Folk remedies for toothache: an attempt to alleviate terrible suffering. A selection of recipes for folk remedies for toothache


Pain almost always comes suddenly: sharp, throbbing, aching .... Toothache, as a rule, causes great suffering to a person. People around him suffer along with him.

It is especially unpleasant if the pain in the tooth overtakes you in the middle of the night, when it is simply impossible to get into the dental office. Where to run and what to do?

Drink a tablet of pain medication and remember a folk remedy that helps reduce pain.

Some tips from our great-grandmothers can actually be effective. Although treatment tips are sometimes completely absurd, and sometimes even unhealthy. Remember one thing: you cannot cure a tooth with folk remedies. You can reduce pain, relieve swelling and pause the process. But the dentist will treat the tooth.

The most effective folk remedies for toothache - rinsing

Remember that when choosing folk remedies you need to be guided, first of all, by common sense.

Traditional recipe:

• You need to take one tablespoon of dried grass or herbal tea into a glass of boiling water,

• Put in a water bath and boil the collection of about 10-15 minutes,

• After this, the broth is filtered and cooled. Now it can be used.

Rinse should, according to the advice, decoctions:

1. Sage

2. Oak bark,

3. Eucalyptus,

4. Chamomile flowers,

5. Peppermint

6. Echinacea.

In fact, rinsing with a decoction of one or several herbs can be useful and even slightly lower the pain threshold. But just remember:

  • first, to rinse the inflamed gums and the aching tooth is allowed only with warm broth, cold liquid can increase inflammation;
  • secondly, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, swelling of the gums, lips and even the tongue often occurs on medicinal herbs decoction, which can be fraught with the development of Quincke edema, which quickly spreads to the larynx, bronchi and lungs. So, you may well end up in a hospital bed.

A popular rinse with salt and soda will help not only relieve pain, but also disinfect the oral cavity. It is done this way: in a glass of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda and salt and add 3-4 drops of iodine there.

Thus, warm broths can be used for rinsing, they are quite effective for toothache of a different nature.

Lotions and applications, as folk remedies for toothache

To the sick teeth, people just don’t put it:

• Pieces of bacon,

• Slices of garlic,

• Fleece soaked in a variety of essential oils,

• Raw red beets,

• Propolis,

• Ice cubes and more.

Each recipe has a right to exist, but this does not mean that it will be effective. Sometimes it happens quite the opposite: at best, you will not notice any changes at all, and at worst - aggravate the situation if side effects from such therapy occur.

For example, the famous recipe for applying fat to a sore gum can only serve as a red herring. The same can be said for garlic and slices of raw beets. There are as many positive reviews that such procedures help as much as negative ones.

But lotions based on essential oils are actually able to help. To relieve toothache can be applied:

1. Lemon oil,

2. Kayaputovogo tree,

3. Eucalyptus,

4. Geraniums

5. The Basilica,

6. Fir

7. Melissa,

8. Juniper and others.

The classic formula is as follows: you should drop a few drops of the ethereal composition onto the cotton wool and attach it to the sore spot. However, you need to know: the essential oil is usually sold in a concentrated form, so it is forbidden to drip more than 4 drops and keep cotton wool for more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, you risk to burn the oral mucosa so that taking any food will cause pain and burning. The lotion can be repeated after 2-3 hours. Well, and, of course, we are not talking about the fact that essential oils can cure a tooth. They only eliminate the pain for a short time.

Paradoxical, controversial and extreme toothache remover - ice cubes. Healers advise using both plain frozen water and decoctions of herbs. Thus, they assure, the procedure will become doubly useful. Simply apply ice to the gum in the area of ​​the diseased tooth and wait until it melts, according to folk healers. Probably, for a while the pain really will go away, but the inflammatory process from the cold is activated.

If your tooth hurts from a blow, feel free to apply ice, but if you get a flux, we strongly do not recommend ice!

Thus, some lotions and applications on the area of ​​a diseased tooth are effective. It is worth remembering that there are some time limits for these procedures.

Folk remedies for toothache: reflexology

Try to use the simplest means of reflexology. So did our grandmothers.

A slice of garlic must be cleaned, cut along into two halves, one of which is wrapped in gauze. Then you need to attach the garlic to the wrist in the place where the ripple is felt. Moreover, it is very important that the arm is opposite to the diseased tooth. If the toothache is localized on the right, then we attach the garlic to the left hand and vice versa. A garlic clove can be kept for no more than 30 minutes, so as not to get a burn.

This is one of the most harmless recipes. But it’s better not to experiment on one’s own body, because sometimes there are tips, like applying a hot water bottle to the back of the head or even more extreme recipes, when you need to clamp a certain point on the carotid artery located under the lower jaw. Only an experienced reflexologist can use such methods.

Reflexive therapy is not for everyone. Applying a hot-water bottle to the head in some cases can provoke a stroke in people with vascular lesions of the brain, and it is far from everyone’s right to clamp the point on the carotid artery.

Distracting and warming up procedures as a folk remedy for toothache

Distracting and warming procedures, whether it be mustard plasters, compresses, foot baths or other methods - sometimes they can help.

A half-alcohol compress on the area of ​​the diseased tooth will help to spend a quiet night. Pour vodka or diluted 1: 1 with water onto a clean cotton rag, apply it to the aching tooth, put a piece of polyethylene on top and tie it all up with a warm scarf (preferably pure wool). This recipe helps children very well, the main thing is not to overdo it, you need a little bit of vodka (a tablespoon).

If there is no alcohol, you can use a mustard plaster, just do not put it directly on the skin of the face, it can cause a burn. Moisten a mustard plaster and put it on the area of ​​the diseased tooth through 2-4 layers of paper napkin or toilet paper, insulate. After 10 minutes, remove the mustard plaster, and leave the warm dressing until morning.

To get rid of a toothache at home, use hot foot baths with essential oils or mustard. In some cases it really helps. Blood rushes to the lower limbs and you can feel relief. By the way, our grandmothers also used this remedy to relieve coughing attacks on laryngitis, tracheitis or pharyngitis. There are usually no contraindications to this method, but it is not recommended to use it for people suffering from hypertension.

Folk remedies for toothache extraordinary recipes

In medical practice, there have been cases when people have tried on themselves the most unusual ways to treat toothache. And they are not always harmless.

In some sources, you may find a way to relieve pain with a magnet. It should be attached to the cheek and held for a long time. How effective this method is is hard to imagine.

Lubrication of the gums with iodine is presented as one of the effective ways. However, patients should remember that smearing mucous membranes with iodine is not worth it, because burn them easier than ever. A good effect can be given by the iodide net applied to the cheek on the part of the diseased tooth, although you will hardly be able to go outside or attend work. It is categorically contraindicated in children and people with a sick thyroid gland.

As you can see, a variety of folk remedies are allowed to relieve toothache. All of them - emergency. You need to treat your teeth at the dentist, but you yourself know this, right?


Watch the video: Home Remedies for Toothache - Immediate Pain Relief (June 2024).