you can improve the quality of your own life and live in harmony with yourself.


Watch the video: River Treasure! Metal Detecting Behind WATERFALL For Lost Jewelry! (June 2024).