Childbirth - with or without anesthesia. Pros and cons of anesthesia.


Childbirth is a natural process, however, for many women, the approach of childbirth is accompanied by the appearance of fear of possible pain. Therefore, many of them begin to think about the issue of pain relief of childbirth, considering it to be easy and easy to give birth to an easy and simple way. But is it really? Is widespread pain relief justified?

Is anesthesia necessary during childbirth

In fact, labor pains during physiologically proceeding labor are quite tolerant, and there is no need to resort to anesthesia. Pain is the physical signals of the body about problems, a kind of warning to a woman, and if you drown it, it means to go against nature.

Therefore, all doctors in one voice say that a woman well prepared for childbirth, who consciously and responsibly approached the issues of pregnancy and birth of a baby. goes to give birth with a spouse, anesthesia is practically not required. Pain arises from fear and clamping of the body.

Muscles come in a spasm from adrenaline rush and it hurts you. Therefore, it is very important physical and psycho-prophylactic preparation for childbirth courses for pregnant women, then you will not need anesthesia.

Pain relief is indicated in the following cases:
• violations of labor (including prolonged labor);
• pain of a special type (true pain associated with the pathological course of labor);
• the birth of a large fetus;
• preterm delivery;
• preeclampsia (edema, high blood pressure, protein in the urine);
• surgical interventions.

When you can not do anesthesia during childbirth

At the same time, there are contraindications to any type of anesthesia. Do not use pain relief for:
• weak cervical dilatation. Applying pain relief at this stage can weaken or even stop generic activity;
• the presence of a scar on the uterus (it is a natural birth after cesarean section). If a woman is anesthetized in this case, then she may not notice the beginning uterine rupture along the scar, since she will not feel acute pain in this area.

To date, the most common methods of medical anesthesia are the use of pro-medol and epidural anesthesia.

The use of promedol as anesthesia during childbirth

Promedol is a synthetic drug. Its advantage is in the fact that under the influence of the drug a woman gets a short break and can even sleep a little (from half an hour to two). The disadvantages include the fact that in reality it is quite difficult to predict in advance how a particular woman will react to this medicine. It may not at all numb, but only cloud the mind.

Side Effects of Promedol:

- an allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting, lethargy. The drug can cause weakness of labor. But the main disadvantage of Promedol is that it depresses the respiratory center of the infant and plunges it into a state of sleep. And at the moment of birth, the child must be awake to take the first breath. Therefore, it is very important qualifications of doctors (obstetrician-gynecologist and anesthesiologist), who make decisions about the dose and time of administration of the drug (promedol can not be used less than two hours before the expected birth of the baby).

Non-narcotic agents (analgin, baralgin) today anesthetize women extremely rarely, as they are ineffective for intense pain. Although they have their advantages: in contrast to promedol, they do not cause misting of consciousness in mothers and respiratory depression in a child.

Epidural anesthesia (EA) during childbirth

This is a method of conductive or regional anesthesia that performs the action at the level of the sensory nerves. It blocks pain impulses that come from peripheral tissues.

For the first time its analogues were used at the beginning of the last century. Since then, the technique is constantly being improved and today the method is widely distributed in obstetric care, including for cesarean section.

How does she act? This question worries all women, I can tell by myself - I was given this manipulation in childbirth - it really helps. During epidural anesthesia, pain information flows from the pelvic floor and legs are blocked. To do this, use special medications - lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine. These substances are injected under the hard spinal sheath - hence the name of the method - "dura mater" (lat.) Means the dura mater, the prefix "epi" - means above the sheath.

The preparations envelop the roots of the spinal nerves, blocking pain information. With such a procedure, the spinal cord cannot be touched; where the puncture is made and the medicine is injected, the spinal cord itself is no longer there, and the medicine is introduced into the space between the solid membrane of the spinal cord and the surrounding tissues - just there the nerve roots pass. At the same time only sensitivity is lost - the motor parts of the nerves are not turned off. So a woman can move, all her muscles are actively reduced.

With this procedure, the woman is conscious, she can hear and see everything that happens, only she does not feel pain below the belt. If only anesthesia is required - as in natural childbirth, then medications are administered with the intent to only remove pain impulses. If a CS is performed — then full anesthesia is performed — the motor roots are blocked and temporarily immobilized and anesthetized below the belt — but mom will see your head in the mind and the first cry of your baby!

The procedure is carried out in the first stage of labor, the anesthetic pain, especially already intense, so by the time of the attempts the drugs stop and the birth occurs independently, but if the mother is seriously ill (for example, there is a heart disease), you can also anesthetize the second stage of labor.

Of course, if you really want to, the doctor will make you anesthetized, even if you wish. But remember that with anesthesia you may not always be able to feel the right signals from the body, and childbirth may not go exactly as expected. Better listen to the advice of a doctor - do you need pain relief or not? In the end - our mothers and grandmothers gave birth to us without anesthesia, and we are also capable of it.


Watch the video: Epidural Anaesthesia (July 2024).