Barley porridge: the benefits, harm and recipes for proper preparation. Secrets of barley porridge: it is useful or harmful?


Cereal cereals are good for health due to the high content of proteins and vitamins, but barley porridge is often overlooked.

Barley porridge can be tasty and healthy, for this you need to properly cook it.

Having got acquainted with this product and having learned about what barley porridge can be beneficial, each person can cook it properly.

Pearl barley is produced from barley, currently exists three types of pearl barley:

• whole grains, which are cleaned from the shell, such a barley can be used to make soups, porridges and various fillings;

• “Dutch” pearl barley - during the production of this type of barley grains roll into balls and are exempt from guard segments, used to make porridges of a softer consistency;

• yachka - finely crushed pearl barley, which was not ground.

Ordinary pearl barley from whole, peeled and ground grain is most often used to make porridges.

Barley porridge: benefits and properties

Porridge falls into the hands of hostesses after passing through grinding and hauling, it retains the beneficial properties of barley. It contains enough fiber to normalize the digestive system. Barley porridge benefits not only the digestive tract, but also other internal organs - due to its rich in trace elements composition.

The chemical composition of barley porridge includes starchy compounds, due to which viscosity and delicate texture of porridge, amino acids and proteins, affecting saturation, are achieved. Vitamins D, A, E and B-groups affect overall health, as well as affect the health and beauty of hair, nails, teeth and skin. Calcium and iron in the composition improves the blood composition, and a significant amount of copper, phosphorus and iodine helps the metabolic processes.

The nutritional value of uncooked cereals is 352 kilocalories per 100 grams.

A large amount of selenium (three times more than in rice) is necessary for the body in each of the situations described:

1. There is a high likelihood of developing cancer;

2. Requires protection of cells from DNA mutations, ensuring normal growth and repair of cells and tissues;

3. There is a need to improve the work of the pancreas;

4. There is a need to protect the immune system and increase the body’s ability to resist;

5. Regular intake of fat-soluble vitamins;

6. It is necessary to maintain vision (with regular weakening or after surgery on the vision);

The high content of vitamins in barley porridge benefits undeniable - even if a person regularly takes a balanced vitamin complex, there are micro-and macronutrients that are digested only from food. Vitamins from pearl barley porridgewill help the metabolism, enhance metabolic processes and regulate all body systems.

The content of vitamins in pearl barley is about three times more than in any other cereals. Vitamins of group B possess beneficial effects on the nervous system and nerve endings therefore during stress, and with the threat of inflammation of the nerve endings, this porridge must be introduced into the diet.

Phosphorus helps regulate blood circulation and brain activity, and also improves the digestibility of other important elements.

A large amount of lysine - an essential amino acid - supports the performance of the heart, participates in recovery processes. If you enter into the weekly diet two or three barley porridge, the benefits to the body will be invaluable - useful substances will help prevent various diseases.

How to make pearl barrels to save benefits

You can prepare porridge in various ways - keeping the benefit and maximum number of micro and macro elements in the barley. Optimal recipe implies soaking. It is necessary to wash the cereal and pour icy water for a couple of hours - in order for the cereal to absorb water and swell. Then the water is drained, the barley is laid out in a saucepan and poured with boiling water - three glasses of boiling water will be needed for a glass of cereal (undrawn). The pot is put on the fire and cooked for an hour on low fire. To taste the pearl barley porridge is salted, and for a delicate texture add a little butter or vegetable oil.

It is possible to prepare barley faster - a glass of cereal is poured with a liter of cold water, after boiling the boiling water is gently drained and a liter of cold water is poured again and the porridge is cooked until ready. After all the liquid has evaporated, add a tablespoon of butter and leave the porridge to evaporate over the lid for a few minutes.

To make a useful side dish from barley porridge, you can add onion and carrot zazharku. Meat, sausage, sausages, fried bacon or mushrooms are also added to porridge.

Basic rules for making pearl barley

Do not cook porridge on high heat, allowing it to boil soft. The high temperature and intense boiling destroys a large amount of vitamins and microelements, besides, the dish obtained as a result of intensive boiling has a mild taste and a smooth texture.

Meat and any additives in porridge put after it is cooked.

The combination of barley porridge with honey, sugar or jam may seem unusual, but such porridge is no less tasty. Sweet porridge lovers can also add a little condensed milk to the plate.

How to choose a barley

One of the important criteria for the correct selection of pearl barley - its appearance. The hostess in the store can appreciate the cereal visually - the grains should be pleasant, golden-beige. A large number of dark patches suggests that the rules for tightness of the packaging have been violated, you cannot buy such porridge. Also in the packaging of cereals should be crumbly, you should pay attention to the fact that the grains are not stuck together - this suggests that the porridge at the second stage of processing was subjected to high humidity.

If you want to buy weighed pearl barley, you can ask to smell the porridge - the smell should be pleasant, there should be no notes of stagnant cereals or rancidity. The shelf life of porridge varies from one year to one and a half years, so you need to pay attention to the shelf life.

On sale often canned food with barley in the composition, such a mess can be used in the absence of other options. Such canned porridge should not be with a swollen or deformed jar.

The benefits and harm of barley porridge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should be responsible and attentive to everything that may affect the health and development of the fetus.

One of the main factors of a successful outcome and an adequate course of pregnancy is a proper balanced diet.

Doctors advise pregnant women to lean on fruits and vegetables, but during the winter period there are few wholesome fresh fruits, most winter vegetables and fruits are grown by artificial methods, which significantly reduces the amount of nutrients in them. Therefore, for those who experience lack of nutrients, perfect barley porridge.

The benefits of this cereal for the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy is undeniable - large amounts of potassium, calcium and phosphorus can fully meet the body’s need for these micro and macro elements.

Barley porridge benefits also by the fact that removes slags from the body - A large amount of fiber helps to mechanically clean the digestive tract, and spongy texture acts as a chemical adsorbent, removing heavy metals and harmful substances.

Doctors recommend to enter barley porridge in the daily menu of a pregnant woman in case you need raise hemoglobin - This is the best source of iron in the absence of garnets.

However, barley can be harmful. Due to the rich chemical composition Do not abuse this porridge. Also, care should be taken by people with high gastric acidity and frequent constipation.

Interesting facts about barley porridge

• Barley porridge can minimize the harm from various poisonings, including when irradiated with a large dose of radioactive substances - it is enough to make a decoction of barley and drink a glass a day.

• The barley from which this porridge is made has been grown 5,000 years ago.

• Barley was used as a measure of weight - five grains correspond to the weight of a carat. Three grains are equal to an inch.

• Avicenna in his treatises emphasized the property of barley porridge to cleanse the body and remove the effect of allergens.

• If you soak barley and barley porridge, hordecin is released - an antibiotic that helps in the fight against skin fungi.

• Barley decoction is widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of allergies, inflammation, skin diseases.

• Barley is mentioned in the Bible more than 20 times.

Pearl for weight loss: the benefits and harm

The rich chemical composition allows the use of barley porridge for weight loss - and you can arrange a few fasting dayseating one barley or sit down on a long dietby adjusting your diet.

A lot of useful vitamins in barley porridge - the use is obvious. This means that porridge can become the basis for mono-diets and various fasting days. Some recommend not to boil the barley, and soak it - in this case, barley porridge will not cause harm, but also bring more benefits than cooked.

If during the barley diet to use one barley, you can lose weight very quickly, but in this case you should not neglect the liquid and refuse water. You also need to take into account the fact that barley porridge is very high in calories, and if you eat more than two or three plates a day, you can get irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and too many calories.

There is also the softest and most gentle way to lose weight by eating pearl barley. The benefits of this method are obvious - this is not a diet as such, but rather the construction of a diet around a single product. For example, you can eat barley porridge once a day, thereby filling the need for proteins and carbohydrates, and in other meals there are vegetables and lean meat.


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